Animagus Registry #101-120

Jul 30, 2009 23:35

#101 - ____mommacorts - Gentoo Penguin

I chose the Gentoo Penguin for my animagus for a number of reasons. The main one being that I love penguins. Penguins have always fascinated me. Let me start of by listing some information about the Gentoo Penguin. They are the largest outside of two species, the Emperor Penguin and the King Penguin. They are the fastest underwater swimming peguins. The males have a maximum weight of about 18 lbs. and a minimum weight of about 12 lbs. Females range from about 16 lbs. before moulting, and about 11 lbs. while guarding the chicks in the nest. Males can often obtain the favors of the females by offering her a nice stone, which are used for nests. They are easily recognised by the wide white stripe extending across the tops of their heads. The females' weight reminds me of myself a lot. Before I had my children, I was weighed a lot more than I do now. Since I had my children, I have actually lost weight from watching them day in and day out, a lot like the Gentoo Penguin females do. And, unfortunately, my "affection" can usually be bought with things, just like the female Gentoo's are with stones. While I don't have a white stripe on my head, I do think that I am easily recognised because of certain features of mine, mainly my ears. While their white stripe stands out, my ears stand out on me because they are, unfortunately, too large. :) The male and female Gentoo's take turns caring for their offspring, even before they have hatched. My fiance' and I take equal parts in raising our daughter's. The Gentoo find the food for their children and provide them with safety. I do the same for my kids. On the land, Gentoo Penguins have no real predators, which is very similar to me. I do not have any real enemies. There are people who aren't very fond of me, but they do not intentionally come after me. While there are probably different animals that are more similar to me, I feel that the penguin is the best choice for me, because of my love for penguins.

Cortney, Hufflepuff
July 2007

#102 - kreugan - Canadian Inuit Dog

I had an awesome list of animals to choose from, so it really says a lot that I didn’t even have to think twice in order to make my final selection. I hadn’t even considered the Canadian Inuit Dog/Eskimo Dog as an option until I saw it here, but now I can’t imagine anything that would suit me better.

The Inuit dog has a long and incredibly rich history, and has been a regular companion to explorers of both the north and south poles. I’ve always been fascinated by exploration history and exploration itself - the idea of going to new places with unlimited surprises and possibilities has always been a dream of mine. Another bit that sealed the deal for me is the fact that they don’t have any kind of defined territory; the other animals I had to choose from all moved over a wide expanse of land, certainly, but ultimately they did have a settled limit. Especially as I get older, I love being able to pack all of my belongings into one car and just take off on my own. I actually lived out of a suitcase for a while, but I got sick of wearing the same five shirts constantly.

The Inuit dog is always driven by something, be it work or food - they’re constantly ready to move, find pleasure in a hard day’s work, and seem to live from goal to goal rather than just day to day. Although I obviously enjoy leisure time and can be pretty lazy, I’m always most satisfied with life when I have something to strive for. Socially, they function flawlessly as teams and have extremely protective instincts, but at the same time they aren’t cuddly and aren’t built for the life of a pet. Like them, I’m not a fan of emotional dependence and touchy-feely interaction; I’m geared more for interactions and relationships that are solid and understood without being overstated, and although I can be blunt or cold in some circumstances, I rely on an acute set of morals and values that I would never betray. I’m not detached or mean (I’m very social and pretty much hyper), but I do take a very functional/efficient approach to relationships.

In terms of appearance, I’m not nearly as brawny and hardcore as the Inuit dog, but we do have a few things in common. They’re fluffy and friendly looking at first glance; I’m a short, cute and approachable looking girl. But underneath that, they’re actually very intense and logical animals. People who know me well know that my flakey exterior can be misleading, and people who don't know me are frequently shocked or surprised once I start talking. Finally, I thrive on cold environments and crisp air, and nothing inspires me more than mountainous northern scenery - I would be incredibly happy in the usual environment of the Inuit dog. Also, I used to love taking naps in snow drifts as a little kid, so... yup.

Kreugan, Gryffindor
July 2007

#103 - 232906 - Himalayan

The Himalayan, also called colorpoint Persian, is a breed of cat with extremely long, fluffy fur, and the blue eyes and the points of a Siamese. Himalayan is the American term, while in Europe they are referred to as colorpoint Persians.

They were bred from Siamese (for the markings) and Persians (for coat-length and temperament), and share the characteristics of both breeds. Himalayans are now considered the same breed for cat registries (CFA), (TICA) as the modern Persian show cat since they have the exact same conformation with a pointed coat.

The body of a Himalayan is white, but the points come in many different colors: blue, brown, lilac, chocolate, flame, red and cream. The points can also be tabby or tortoiseshell-patterned.

Himalayan cats, like their Persian blood-lines, are intelligent, laid-back and calm, very easygoing cats that enjoy playing. They are sweet, gentle, loyal, and a wonderful companion cat, but they are also very playful and funny, full of personality. They thrive on attention! This is a lot like me as I am extremely fun to be around. I'm not happy unless everyone else is happy. Sometimes I will make a fool out of myself on purpose just to get a laugh. I think this is also because I enjoy being the centre of attention as do Himalaya cats.

Himalayans are prone to what is refered to as "cat fits." They run through the house at breakneck speeds for no apparent reason. But that's about all they do. They don't get into trouble just for the sake of stirring things up. This is also like me as I will out of nowhere become the most hyper person alive. Many times at around 11pm when everyone else is tired I'll get a sudden burst of energy and act ridiculous.

Himalayan cats are not stupid and know how to get what they want and will do whatever necessary to get this. I am alot like this. I do not take no as an answer. I will do what I can to get what I want, almost always at any cost.

Himalayan cats are also high maintenance as their fur can tangle extremely easily and they sometimes develop eye issues. I myself am extremely high maintenance. As much as I like to pretend I'm not, I am. I will be found shopping in places that don't match my bank accounts. I will buy a Guess purse at regular price if I want to. There is no changing my mind. I like nails to be painted both feet and hands, hair to be done and colored correctly, cut to a nice style. Don't get me wrong though, I CAN be very laid back and country girl.

Nicole, Slytherin
July 2007

#104 - takatohedgehog - German Shepherd

The German Shepherd happens to be one of my favourite types of dogs.

German Shepherds are one of the most widely recognized breeds in the
world. During World war I, there were 48,000 German Shepherds 'enlisted' in the German Army, and these days they serve in many ways more than any other dog; search-and-rescue, police, army and sentry, scent discrimination and, of course, companionship. They are superb dog guides for the blind and helpers for the handicapped.

The dog is sensible and has a devout loyalty to its family, perhaps the reason why the breed is so popular. It's claimed the German Shepherd has the intelligence of a seven-year-old child. A Shepherd is willing to do anything for the person he or she loves, to the point of giving his own life. The breed adores its own family and is naturally protective of it and of the property.

German Shepherds are powerful dogs with a high level of intelligence and trainability, but as with most dogs they can become dangerous or destructive if raised improperly. With their uncommon strength, agility and strong sense of loyalty, they can be trained to attack and release on command.

This particular breed of dog and I share many of the same qualities, such as loyalty and adaptability. We are both extremely loyal to those we love and will give our lives for someone we favour if necessary. We like to keep other people company and enjoy time spent not only at work, but at home as well.

Like the Shepherd, I'm adabtable to any sort of situation and handle things in my own way, and also have a lot of strength when it comes to my personality. It takes a lot to make me cry, and even then I'm not ashamed to cry. I believe a person why cries is one of the strongest people out there.

I also care very much for people and will often find myself listening to them even when I can't offer any advice, just giving them something to bounce their rage or pain off of. I'm also on a very short leash when it comes to my temperament, as I will attack someone verbally without meaning to.

The German Shepherd is a hard-working type of dog, who likes to laze around after a good day's job, and this is so totally me.

Takato, Ravenclaw
July 2007

#105 - caketime - Northern Raven

I choose the Northern Raven , because it is an animal that encompasses traits that I wish I had and traits I have.
For one, the Northern Raven physically is an animal that I would like to look like: it is one of the biggest corvids and the feathers are a nice, deep, glossy black. I’m very small physically, but I’ve got a strong personality to match a big animal and I sorely wish I had black hair. I like being underestimated, and Ravens are in abundance, so no one would look at me twice. (The more people are surprised when I do some mischief!)
Northern Ravens have an omnivorous diet and they are very opportunistic in finding nutrition. They sometimes resort to kleptoparasitism. This is 101% me. In school (I graduated this year) I was more or less popular for liking to eat and taking whatever I found lying around! It sounds slightly more sneaky than it really was, because I didn’t STEAL food from people who would hold grudges from me. I’d playfully take it (there is a difference) and people wouldn’t feel cheated out of their food, even though I took food quite a lot.
I used to note where others put their food and I’d remember the locations so I could eventually take when in need, which surprisingly is also a trait I share with Northern Ravens. (Common Ravens watch where other Common Ravens bury their food and remember the locations of each other's food caches, so they can steal from them. This type of theft occurs so regularly that Common Ravens will fly extra distances from a food source in order to find better hiding places for food.)
Northern Raven juveniles also call other juveniles when they find a big stash of food- which is what I do. I like sharing a lot, and if I have food I usually give it away.

Another thing I share with Northern Ravens is hoarding. I like taking little things home that make no sense, little trinkets that I could assemble all together and make something stupid out of. I have a whole basket full of string, buttons, coils, beads, safety pins, foreign coins and weirder things like some piano dampers and other things.
Other things that are also typically me [source: Wikipedia]:
- Nothern Ravens also have been observed to manipulate others into doing work for them
- Juvenile birds are deeply curious about all new things
- Young birds may travel in flocks, but later mate for life, with each mated pair defending a territory. (I am a social person and I prefer relationships that last, I’ve been going out with my boyfriend for four and a half years now.)
- They have a distinctive, deep, hollow calk (I’ve got a deep voice)
- Relationships between Common Ravens are often quarrelsome, however they demonstrate considerable devotion to their families.
- Northern Ravens are very playful, which I am, too.
- Northern Ravens also prefer comfy nests (lined with softer material!), and I like having comfy beds.
Northern Ravens thrive everywhere and are very resourceful, which I am, too. I like different locations and I like seeing the rest of the world, and Common Ravens are found nearly everywhere so I could fly everywhere and be inconspicuous!
Another thing I really like is that Northern Ravens are very intelligent. I’d like to think I live up to that. ^_^; Also, Ravens are Trickster’s animals and I’m a bit mischievous (for example I just love cheating at cards, etc.,).

Mia, Ravenclaw

#106 - mihakken - Golden Jackal

The Golden Jackal, canis aureus, is an animal that tends to live in way very similar to the type of family I would want.

Mating for life, the male and female jackal will stay together with their offspring. Though some offspring will leave, others will stay to help out the ‘parents’ with the new pups. I am the type of person who, once I marry, plan to do so when I know I will remain married to that person for life. I have no desire to go from man to man and have a string of divorces behind me. Since they mate for life, they are also monogamous…another trait I share with them. I have been single since I reached adulthood, and this is because I have yet to find the right mate. In addition to this, the male and female of a Jackal pair often mock fight before they mate; again, this is something I share in common with them. Though it might be a bit too much information, I am a rather rough-and-tumble type of person, and I will aggressively, physically ‘attack’ the guy I am with…and the guys I have picked in the past have done the same in return. This will go on for a while before any actual mating occurs.

The adult mated pair work together, which is nothing less than what I would demand in a relationship. They spend a great deal of time together, and when they are separated, they will call to each other.

Neither does more work than the other, as they raise the young, hunt for food, mark their territory, and defend their land. There is no pack; only the family exists in their territory. They are territorial animals, and as stated, not only mark their territory but defend it well. I would do the same, not allowing anyone to attempt to take what is mine. I work hard when I build something for myself and my family, and no one is going to come along and simply take over.

The Golden Jackal, like me, eats an almost even mixture of meat and plants. They enjoy fruits as much as they do meat.

It is a predator, and hunts its own food. I love hunting, though I am rarely able to do it these days. It is still a part of me, and I love being able to use skill to take down animals, even if my skill is in that of a gun or bow and not in teeth and claws. I think it would be amazing to live in the skin of a Jackal for a day, to feel the power they possess in hunting.

Sometimes, a Jackal will steal food, and then bury the food so that other animals cannot take the food. That is something I would do, though I would share it with my family. Though I have not found any sources that state more specifically, I am certain that the adult mates would share such things with their young.

The Golden Jackal seems to live a rather simple life, which is definitely my preference.

Jake, Slytherin

#107 - onehoureternity - Golden Eagle

The Golden Eagle is a fierce bird of prey, found all over the world, and declining all over the world. And likewise, I think people who value the same things I do-loyalty until the end, respect, trust, etc.-are dying off as well. This isn't to say that they don't exist, I just haven't had much luck finding them.

Golden Eagles mate for life, and I hope to do the same. I value loyalty and once you've earned my trust, that's it. I trust you. But if you break it, it becomes harder to earn it back than it was to earn it in the first place. Once they have taken a mate, they build several nests (eyries) within their territory and alternate using them. I think I'd like to have something like that-maybe an apartment in NYC and a vacation home/timeshare somewhere warm.

Division of prey is used while hunting, one drives the prey to its partner, who is waiting elsewhere. Maybe I won't be using it to hunt, but I believe in splitting up tasks equally, so everyone can do what they're best at. It saves time AND energy, and everyone reaps the rewards at the end.

When the eaglets (young, use whatever term you like) are born, they are completely white and fed by the adults for 50 days, before they make their first attempts at flight and feeding on their own. I kind of equate that to elementary and middle school; I was pretty coddled then. But once I hit high school, it was like I was the older chick, the one to survive. I left the "eyrie" and had to fly on my own. Thank God I wasn't the vyounger chick-they don't get much food, and die without ever leaving the nest.

Golden Eagles are solitary birds, and I have to admit-I do like my peace and quiet. I mean, I love my friends and family to death, but I really value my alone time. Plus, like a Golden Eagle, you won't find me in large crowds or groups, like with Bald Eagles. I think the Golden Eagle is a good fit for me, because it has-or represents-traits I value, and the freedom I want, but can never seem to get.

Onehoureternity, Gryffindor
July, 2007

#108 - unseen_skies - Clouded Leopard

It is an animal of secrecy and stealth; lingering in trees for what reason seems to escape the scientists that want to study it in its natural habitat. Is this the clouded leopard or a man who goes by the name of Dave? ;)

The clouded leopard has the longest canine teeth of any living feline. It is an excellent climber as its common prey are tree-dwellers. The natural combination of its short, flexible legs, large paws, and keen claws make it a very sure-footed animal. Its tail helps to serve balance to its strong hind legs wherein this feline likes to hang upside down. It can even descend from tree trunks head-first. The debate on whether or not the animal is nocturnal is rather intriguing because it was once believed it thrived in the cover of night, but recently they’ve been observed during the day as well. Its habits make it difficult to study.

There’s beauty in unpredictability, and in the notion that just like any cat, I can stand on my own two feet despite long leaps and high bounds. I’m always striving to be the best at what I do whether it’s with my love for music or my fascination with sciences. Although for this animal, I’m constantly searching for the word vastly intelligent or smart, its sure-footedness accounts for all that. Common sense, reason and logic is always available to those who seek to use it. They are the claws to “attacking” reality. The tail that serves me balance is my unpredictability and my tendency to go head-first into projects without looking back. It gives life a sense of adventure because a philosophy I live by is that each day was not meant to be lived twice. At first glance, you’d make your judgments and assume I’m a quiet type that keeps to my own, and thrives well in the classroom. Its been said by my sister that my dark eyes, especially when hidden behind glasses, hold a sense of mystery; a streak of elite. But once I let you get to know me better, I have a protective and passionate side, and better...a humorous side. So just like this wild cat, I get to choose who I want to get to know the real me; only those I have bonded to.

The clouded leopard is an endangered species due to the deforestation of its natural Asian habitat. The clouded leopard is noted to choose its mate carefully. The scientists that are helping it to breed in captivity have quoted that its breeding is more art than science and takes great patience to achieve. I believe that love is beautiful. And that it is a very powerful subject. It is more than a feeling or emotion. It is more than a word or an art or a science to be studied. I hold it to a very high degree because those who love me have taught me to revere it even in its enormity.

In the end, the clouded leopard is very much the animal I’d transform into to run in the wild and help protect those I care for.

unseen_skies, Ravenclaw
July 2007

#109 - buttercup_03 - Alaskan Malamute

I think that the Animagus you turn into balances out your personality, but also gives you and others a reflection of your traits in animal form. The animal that I believe is most like me is the Alaskan Malamute. It is large in size which attests to its great strength. This elegant breed of dog was used to haul large amounts of weight over long distances, and sometimes even, harsh conditions.

Just like this dog, I have an affinity toward the earth and cooler temperatures. If faced with hot weather, you can't get this dog or myself away from the air conditioner. I don’t consider myself to be relatively fast just like the Malamute, but its strength is in its endurance. Just like a proud Hufflepuff, I am loyal and hard-working, and I admire those that do the same. Malamutes are intelligent dogs that take heart to their environment sometimes even defying their human master to ensure their master’s safety. They follow their instincts. I myself can be just as hard-headed. I also like learning, but on my own terms. I hate boredom with a passion. When something is routine or predictable, I tend to veer my head toward interesting subjects instead of the one I should be concentrating on. It takes a spontaneous and skilled person to train a Malamute.

The Alaskan Malamute can tend to be a more dominant dog that can be a bit aggressive when socializing with other breeds. Meanwhile, it isn’t considered to be a natural “watch-dog” type because of its usual friendly demeanor. I’m like that too in that I’m a shyer type of person, and I have a tendency to get pessimistic and suspicious of others when I’m hurt. But at the same time I can’t be willingly violent or hostile.

I love the fact that just like most dogs, they are protective and willing to fight in the face of danger. At the same time, especially after they’ve reached their adulthood, Alaskan Malamutes have an affectionate side that especially shows in their loyalty. And that trait alone is one I’m proud of the most in myself.

Nina, Hufflepuff
July 2007

#112 - newborn_doe - Chital Deer

The chital deer, also known as the spotted deer or axis deer is very similar to me.

They are often fairly tolerant of approach by humans and vehicles, especially where they are accustomed to human disturbance. This reflects my passive, non-confrontational nature. I would rather sit on the fence and observe rather than enter into any conflicts. As long as they don't harm me or annoy me, I would just let it be and do my own thing.

Chital are a tropical or subtropical species with a strong habitat preference for woodland, forests, and clearings near waterways.
Even the habitat for Chital deer is what I find most comfortable in. I usually describe my dream home being a little cottage in the forest with the basic necessities. Peaceful and serene with away from the hustle and bustle of busy humans.

Axis deer are shy and secretive. Just like me, I wouldn't share most of my life with anyone. Only those closest to me know most of my secrets, yet none know all my secrets. I am a shy person in general, not social with strangers.

They are a social species, living in small herds. Herds are led by a few dominant individuals who decide where the herd will feed and rest. Like the deer, I tend to keep to my small group of loved ones. I am a follower, never a leader. I do not have enough confidence to lead a group and make big decisions. I will follow instructions willingly if the person is a great leader who knows his/her stuff. I am not dumb enough to just follow anyone's instructions.

The Chital deer may become threatened in the future because of increased hunting and a loss of habitat caused by the need for more agricultural land to feed the growing population.
Even though its status has not been listed as vulnerable or threatened, I still find its potential extinction interesting. My studies major in Ecology, so I am interested in biodiversity and all its threats. Through my studies, I understand the potential threats on the Chital deer population and its effects on the overall community.

Whenever I think of a deer, I usually associate it with honor and peace. Peace and honor are two very important virtues to me. I live my life with the goal for looking for peace, within my self and around me. Honor, represented by the majestic horns, has always been taught by my family. It is something that is ingrained in my family teachings and consequently myself.

All of the things discussed above relates me to the Chital deer, and also let me understand the deer better. Plus my lj username relates to a deer too! ^_^

newborn_doe, Hufflepuff
September 2007

#114 - jihi_chan - Red Panda

Out of all of my choices to choose from, I feel that the red panda is best suited for my animagus form. They are very cute creatures, and that is one of the main reasons influencing my choice. However, it isn't the only reason. Let me start by telling you all some things about the red panda, and how it resembles me:

Red pandas can be found at altitudes between 3,000 and 12,000 feet in temperate forests of the Himalayan area that have dense bamboo growth. They are mainly nocturnal spending the daylight hours sleeping. Like the red panda, I find myself being able to focus more during the night time hours of the day. This is especially true for me in the summer, as I usually tend to stay up all night and sleep for most of the day since I don't have to go to school. Red pandas lead solitary lives, except for mothers with cubs. They are slow-moving on the ground but are remarkably agile in the trees. Like the red panda, I also lead a pretty solitary life compared to other people I know. Plus, I have a tendency to slowly shuffle along as I walk from place to place because I like to take my time.

Their diet mainly consists of bamboo, but they also have been known to eat acorns, roots, berries, lichens and occasionally eggs and young birds. As far as my eating habits go, I can be a pretty picky eater, myself. Most of the meals at my home consist of some form of meat and potatoes, with a few other vegetables and other things added.

Red pandas look more like raccoons than their closest relative - the giant panda. They have a bear-like body with thick russet fur. The belly and limbs are black and there are white markings on the side of the head and above the small eyes. They have thick bushy tails with light-brown rings, pointed ears and a pointed snout. And, unlike other bears, their claws are partly retractable.

They are very quiet except for some twittering and whistling communication sounds. If you knew me personally, you would find this true about me as well. Despite being outgoing toward friends and family, I am very soft-spoken. Frequently, I am reminded to speak up when I'm talking.

When threatened or if they sense danger, the red panda will often try to scamper away up into a tree or a rock column. If they can't, then they stand up on their hind legs to make themself appear more daunting, as well as allow them to have the possibility of using their sharp claws on the front of their paws to inflict damage. Generally, they are friendly creatures, but they aren't helpless; upon feeling threatened, they definitely will resist. It is this quality that I also share with the red panda. I am very friendly and nice toward others, but when I feel like I am being attacked, or if I'm threatened, then I will not be afraid to defend myself.

All in all, the red panda and I seem to share the most qualities compared to the other animals. Because of all of the things that I share with this creature, I feel that it is the best fit for my animagus form. And, to be completely honest, I wouldn't have it any other way.

jihi_chan, Hufflepuff
September 2007

#115 - ladyxmoonlight - American Pika

Finally, I have internet access! I'm so sorry about that but this is the first thing I'm doing now that I have it! <3

I've decided the American Pika best matches me as my animagus form. First and foremost, the American Pika is a cousin to the rabbit family and I greatly identify with that. American Pikas are also very small, much like me. They are tiny and I find them adorable...and hey, I'm adorable. I can’t fully explain it but when looking at pictures of the American Pika, it just called to me.

Like me, the American Pika loves the cold fact, if the weather gets below 23°C (75°F) the American Pika will easily die. That is about where my tolerance for the heat ends and I start getting lightheaded and sick, I just can’t stand the heat. While they live on the ground, they live high and often above tree level. I found this interesting and definitely fitting because I identify with both earth and air elements.

I find it interesting that though the American Pika is very tiny, it has a loud call and they’re very vocal animals. The American Pike uses its call as a warning alarm or as mating calls, yelling or singing. People have mistaken the American Pika’s call for a much larger animal’s many times! I’m rather extroverted, talkative and loud so the raucous call of the American Pika is very fitting.

Most importantly, I think, is the American Pika’s loyalty. American Pikas will work together when a larger animal attacks. The animal will chase the American Pika and when the American Pika gets tired, another will step between the two and the larger animal will then chase that American Pika until the larger animal tires itself out. This shows a great deal of loyalty and the willingness to face death for someone. That’s very important to me. I’m a Hufflepuff so loyalty is the most important thing in the world to me. I think the American Pika shows extreme loyalty, something which I greatly admire and pride myself on.

As an American Pika animagi, it would be fun to all of the sudden transform in the middle of class and run under people’s feet. I think a lot of people would scream and jump up on tables because running and at a distance, I could see easily being mistaken for a mouse. I think it’d also be fun to climb up someone’s back and into their hair, squeaking randomly and watch people trying to figure out what is going on and where the sound is coming from. I’d be high and able to view everything but I’d be hidden enough so I could cause some trouble while I’m at it. I think people would warm up to the adorable American Pika and I’d easily be able to make my friends smile by curling up ontop of them and snuggling in.

Bunny, Hufflepuff
September 2007

#116 - geni91782 - Kookaburra

Of my choices, I decided to go with the exuberant Kookaburra. I had heard of it before because of my love for everything Australia. I even know the words to it's popular song (laugh, Kookaburra!). But I didn't really know a lot about it beyond the basics. I did some investigating and, the more I looked, the more I realized we were a perfect match! First of all, the Kookaburra is, obviously, a bird. Being able to fly in my animagus form would be absolutely amazing! I can imagine soaring through the sky, the wind gliding over me... It would be like an out of body experience.

Second of all, I am a warm weather kind of girl and so is the Kookaburra. As I mentioned, they're from Australia and it's most definitely warm there! I'd probably break from Kookaburra tradition of not going around water to go to the beaches, but I would definitely be happy about that warm weather!

Third of all, Kookaburras are kind of like me. They are private animals, but they can be very social, as well. Some of them will even fly up to humans to take a piece of food. I'm like that, as well... private most of the time, but I can most definitely be social! And let's not forget to mention that the Kookaburra is a carnivore. I absolutely detest vegetables. I will not eat them... I won't even entertain the idea of eating them. I'm a very meat and potatoes kind of gal... very carnivorious.

I've lost count of my points (heh), but another thing that I like about having a Kookaburra animagus would be it's small size and the fact that it's a fairly recognizable bird. That would make hiding in plain sight very easy, even if I were in a place where Kookaburras aren't really popular. After all, no one really tends to notice a small brown bird! Ahh, the mischief I could get into.

But the main and final thing about the Kookaburra that I think makes it my perfect animagus is it's distinctive call. The Kookaburra's call sounds like loud human laughter. I love to laugh, so this would be perfect! The fact that it varies from "good natured merriment to maniacal cackling" from species to species just makes it all the better. All that being said, I think the Kookaburra would be my ideal animagus.

Kerri, Gryffindor
September 2007

#117 - cheredemoiselle - Egyptian Cobra

Of the four choices I was given, the Egyptian Cobra, also known as an asp, seems to be the most logical choice. I was first drawn to this animal in my Performing Shakespeare class--a true wonder! In Antony and Cleopatra, Cleopatra is referred to as the goddess Isis and kills herself with an asp. For those unfamiliar with Egyptian mythology, this means little. To me, it means the world.

The goddess Isis created the first asp to learn the true name of Ra, the sun god, so she and her husband Osiris could take over rule of Egypt. She made the asp to strike Ra and refused to heal him of the poison until he told her his name (meaning that Ra could never live or rule on Earth again). So as not to die, he told her, and she kept her promise to save him. This and the play tie both the Isis and asp connections to Cleopatra, my favorite Pharoahess of Egypt.

In truth, I am quite like an Egyptian Cobra. I prefer to be nocturnal but will be diurnal when I have to (like the cobra in the wild vs. captivity, respectively). We both are dangerously protective of our homes and families. While we are generally docile creatures, we will not hesitate to strike at someone who provokes us. Asps and I love grassy knolls but also enjoy the pleasures of the indoors if given the chance. Climbing trees is another of our specialties...although I have yet to climb a tree to eat eggs in a nest.

I like the idea of being a predator. As myself, I sometimes let people take advantage of me. Truly, though, how many people are willing to take on such a ferocious-looking creature as an asp? You be the judge.

Amber, Hufflepuff
September 2007

#118 - angeljuggalette - Golden Retriever

I choose the Golden Retriever as my animagus form because I feel that I relate very well to some of the major traits of a Golden Retriever. Also being a dog lover makes this perfect animagus form for me.

A Golden Retriever is naturally friendly. I am very friendly person. I can talk to just about anyone. I am one those people that carry on conversation with random people at the grocery store or mall. I am just a generally friendly person. Which also comes in very handy with my job at Center for Developmental Disabilities.

Golden Retrievers are often well bonded to their family and will protect them when necessary. This statement describes me perfectly. I came from a very large but close family. I also married into a very closely bonded family. My mom, sister and I are extremely close even though we live a couple hours apart. I talk to my mom just about every day. Me and my sister are more than siblings we are friends. I am also very protective of my family and friends. I will do anything for my family and friends just so that don’t get hurt or feel pain.

A Golden Retriever also has a willingness to learn. I love to learn new things. I am one those people who loved school and college. I would be “professional college student” if money was such an issue. I would love to take every class offered at my college. But as of next semester I will have taken every class offered in my major of Psychology even though it was not required. I am also interested in learning things outside of school. I also ask lots of questions at work because I want to know the best way to serve to the people I care for. I am always looking for new information on infertility and pregnancy, since it is one the major issues I am facing in my life right now. I am always reading and learning as much as I can, in hopes of overcoming my PCOS.

Golden Retrievers are eager to please. This is one key trait which isn’t so good for me. I am like to please. I will go out of my way to please others which isn’t really a good thing to do but I do.

Golden Retrievers need to be around people to be happy. I am very much like this. I hate to be alone. I would prefer to be around people all the time. The only time I had to live by myself was my junior year in dorms and I hated it. I never want to be alone again. Good thing I am married, huh? *smile*

Lastly I just wanted to thank everyone at the Animagus Community for voting on my application even though I messed up the coding and my pictures didn’t show up.

Charlotte, Hufflepuff
September 2007

#119 - xerox_kitty - Ocelot

I can not begin to express how thrilled I am that someone suggested that my animagus form should be an Ocelot! It suits me perfectly, and hopefully you'll agree from my reasons why.

The Ocelot loves to spend many hours on her own, only occasionally accepting the quiet company of others if they are willing to lie around without causing a ruckus. Likewise I find the company of others can often be extremely irritating and would rather find solace on my own. I would be much happier if I could work in peace & quiet without the inane chatter of many of my colledagues. Although, like the Ocelot there are occasions when I'll be happy to be around others, so long as they aren't too disruptive. She can't be bothered with the opposite sex (unless it is to mate) and I couldn't agree more! Men are far too troublesome! Like the Ocelot I still can't live without some attention from the opposite sex, but they just make our lives complicated and we're better off without them... Well, most of the time.

She's a fierce little wild cat that can protect her precious home territory, and I admire that quality. To protect your home is to protect your place in the world. Although I do not fight with tooth & claw, I too am fighting to protect my place in this world; to slug out many long hard hours at work in order to financially keep my home and put food on the table. Should anything or anyone threaten the people that I love I'm more than willing to cut them with my sharp words, but am also capable of fiercely pouncing on them just to protect my loved ones.

A lot like the Ocelot I too look deceptively exotic despite my smaller stature. At a slight five-foot five in height there are many others who tower above me, and my elaborately coloured tattoos & bleach-blonde hair make me stand out compared to all the other 'cats' my size. The Ocelot is much smaller than her cousin the Jaguar, but retains the same beautiful elaborate patterns in her pelt that once made her a popular target for hunters. Her exceptionally beautiful patterned fur draws attention away from her true personality, deceiving others that she is a much larger cat! In a similar way my feircely bright colouring fools others into thinking I am a much more gregarious and outgoing person in nature. In reality we are both creatures who would prefer a quiet life in the safety & comfort of our home.

We are both small wild cats who like to fend for ourselves, fighting off society and the rest of the world. Yet our diminuative stature can make us appear inoffensive and even cute, making others want to get close to us. The Ocelot has been known to become a domesticated animal, but it takes a lot of time and effort to draw her away from her feirce independence. We are both capable of being tamed by people who love us and will treat us with love & respect.

xerox_kitty, Hufflepuff
September 2007

#120 - miss_ophiucha - Golden Orb-Weaver

Haha! I bet you all thought I was going to choose the tiger rattlesnake from my four options - as I am a well-known ophiophiliac. Well, after analyzing the four choices - it was very obvious to me that I had to choose the Golden orb-weaver.

The first thing that my God (Wikipedia) told me of great interest was that the females were five times as large as the males. While I would not call myself a feminist, I would call myself extremely matriarchal. Reading lines such as these made me quite inclined to choose this creature. Later on, it told me of the slight potency of its bite - not deadly to humans, nothing more than a nuisance really, however it is something that would serve potentially useful against other creatures of less large and complex builds as humans (a.k.a. prey). Finally, there are its intricate webs - and as much fun as rattling at people is; I would much rather be a nuisance who makes blindingly shiny webs that people probably walk into and have seizure-like reactions to than a fairly safe serpent. These webs are quite interesting, considering their patterns, thickness, and color - and they make the entire thing seem quite a bit more entertaining.

I find the spider itself gorgeous, and as an insect - I could easily use this to my advantage. While I do like to be neutral, odds are in all dilemmas I will be forced to choose a side - in which case being an arachnid would be quite useful. Consider, for an instant, the usefulness of spying when you are hardly visible in most conditions (not to mention you can literally lower yourself further into a conversation with one's web). The only malefactor is, of course, one would be very susceptible to being crushed - this is where being an animagus becomes handy, if my life was ever in real danger, I could just switch back into a human.

There are other small factors, such as the fact that one of Orion was called Nephila (which is not only an awesome myth/constellation; but I also love the use of Greek here) and the cultural reference to Twelve Monkeys (one of my new favorite movies - it was pretty brilliant). But that is quite unimportant, more for my own amusement than anything else. Anyway, the point is that I really find this spider to be fascinating and the best of the four options I had - I quite like the idea of building webs and scaring the hell out of people (not to mention certain anatomical triads that the males seem to have amuse me to no end what-so-ever) and would much adore to become an official animagus of this animal.

Alexandra, Ravenclaw
Date Unknown

001-080 | 081-100 | 101-120 | 121-140 | 141-160 | 161-180
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#103, #108, #101, #119, #109, #117, #115, registry, #104, #120, #107, #112, #102, #116, #106, #114, #118, #105

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