Animagus Registry #241-260

Aug 17, 2009 19:50

#241 - valkyrie_lisa - North American Cougar

When I saw that two of my options were the Cougar (known in my geographic region as the Mountain Lion) and the Bobcat, I knew I had a tough decision to make. Both animals appeal to me, and both are common in my state. In the end, I chose the Cougar, and specifically the North American Cougar.

Cougars are usually tawny in color, roughly the color of my own hair. They also have large hind legs, a characteristic that I share. Cougars are large but lack some of the muscle of other large cats. I myself am rather chubby and have some muscle but not a lot.

Cougars are very solitary animals, another attribute I share. They avoid humans when possible, something I’m often guilty of. They adapt well to different habitats, often living in forest (where I’d like to live) but also living in deserts (where I do live).

The diet of cougars is wide-ranging, including food as small as insects and as large as moose. I myself don’t like to restrict my diet, and I’m always open to trying new foods. Cougars are ambush predators, and I generally work the same way, though I hope you’ll excuse me if I don’t want to give away all my secrets. Suffice it to say that I find it beneficial at times to keep my motives to myself.

Cougar mothers raise their children on their own. Though I fully expect my husband to help out when we have children, I do intend and desire to do most of the work myself. I just prefer to have things done my way. When cougar kittens are mature enough to leave the den, the mother forces them to leave and find their own territory. That fits well with my own philosophy. Though I will always be available to my children, I want them to be independent and I hope to raise them well enough that they won’t rely on me when they are adults.

I think, overall, the Cougar is a good choice for my Animagus form. We share many attributes, and I’ve always felt a fondness for them. I would be proud to represent the North American Cougar in the Wizarding world.

Lisa, Slytherin

#242 - dani_ha - Japanese Weasel

All four choices for my animagus were absolutely incredible, and I had such a hard time choosing. In the end, I narrowed it down to the Belgian Shepherd dog and the Japanese Weasel. After running it by a few livejournal friends, the result is the Japanese Weasel!

I found a news article entitled Cuteness belies killers' true nature, written about the Japanese Weasel and other species in the same family. That title expresses everything I could ever write. On the outside, I look innocent, cute, and I'm all about teh bunnehs. But when I decide to open and show my true nature - no one really expects it. :)

If I had one superpower, it would be invisibility. But with an animagus being a weasel, I wouldn't even have to worry about that. A weasel can pop up and disappear within the blink of an eye. I can sneak into small spaces, spy on people if I feel like it, and overhear conversations that I'm not suppose to.

Also being a small animal, if I wanted to just get away from human contact for a while there would never be a problem, although I might spend way too much time under a couch.

As it so happens, (I think…I could be wrong) Slytherins have a monopoly over the weasel-like family, including ferrets and minks. As I am no doubt a Slytherin, it just further proves that this is the right choice for me. All in all, I believe a Japanese Weasel would be a perfect match for me. They are inquisitive, a bit sneaky, look innocent, but can be quite ferocious.

Danielle, Slytherin

#244 - malfoymercy - Persian Leopard

Of the available choices, the Persian Leopard is the one that immediately caught my attention. This rare and endangered animal has several attributes in which I feel I connect with.

First of all the habitat in which it lives is usually remote and mountainous areas including dry desolate deserts to lush forests and snowy mountains. While I might like to go to the beach occasionally, I would rather be somewhere secluded and away. Also a benefit of this is that there are usually no large open bodies of water around. As I am not a terribly big fan of large bodies of water, this would be perfect for me.

To further its versatile nature, the Persian Leopard has been known to retreat up into high tree branches to avoid direct aggression from other larger carnivores. This is not cowardice, its intelligence and survival. The Leopard knows when to retreat from something just as well as I do. Leopards have also been known to take out smaller competitors to get them out of the way. I feel that even as merciless as this sounds, its only logical. Survival of the fittest and all that jazz. While I don't normally 'take out' my competitors I AM on the other hand, one who perseveres. When I put my mind to doing something no one and nothing is likely to stop me from completing it.

Cleverness & Deviousness. These are two traits that I feel relate both to the Leopard and to myself. Leopards have been known to ambush prey and jump down from high tree branches or leap over bush and surprise them. They also prefer to have their footing secure before they launch their attack (as does any large cat). This shows prime examples of being both clever and devious. In relation to me, I like to be well informed rather than rush into things. The Leopard seems to be the same as they like to avoid danger if possible while still achieving their goal whatever it might be. As for being devious, just like the Leopard waits for its prey to walk under the tree until it pounces, I am a bit devious myself. While understandably not exactly like the Leopard, I like to wait until things come to me. Its kind of a theory, why run around and go crazy while I can wait patiently for something that I know will unquestionably make its way to me. While this might seem lazy its really not. All one has to do is line up the proper set of actions or events, get what one wants in the end.

Leopards are generally most active from sunset to sunrise, though have been known to be very active during the day occasionally. The same can be said with me. I am a creature of the night (lol), I would rather be awake while everyone else is sleeping. Its a change in scenery and very peaceful at the same time. Also I am usually in a much, much better mood at night, more friendly as well.

Physically the Persian Leopard appeals to my senses. They are sleek and sharp looking while also being very strong at the same time. There are many other traits that I feel I have in common with the Persian Leopard, as I think I would with really any kind of leopard/panther, large cat. Their comfortableness in their own skin, strength, and predatory/intimidating nature greatly relate to me in a lot of ways.

Becky, Slytherin

#246 - supremacy_born - Melanistic Jaguar (Black Panther)

I have always felt myself connected to all manner of felines, big cats in particular. I am carnivorous by nature in a very literal sense because I enjoy meat very much, I can often be lazy and sleep for long periods of time, and I tend to be wary of strangers. My best asset is my drive and my strong determination to get my way, no matter what. Therefore, when presented with the choice of becoming a Melanistic Jaguar (Black Panther), I knew without a doubt that this would be the animal for me. Jaguars as a species are fierce and dangerous hunters who are also loners by nature, same as me. However, not only do I find myself connecting with the personality, agility and strengths of a jaguar - it has also been pointed out that there is certain resemblance in my appearance to this dangerous creature as well. The voter maaike pointed this out in her vote:

I truly was not until your photo that I'd thought of it. You looked so mysterious with your face in the shade, your posture long and sleek that I immediately thought A BLACK PANTHER!

I was very flattered by this comment and yet simultaneously I can understand and feel the connection in my appearance between me and this great predator. Furthermore, the jaguar is known to be a lone stalker, walking down forest paths and listening to their prey before attacking in ambush:

The jaguar attacks from cover and usually from a target's blind spot with a quick pounce; the species' ambushing abilities are considered nearly peerless in the animal kingdom by both indigenous people and field researchers. - Wikipedia, on Jaguars

This particular strategy appeals to me because it shows a certain development and intelligence in tactical approach, showing that the jaguar does not simply rely on brutal strength in order to outsmart his prey - he uses his instincts and smarts. This is something I can certainly relate to because I am far more inclined to use my intelligence in order to get my way instead of physical strength.

In my black jaguar animagus form, I believe I would have the freedom and strength to truly explore all the facets of my nature, to use my agility, my will and determination to get my way, to see things I would never be able to see in my human form, to hunt, stalk and enjoy the kill and the lasting sense of satisfaction afterwards. I am convinced that the black jaguar is the perfect animagus form for me and I would use it with pride, and extreme pleasure.

Eve, Slytherin

#247 - ladylucius - Northern River Otter

The animagus form I would like to choose is the Northern River Otter. I have felt a very strong connection with this creature since the first time I saw one. I adore swimming, and my love for water knows no bounds, so I definitely need a form that likes to swim. The otter spends about 12 hours a day in the water, which is perfect.

Despite my love of water, I definitely value adaptability. SO, I wouldn’t want something that was only for the water. These otters actually live in dens on river banks. They are very fast on land, which means I wouldn’t be stuck only in the water.

It is also important to me to be able to defend myself, and Otters are excellent hunters. They are not just “sitting ducks” as the saying goes.

They have an extremely playful nature, which is similar to my own. They also tend to travel in packs, and that suits my social nature well. They are highly intelligent, and I definitely value that. The otter just fits. Plus they are cute, and I am cute… haha :)

Jacque, Slytherin

#248 - andromeda0604 - Northern Flying Squirrel

The Northern Flying Squirrel is me in a nutshell (pardon the pun). I am the kind of person who is likes adventure with a certain amount of safety. This is their whole way of life.

This squirrel seems to be my kindred spirit. We are both communal animals with the tendency to change mates at least once a year! We are monogamous while we are with a mate.

We both fly happily loving the wind in our face(well I would if I actually flew, do roller coasters count?), but we have to land as soon as possible. I have a certain comfort in being able to hold on to things and have some kind of control of my bearings. They glide from a tree, but they have to know for sure they can grab a hold to another one before they take the leap. I like to fly in airplanes, but I have to be able to feel stable. My feet and hands have to grasp something or apply some sort of pressure to be comfortable.

We are both nocturnal by nature, although, I am forced by the man to have a job in the daytime. The fact that I am visually stunted and I can't see very well at night is the only reason I am glad that I don't work at night. I enjoy the quiet the night brings, the sounds of crickets and other bugs soothe me. I love looking at the moon and the stars. We both get little sleep as they don't hibernate in the winter and I am too hyper to sleep until I am drop dead tired.

Squirrels tend to be very erratic creatures by nature, so am I. I should probably be on some sort of calming draught or tea. I am very indecisive about things and I am also conflicted. They tend to panic when on the ground and approached by a vehicle. I panic when a vehicle gets too close as well (lol). I guess some of this craziness is needed to be a survivor.

Evading predators is a specialty of ours. I try my best to avoid any potential hazards or hazardous people. I prepare for the worst in every situation. They never land on a tree with out quickly maneuvering so that they can see if a predator is following. Being watchful as well as mindful keeps us alive. Also, we both like mushrooms and nuts, and we are both from North America!

In conclusion, I feel this is the perfect animal choice for me. I hope I have conveyed my reasoning without causing immense pain.

Andromeda, Hufflepuff

#249 - slytherati - Black Fox

For my animagus form, I have chosen the Black Fox (Vulpes vulpes fulva).

As I said in my application, I have always been drawn to foxes as an animal. When patronuses were first introduced in the books, I immediately decided that mine would have to be a fox. I am attracted to their playfulness, independence, and swift, efficient movements. In folklore, the fox has the reputation as a cunning trickster and are portrayed as quite witty. These are qualities that I like to think that I possess, and try to cultivate in my personality. In stories, foxes usually have a way with words as well, and I am a playful person who enjoys word games, puns, and clever plays on language. An early influence on my love for foxes is Antoine de Saint Exupéry's The Little Prince where a fox is clever and experienced enough to explain to the prince what the true meaning of love and friendship is.

Physically, I identify with the red fox species specifically because they are described as the largest of the fox species, and I feel like that correlates to myself as a tall person. The black coloring suits me, because I am dark haired myself, and the coloring is rare - vanity allows me to think of myself as rare as well.

Overall, I think that the Black American fox fits me very well and I am pleased to have it as my animagus form.

Sara, Slytherin

#250 - jessilestrange - Greyhound

Of the four choices I was handed: the Red Panda, the Greyhound, the Dingo and the Cocker Spaniel; it took a lot of Google image-ing and Wikipedia reference-searching to decide for myself that the Greyhound would be the way to go.

At first I thought it was the worst animal for me to choose, since out of the gorgeous Dingo and the adorable Red Panda, the only thing I really knew about it was its reknowned speed. Me and speed, I'd already decided, do not go hand in hand. But then a voter pointed out something that made me reconsider:

The Greyhound is an affectionate, loyal and laid back dog that is known for it's speed. This made me think of your love of travel. On the other hand you mentioned lounging in the morning, and the Greyhound is known for being something of a couch potato despite being known for running.

A form that lets me get to places quickly was a point I expressed that I wanted over everything else. A slow animal wouldn't be of any use to me since I'd use it primarily to travel, one of my big ambitions, so when I read that and brushed up on my own knowledge of the Greyhound afterward, I felt that the Greyhound would be the perfect match for me. Affectionate and loyal. Loyalty is a trait I admire and think of highly whilst I have my own affectionate moments when I'm out with friends and my boyfriend.

Another important point to note is that Greyhounds are pack-oriented dogs. Dogs are my favourite out of the whole animal kingdom because of the pack-factor. I remember writing in my application that I felt I had a 'connection' with dogs because of when I used to own one as a pet. About the Greyhound, I read that owners and adoption groups generally refer to that particular species as 'great pets' since they adjust to humans quickly and adopt them into their pack as the alpha, which appeals to me too in a way. I find it endearing when dogs demand their owner's attention and feel comfortable surrounded by people because of the comfort I get from being in numbers, just like the Greyhound.

What I also can't forget to mention is that, like a dog (lol), I tend to be up for games. I'm lazy, but even I have my moments where I feel like running around and burning off energy - something I forgot to mention in my app. I have the mindset of a six year old at best, so really, a game of tug-and-war wouldn't be above me in any sense of the word.

The lack of an undercoat, coupled with a general lack of body fat, also makes greyhounds more susceptible to extreme temperatures, and most sources recommend that greyhounds be housed inside - simplified, what this means is that a Greyhound is as fussy about the temperature as I am. And another quote that I thought applied to me as much as the Greyhound was that the species have been jokingly referred to as "Forty-five mile per hour couch potatoes". This, coupled with the Greyhound's laid-back, reserved temperment, leads me to believe that it would be the perfect Animagi form for me to choose.

Where's the fun in dragging it out? Since I've already got my second opinions from the voters and their elaborations on why, along with my own research, my choice is pretty solid now.

Jessi, Gryffindor

#251 - senbonzakura77 - Daurian Jackdaw

While I must admit I was originally hoping to become a bird Animagi, I’m quite shocked by how closely my traits and values are to those of the Daurian Jackdaw.

Mythology ties the crow to a dual nature - while it is often seen as an omen of bad fortune and death, there is still filial piety and a striking intelligence which separates them from other species of birds. Though I am no distinct omen of misfortune or an Albert Einstein, I similarly have different sides to my own personality. At times, I may become a frigid iceheart, with little emotion or compassion for others. And yet, there’s also extreme loyalty to and caring for those I care for and who have earned my trust.

The Ingoldsby Legends (1837) contains a poem named The Jackdaw of Rheims, which is about a jackdaw who steals a cardinal's ring and is made a saint.

As I was searching through Wikipedia articles and other encyclopedias for more information, I came across that interesting bit of literature. While I must say that I’m not fond of stealing, it rather sounds like the sort of adventure I love reading about and would probably find myself in. Sticky situations seem to enjoy surrounding me at times! Yet, like the jackdaw of Rheims, I’m lucky enough to have the skill to work my way out of them and come out for the better.

And while my second choice, the Japanese Bobtail, is filled with a lithe grace and agility, they do not have the freedom to roam the world as a bird might. Freedom of movement and the ability to explore my surroundings is something I very highly value - I always enjoy the opportunity for a new experience and (metaphorically) spread my wings. Though I do not like traveling incessantly, a change of scenery is always nice and helps keep boredom from setting in.

Mary, Ravenclaw

#253 - hecticity - Fennec Fox

My choice is the Fennec Fox.

Although I had no idea what kind of Animagus I would like, I find that I am instinctively drawn to a fox over the other choices, because they are generally known for being clever, and I place a very high value on intelligence. I particularly like the fennec fox for being the smallest fox (at least according to one of the sources I found) but for being highly adapted to its surroundings, which is appropriate; I am not imposing or intimidating, just good at getting what I want from the resources that are available. Although I said that I prefer cool days, I am nowhere near an arctic animal - the fox lives in the desert, but it is active at night (the coolest time in the desert) and good at keeping itself cool even in the heat of the day. And although it has a sand colored coat to blend in with its surroundings (a quality that I value highly in an Animagus form), it is not even close to plain, with its uniquely large ears - not only endearingly quirky looking, but sensitive enough to allow the fox to hear insects walking on the sand. This reminds me of a trait of mine that I didn't even mention in my application - that I tend to see/hear things coming a long ways away, and notice small things that are largely missed by others around me while they're concentrating on the larger details (or larger prey, to follow the analogy).

Perhaps the thing that I find the most appealing about this fox is that it is personable enough to be kept as a pet, but is never considered to be truly 'tamed'. I can generally get along with anyone, even if I don't like them, simply because it's more peaceful to go through life without dealing with people who actively dislike you - but the image that I project will always be just that, an image, and I will always be myself, no matter what anyone else thinks. I can also appreciate the fact that the fox has a taste for freedom and a talent for escaping - as a pet, it is known for being able to slip out of its owners hands and get away easily, and it can also jump to four times its height to evade any pursuers. Last but not least, it has teeth and claws - although the claws are hidden by the thick fur on its feet, fur which serves to allow it to walk on desert sand, but also (in my mind) represents keeping its claws almost sheathed, only dangerous to those who manage to get close enough to be a significant threat.

This animal also suits me socially, too. They live underground in small communities inhabited by approximately ten individuals; I tend to have few very close friends, and very few of them are overly social, either. During mating season, the fennec fox is aggressive and competitive; while I'm not necessarily that way in relationships (although I'm not passive or easy to live with, either), I can become aggressive in matters that are extremely important to me. They are also opportunistic, in their eating habits and their attempts to break out of captivity - a trait that I am quite pleased to share with them. I have a talent for recognizing opportunities, and I often take them, if I gauge them to be as good as they appear.

Lastly, all of the differences between myself and the fox seem like they would be extremely useful in an Animagus form. For example, the fox's night eyes and excellent hearing would serve me well in a nighttime situation, when my human senses wouldn't help me much. Finally, I just think it's beautiful and adorable, and I would be proud to take its form. :)

Annalisa, Slytherin

#254 - trivalent - Peruvian Jaguar

The Peruvian Jaguar is the skin I can most naturally slip into. The powerful sturdy but smooth build makes it able to get around in its environment in every manner except flying, a trait I like, as I am thus not limited to the ground. I enjoy swimming and climbing trees, even going up mountains, all of which the jaguar can do. The dark rosettes on the medium background help it blend in, while the choice of crepuscular hunting (nocturnal but peaking at dawn and dusk), combined with its silent walk make it 'nearly peerless' at ambushing prey. I too like walking silently in the forest, so that the animals go about their affairs ignoring or not noticing my presence.

Able to kill in a multitude of ways, the jaguar still hunts intelligently - instantly delivering a fatal blow with a bite between the ears or breaking the spine and paralyzing its victim. The jaguar's bite is the strongest of any cat. I 'kill' with my mouth in a different way - in arguments and debates but using well targeted logic. And no location is safe. The jaguar can hunt in water, drag a large creature a fair distance, horizontally or vertically, scoop a turtle out of its shell, and on smaller prey even crush its skull with a swipe of the paw. Further, the jaguar is a very successful hunter, whereas the tiger is only successful 5% of the time. These show the devious nature I valued in my animagus and successful ingenuity and strength.

Jaguars are generally the third largest feline, the Peruvian jaguar is the largest jaguar - as it is from the farthest south - and rivals some tigers in size. The shape and pattern is sleeker than a tiger, with rosettes instead of stripes, differing limb structure, and lacking the white fringe tigers have. The look of a jaguar fits me better, as well as the above skills. Both tigers and jaguars can swim well, but it was only the jaguar mentioned specifically hunting in it.

The idea of a strong feline predator also fits because they solve intra- and inter-species problems with few physical fights while still being possessive and protective. I have the ability to fight, but I prefer subtler approaches if I can. When the jaguar lives with the cougar, the jaguar is dominant, and the cougar switches to hunt smaller prey. This result from every record of the two living together shows that the jaguar ties its bravery in with its brain, and those around recognize its strength.

And the jaguar is adaptable and has evolved to fit its kingdom. Its size and hunting habits adjust to its exact habitat, and it can eat 87 species, going for what is easiest available. The jaguar can be found on plains or up in the mountains. However, it prefers the rain forest and living near water. I too can live in almost any environment, though I prefer being near trees and natural sources of water.

The general solitary nature of the jaguar fits my preference for large amounts of private time. The jaguar socializes the same way, usually only with its own (family and mate). We are two of a kind - one human, one feline.

Silyara, Slytherin

#255 - planetgal471 - Mustang

I am really confident that this is the right animagus form for me, partly because I can hardly wait to write this essay. I'm just exhilarated at the prospect.

In considering my appeal, I asked my husband what animal he thought I would be. He said he would not pick a horse because I do not have a herd mentality. With all respect to him, I think he's wrong. I think I very much broadcast the image of being independent and elusive, but I still travel in a herd. I don't like to break off on my own. As soon as I got to HiH I found a herd to fit into, and that herd has defined my experience here at HiH. Nevertheless, the fact that I cast an image of being wild ,untamed and independent, is very like the mustang. This is an animal that is small, compact, strong and hardy. Once a friend said of me, "our Jess is stronger than she looks." He meant emotionally, as I was going through a rough time, but I knew he was right. I really am hardy and wild, even though 'ferral' might really be a better word for it-- I certainly love people and organization within the ranks (aka herds), but if you try to contain me or break me or fence me in, you'll find you have far more on your hands that you can handle. It's a sort of fury I can't control.

Lastly, I have always passionately loved the American West. My dad was raised in a ranch in Montana, and I always dreamed of moving back there. He's since sold the ranch, but I've spend a great deal of time in Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado, and a bit of time in Idaho. I feel most at home in the mountains, as if I am closer to the sky. Even on the endless, grassy plains of Wyoming, you feel closer to the sky somehow, as if you could simply reach out and touch the clouds. It's always been my lifelong dream to move out west and live the rest of my life there. I've written extensively about the west, and I consider the landscape my muse. I am thrilled to have an animagus form that is reminiscent of the lonely plain, its endless wind, and its untamed spirit.

Jess, Gryffindor

#256 - cashdogg827 - Beagle

As tempting as it was to be a squirrel that flies, I am picking a beagle as my animagus form. I absolutely love dogs of any kind (smaller ones in particular) so it's kind of a no brainer for me to decide this.

Ever since I've been a little girl, I've been a huge fan of the comic strip "Peanuts" by Charles Schulz and immediately thought of Snoopy when I saw beagle. I think that other than a dachshund, which is the type of dog I have grown up with, I think that a beagle is perfect for me. They are small dogs in stature and size, and are described to be neither aggressive or timid. I feel that this describes me as well, as I am small in stature and am not really aggressive or timid. Beagles are initially standoffish with strangers but are easily won over. This is me. When I meet new people, I am quiet but polite towards them until I come to know who they are as people. I am quite easily won over if someone reveals that they have a similar interest as me and let them know that they are my new best friend.

Beagles are known to have separation anxiety, which I have, in a way. When I was in kindergarten I decided that I did not want to go to school and leave my mom and would cry almost every morning when the bus came to pick me up. It was strange because I had no problem in nursery school or pre-kindergarten. More recently, I decided to stay in state to go to college rather than go to New York to my top choice school. I wanted to stay home with my family and commute because I felt that I, like my brother, would never come home again for more than a couple of weeks at a time.

I am thoroughly happy with my selection and am happy to be here :D

Liza, Ravenclaw

#257 - scarletladyy - Chow Chow

The Chow Chow is an animal that much prefers the cool and indoors as preferred the heat and the outdoors. I, myself, have always hated the warm weather and have been known to stay indoors all summertime due to it! The Chow Chow does the same, obviously knowing just as well as I do how annoying it is! Chow Chows are quiet and refined creatures, and I have always been extremely quiet [which lead to my mental illness some believe]. They never initiate trouble, and it is near damn impossible that these days you will see me be in the centre of trouble, let alone creat it, as I like to keep to myself and mind my own business.

One of the things that makes the Chow Chow unique is his sense of loyalty and devotion to it's owners, and you will never find a more loyal person than me - it is one best traits a person [and canine!] can have, something I respect above all else. They are well known for being clean and not needing much exercise, and that is reflected in that I hate, hate, hate being dirty [even as a child, you would never find me in mud and I was always the one to cry whenever I touched paper mache!]. As for exercise, i've never much needed it, nor gotten into it over the years.

Chows love to attach themselves to just one owner, or one family, and that is similar to me in that if I had the choice, i'd be a recluse as i've never much been fond of being around people. They are often described as just wanting to be loved by family and friends, and I have to say that that is all i've ever wanted too. I remember when I was around eleven [my mother had told me we could get a dog, later retracting the statement saying she never said it], the first dog I wanted to own was a Chow Chow because I loved the way they looked and their loyalty was an astounding feature for me. As an adult, I don't think this want jas gone away and you may well see me with one in a few years time.

Fairy, Hufflepuff

#258 - thesamanthahope - White Siberian Tiger

I chose the White Siberian Tiger for my animagus form.

As soon as I saw this as an option for me, I wanted to choose it, but I made a point to research the other choices just to be sure that I was making the right decision. While I saw many similarities between myself and the other choices, the white Siberian still seemed the most natural choice.

I think I mentioned in my application that I have had a love for tigers since I was a kid. When I was in school, I had folders with pictures of tigers, and especially white tigers, in my Trapper Keeper (yes, I had a Trapper Keeper. Shut up.) I wanted to research tigers, and I wanted to be a veterinarian working at a tiger preserve somewhere protecting the animal. I have always felt a kinship with white tigers.

To begin with, we're both a little bit different. The White Siberian Tiger is one of the rarest members of the cat family, and is actually endangered. I think that I am pretty rare as well, if I do say so myself (of course, this could be good and could be bad). Appearance-wise, White Siberian Tigers are the largest member of the cat family. This applies to me as well, because I am pretty healthy-sized girl.

What I admire about this animal, and what I hope other people see in me as well, is the quiet power that the White Siberian Tiger has. I have been through trials in my life, and I have sought to handle each of them with quiet grace and strength. The tiger has so much strength that when it attacks its prey, it can kill with a single bite. It also has the skill of stealth to sneak up on its prey so that the attack is completely unexpected.

Tigers are also solitary animals. While I am outgoing and friendly, I'd really rather just be by myself or with just my close family and friends. Tigers also hunt at night, and that is the time that I am most active as well (hmm, that didn't sound right).
Oh, and my mother told me I should choose the tiger because it was graceful, powerful, dangerous, and intelligent, and I am all of those things as well. I have a sweet mom. :) All in all, I'm very excited about choosing the White Siberian Tiger as my animagus form!

Samantha-Hope, Slytherin

#259 - myownmuggle - Marwari

After some serious self-reflection and research, I have chosen the Marwari horse as my Animagus form.

The Marwari is native to India and is thoroughly entwined with local folklore and legends. In fact, the head priest of the Monastery at Kalabar, who was a breeder of Marwari horses, was once quoted as saying that this horse can be traced to a period in time "when the ocean was churned to extract nectar for the Gods...a period when horses had wings."

The Marwari are noted for their superior stamina and strength and are frequently used for polo and horse racing in addition to being the first choice of the army and police forces. They are fiercely loyal, passionate and courageous animals. They have unique physical characteristics like an upright neck, dark and expressive eyes, a lofty carriage and ears, which when turned forward, appear in the shape of a lyre.

There are some fundamental differences between myself and the Marwari, the first being that I am not actually a horse. I wouldn't consider myself spectacularly courageous either. But I feel drawn to and connected to this particular animal for several reasons.

First, the Marwari is loyal and passionate. I prefer a small group of friends and I am fiercely devoted to that group. I am passionate about the things I love, just as I am passionate about the things I dislike.

Second, the Marwari is both musical and poetic. The form of the horse is strong and sturdy and the movement of the horse is something akin to flight. The Marwari are flexible and elegant. I am at heart, an artist of sorts. A writer and a lover of books and dance and music. I see all of that in the way this horse moves.

Most importantly, the Marwari is uniquely its own horse from its ears to its gait and its history. Just as I am uniquely my own person.

And that is why I have chose the Marwari as my Animagus form.

Julie, Ravenclaw

#260 - wawwhite - Argentine Puma

The Argentine Puma (puma concolor cabrera) is found in central and western Argentina, from the hill country up to the mountains slopes of the Andes. The Argentine puma is one of the largest of the six formal subspecies of puma since the size generally increases further away from the equator. The main differences in puma subspecies is related to genetics and environmental modifications rather than differences in appearance. In Argentina, the cat is protected, and therefore, has a large population there.

The puma is a cat of contradictions. It is the largest of the American small cats. Where I live in Northern California, the puma is feared, no trailhead is complete without a warning about the dangerous animal. However, it appears that when the puma is respected, it rarely attacks humans. In fact, "Argentinian folk tales emphasise the harmless nature of the puma [sic]." link This idea of opposites fits my nature as well as other characteristics.

First, I tend to shy away from strangers, avoid confrontation, and put up a tough front to keep people at bay. However, deep down I am empathetic to the needs to others. I am fiercely independent and tend to be a loner like the puma. It also takes me a long time to develop a relationship with other people, and even more to let them get to know me. However, while the cat and myself are shy, we are both tough and, when pushed, dangerous, another contradiction.

Second, as predators, pumas are logical, cunning, and intelligent, keeping a level head in tough situations. They are also willing to eat almost any animal, which shows good flexibility and adaptation. As hunters, they are fast up to 43.5 mph and can leap 40 ft from a standstill and 15 ft vertically; this athleticism is something I would greatly enjoy. Pumas have huge hunting ranges in the mountains, which fits my love of travel nicely.

Third, pumas physically are a good match. They are long, slender, and graceful, all which fit me. Their coloration, usually tawny but occasionally silvery-grey to reddish, is useful for camouflage, a very useful characteristic. They also have lighter underbellies and black tips on their tail, giving them the name concolor or "with color." The puma can also not roar, and I tend to keep quiet in arguments, like many smaller cats. However, this cat can hiss, growl, purr, chirp, whistle, and even scream, showing that while different from some, the puma still has things to say. While I tend to listen more than speak, when I do have something to say, it is important and thought out.

Another interesting fact, the puma holds the Guinness record for the animal with the highest number of names, due to its large distribution. It has over forty names in English alone, including mountain lion, cougar, and puma. names

Overall, the physical and behavior characteristics of the Argentine puma fit me excellently. As an animagus, I will use my abilities to have adventures and to explore the world. I will also use my feline form to be useful to other humans - to spy or travel great distances. I am extremely happy with my choice, though it was a difficult one, and feel that I will use this greatly.

Whitney, Hufflepuff

001-080 | 081-100 | 101-120 | 121-140 | 141-160 | 161-180
181-200 | 201-220 | 221-240 | 241-260 | 261-280 | 281-300
301-320 | 321-340 | 341-360 | 361-380 | 381-400 | 401-411
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#259, #253, #258, #244, #250, #247, #254, #251, registry, #246, #257, #256, #248, #241, #255, #249, #242, #260

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