Animagus Registry #465 - #486

Aug 31, 2011 02:24

#465 - jestana - Yorkshire Terrier

I wasn't sure what to think of my choices. None were any that I'd think would apply to me. On further research, however, I found that, yes, I DO have traits in common with some of them. The one that I felt I had the most in common with, however, was the Yorkshire Terrier. Like me, the Yorkie is small, but that doesn't stop him and I've never let my small size stop me, either. Yorkies can have a long fur coat, but it's difficult to keep neat, so many owners keep it short for convenience and I do the same with my own hair. When I DID have it long, I never did anything with it except pull it back into a ponytail, so short for convenience totally fits.

"Yorkshire Terriers are bright and intelligent but can be a little stubborn. They have a mind of their own." That's me right there! I'm not too humble to deny that I'm intelligent, but I am humble enough to admit that I can be quite stubborn and it's not always a good thing. Still, if I'm given a good reason to try something, I will. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't, but at least I gave it a shot, right?

"This breed is very attached to the family but can also become more strongly bonded to one particular family member, especially if more time is spent with that one person." I'm very devoted to my family. They're my support system and my cheering section. I'm particularly close to my younger sister, partly because we end up spending so much time together, but also because we have a lot of similar interests and don't drive each other crazy.

"Yorkshire Terriers can be reserved toward strangers, but friends are greeted with enthusiam." That's me, too! I tend to be very shy and quiet around people I don't know well, but I can be very talkative around friends and family. When I was little, the teachers would comment on how quiet I was in class during the parent-teacher conferences and Mom would ask, "Are we talking about the same child?" I've since learned to be more open around strangers, but it still takes courage and effort on my part.

As much as I do like the other choices I was given, I think the Yorkshire Terrier is the best fit for me.

Mary, Hufflepuff

#466 - nowgoesquickly - Giant one-horned chameleon

This was a real dilemma, and solving it necessitated quite a bit of research. The choices that immediately caught my eye were the mimic octopus and the giant one-horned chameleon. At first glance both seemed to have quite a bit in common in terms of their self-camouflaging abilities, but further investigation yielded some surprising information, which eventually helped me to settle on the giant one-horned chameleon.

First of all, I learned that chameleons are solitary creatures and highly territorial-two characteristics I can relate to in spades. They tend to fare better when they’re kept apart from other reptiles, although certain chameleons under certain circumstances can be successfully housed together without incident. All of this resonated strongly with me. By and large, I prefer to be left alone with my thoughts. I choose very carefully when selecting friends (and even more carefully when selecting potential housemates), and even with those I love I tend to be extremely possessive of my space and privacy. There’s a limit to the amount of socializing I’m able to do in a day, and once that limit has been exceeded I need to be left alone to decompress, otherwise I’m at risk of becoming crabby and hostile.

Second of all, I discovered that, like me, chameleons are highly prone to stress and anxiety. Also like me, they exhibit visible symptoms of these afflictions, although in their case this means undergoing a dramatic color change rather than having heart palpitations and hyperventilating. Most notably, many types of chameleon will turn black when frightened. When I’m going through a bout of profound anxiety, well, I don’t change color, but it’s still pretty obvious to anyone who happens to be around that something is not right.

Lastly, I learned it’s a common misconception that chameleons change color in order to blend into their surroundings. In fact, they’re already camouflaged to resemble their natural habitat, shaded in greens and browns so they disappear easily into the trees they live in. In fact, chameleons change color in response to heat and light, sickness, and emotion (such as the stress of being confronted by a potential predator). Their color change can be a defense mechanism, but it’s more aggressive than passive. For instance, if a chameleon feels threatened, it will adopt menacing hues and posture to scare off its attacker. Likewise, I’ve been known to become terse and brittle around people who make me uneasy.

These traits combined made me think the giant one-horned chameleon was the obvious choice for me. I did consider the mimic octopus, too, but found its propensity for using its self-camouflaging abilities to deceive (and then eat) other small sea life to be rather unlike me. I try not to devour others.

Caitlin, Ravenclaw

#467 - daydream11 - Asiatic Lion

Since I want my Animagus form to be an outlet, I think an Asiatic lion is the best fit for me. This choice is quite ironic, considering that I am a Slytherin, but Asiatic lions, especially the females, are as ambitious and cunning as any literal (and figurative!) snake. :)

I tend to be an introvert, but I nonetheless enjoy and very much love the close-knit circle of family and friends I have. Despite being something of a loner, I don’t particularly like being by myself for extended periods of time - it’s not uncommon for me to feel left out and overlooked, simply because I’m quiet and tend to shy away from small talk. The Asiatic lion strikes the perfect balance - if they were human, I doubt that they’d be into small talk, too, but they nonetheless form an impenetrable bond with each other. The Asiatic lion is extremely loyal to its own pride, as I am, and its prides are smaller than those of other African lions’, which mirrors my own small circle relative to others’. It’s also incredibly territorial, reflecting how I feel about my social circle and my feelings toward strangers in general. They have no qualms about killing those animals who dare to even encroach on what is theirs, and while I personally wouldn’t go to quite an extreme, the sentiment is certainly the same.

The Asiatic females, especially, are a fierce bunch, taking on the responsibility of hunting and caring for the pride’s young. (And when they hunt, they employ incredible strategy and force of will that’d make any Slytherin proud, indeed.) They are both incredibly independent and family-oriented, which is, well, just like me. The Asiatic females also have a strong bond with each other, which matches up with me quite nicely - I have a slew of female relatives, all of whom I adore and respect dearly. They are very powerful creatures, and as an Asiatic lion animagus I would relish and take full advantage of that power.

Even more, the Asiatic lion is It. They are at the top of the food chain, no question about it. They are intelligent, strong, proud, cunning, ambitious - and they have the body to show for it. As a Slytherin, being recognized and respected for who I am and for my accomplishments is my ultimate goal. If I get that first through my amazing animagus form, I’m not going to turn down the opportunity.

(They also get to live with perfect weather almost all of the time. Who in the world could say no to that?)

Samaria, Slytherin

#468 - the_dream - Australian Masked Owl

I’ve always felt an affinity for owls, so I was absolutely thrilled to learn that the Australian Masked Owl is one of the four choices that I was given for Animagus. Barn owls are definitely my favorite type of owl, and there’s just something that draws me to them. Perhaps it’s their gorgeous appearance, elegance, or simply the mystery that they seem to be shrouded in. I think it’s all of these things, and more.

The Australian Masked Owl lives mainly inland in lush forests with lots of foliage and coverage. They are primarily nocturnal, but they have been known to venture out during daylight to hunt, etc., if it’s a necessity. They are solitary birds, besides their mates and young. Their territory is wide, but not enormous, and these birds will stay in the area all year long - especially around their nest - to prevent others from invading. I also read that they allow their young to return to the nest up until a year’s time, which I found somewhat unusual for an animal/bird but intriguing nonetheless. Australian Masked Owls are also great observers, silent, and have great patience - especially when searching for their daily meal. They can see in almost complete darkness, and their call is not so much a “hoot” but a “screech” - an earsplitting, raspy shriek in close ranges. They are very versatile birds, enticing, and fantastically interesting.

On a personal level, I find many of the Australian Masked Owl’s traits to be in common with my own. While I don’t have wings with fly with, I do love to travel and see new sights. I have a strong thirst for adventure and exploration, and I feel that with having this avian form for an Animagus, it would allow me to have this opportunity. Freedom is important to me, and having this form would allow me to exercise my “me time” and to escape to the solitude that I often enjoy. Another similarity is that I love the forest; no words can properly express what I feel when I’m fully immersed in the trees and wildlife. It calms me, and makes me feel one with nature. Since this owl’s natural habitat is the forest, I see this working out for my benefit. Furthermore, with the ability of flight and this new appearance, I’d then be able to explore the Forbidden Forest! Who wouldn’t want to see what’s lurking around in its darker edges?

On a different note, I’m also just as solitary as the Australian Masked Owl, besides my family and a few close friends. I’ve always been a silent observer (unless I have to get involved immediately), which allows me to analyze a situation and calculate the best plan of action. I see this in the owl as well, even if they’re not planning anything too in-depth (if at all) when they take a step back. I wouldn’t say that I “shriek” as the Australian Masked Owl does, but I have been known to be firm and cutting at times with my words and tone, so I suppose that can equate to something similar. I’d like to think that I have quite a bit in common with these birds, especially since I feel so close to them in turn.

As a side-note, the symbolism for this bird (Barn Owls in general) caught my eye! They “symbolize wisdom, the ability to see things that are hidden, stealth, swiftness, darkness, freedom, dreams, shape-shifting, secrets, omens, clairvoyance, astral projection, magick, deception, observation, total truth, night, death and misfortune. They are connected to the Underworld and the Moon.” [1] I connect with many of those traits/symbols - especially wisdom, seeing more behind a person or intentions without anything being revealed, secrets, freedom, observation, dreams, the night, and the moon. I’d like to think that I’m fairly intelligent and have some wisdom within my years, as well as good intuition. Freedom and observation, as noted previously, are very important to me, so those fit quite well. I can be secretive with what I let others know about me, as well as a good confident if you need to get something off your chest; I’m trustworthy, and keep things to myself. As for dreams, that aspect is very important to me. For one, my username (the_dream) certainly has to do with dreams, and with being an artist and someone who thrives on creativity, dreams and dreaming has a lot to do with my personal and academic life. For the night and the moon, both aspects connect well with me. I am a night-owl, naturally, and have always felt a bone-deep connection with the moon (not to mention that I’m a Cancer!). All of these traits, and much more fit, which makes me feel even more at home with the form that I’ve chosen for my Animagus. The Australian Masked Owl is a beautiful creature, and one which I hope to be affiliated with soon! ♥


Source: [1].

Melissa, Ravenclaw

#469 - renrenren3 - Northern Saw-whet Owl

When I filled my application, I tried to answer every question ignoring how my answers might affect which animals I would be voted for. Then I re-read it and tried to think of which animal I would pick for myself, based just on my answers. An owl was the first animal that came to my mind and also the only animal that seemed to fit all of the traits I mentioned, from my love of night hours to the fact that I chose air as my favourite element. I was sure I'd get at least one owl among my final choices, but for a long time I thought I'd pick something else because I didn't feel a strong connection towards owls at all.

Obviously, being contrary and all, I'm choosing the Northern Saw-whet Owl in the end. The first thing that swayed me was when I found out that this species of owls migrate. Ever since I was little, I was fascinated by the idea of travelling to another continent and seeing new places. I had a book, whose title I don't remember, about a boy who gets shrunk and has to travel with a flock of migrating geese and has all kinds of adventures, and I thought it was brilliant.

Northern Saw-whet Owl are quite small for owls. I mentioned on my app that I didn't want anything as small as a bug because I'd have a fear of being trapped, but at the same time I think I'd be more comfortable with a smallish form. It fits with the fact that I'm not very tall myself. Also, their round eyes give them a permanently surprised expression, which is perfect since I spend my life being surprised by everything. And I like that they're common but hard to spot because they're mimetic.

I also like how owls are much smaller than one would think, because a lot of their "body" is actually made up of feathers. I have a lot of hair, so my head looks way bigger than it actually is. I think as an owl I'd be the same, only instead of hair I'd have tons of ruffled feathers. And owls are pretty cute too.

Ren, Ravenclaw

#470 - ice_evanesco - Amur Leopard

I was originally torn between the choice of Oncilla and the Amur Leopard, but in the end, I chose the Amur Leopard, as it suits me the most in terms of its traits.

Firstly, the leopard is known to live in a cold region, and I am a person who prefers an extreme cold to cloying warmth and humidity.

Secondly, Amur Leopards are known to avoid hunting in or close to tiger territory to avoid any competition. Similarly, I would rather avoid confrontation, despite any evidence to the contrary. Having grown up in a household with two other quarelling sisters and a hot-tempered father, I value peace and quiet, and usually will avoid any fights unless I'm inevitably dragged into them.

Amur leopards, like many other cats, are nocturnal, as I am. I enjoy staying up at night because that is when I feel I do my best in academics, or crafts. Daytime, with its heat, tends to make me sleepy and sluggish, and I usually try to stay indoors.

Another thing that I share with the leopard is that we are both solitary. I enjoy being left alone to do my own things, and tend to get very irritated if I am disrupted in the middle of the task, to the extent that I might lash out at the person who broke my concentration. I tend to not fit in, and not want to fit in. I'm perfectly fine on my own, or with a small group of my closest friends.

The fact that the leopards are extremely rare (and apparently very little is known about them, considering how difficult it is to find much information on them) is quite similar to how I have trouble finding anyone who understands me completely. I always feel a need to highlight certain parts of my personality to others, to the extent that even though my true personality is that of a Slytherin, another person who knows me in real life actually thinks I might fit into Hufflepuff. It's not a need to conform, not at all, just a need to make sure that people don't run away from me screaming when they know what I truly think and feel.

Leopards, as predators, are often misunderstood and in conflict with humans. Similarly, I often tend to find myself on the wrong end of the gun, so to speak, and people often misunderstand me and my motives. Even as I am trying to help them, they might think I am trying to manipulate them or push them to fit what I feel is best for them.

Another trait that these leopards have is that they tend to hide unfinished kills. No, I don't hide carrion under my bed, but I do tend to hoard things that I like, such as books, manga, dvds. And I do try to hide away the unpleasant moments, and prefer not to share them with anyone except my family and friends. I also tend to internalize unpleasant emotions, like anger, which often ends up making me feel rather ill.

In conclusion, despite the utter incoherence of my essay, I feel that the Amur Leopard is the perfect animagus form for me, and I'm really happy that it was listed as one of the choices for me.

Catherine, Slytherin

#471 - gringotts - Eastern Cottontail

One thing I didn't write in my application is that as well as being distracted, I am horribly indecisive. I loved every single animal (yes, even the galago/bush baby with it's creepy hairy hobbit hands) so it was an incredibly difficult choice for me to make, but after devoting entirely way too much of my time to wikipedia and practically harassing people for opinions, I've decided that I would like my animagus form to be the Eastern Cottontail rabbit, please!

In my application, the rabbit was listed as one of my favourite animals. This, surprisingly, had no impact on the fact it was chosen. I had a different animagus form previously, and it wasn't me at all. I basically only picked it because I REALLY liked the animal. To me, the beauty of having an animagus form is having an animal that I not only like, but can connect with in that it represents me and all of my whacky ways.

I guess you could say that I've always had some sort of connection to rabbits. Nothing too deep and meaningful, but the rabbit is my Chinese zodiac animal and as a kid I had ridiculously large front teeth which my mother affectionately called my "rabbit teeth". Plus, I was and still am quite obsessed with Peter Rabbit/Beatrix Potter in general.

Other than those tid-bits of useless information, the thing that really set my choice in stone was the fact that they do not dig their own burrows. Completely random and probably a little weird, but I believe that is me all over. As I said in my application, I am easily distracted and often put things off until the last minute. In my animagus form, I can't see digging a burrow on my high list of priorities when I could simply... borrow someone else's. I have that mentality sometimes. Why drive stickshift/manual when I can drive an auto, stick it into D and drive? Why spend time digging a burrow when I can use an abandoned premade burrow? Win/win.

Eastern cottontails are crepuscular, which means that they're mostly active during dusk and dawn. I mentioned in my application that I prefer dusk, and I'm not too opposed to mornings (unless I had a late night, then I am a HORROR). I'm definitely more active during those two periods and at night. During the day I just like to kind of... plod along, relax a little and so on. The eastern cottontail is much the same - it prefers to just chill and nibble during the day. Plus, they really like rain? A little odd, but they're super active in rainy weather. Nobody mentioned that in their reasoning but I thought it was cool, especially as I said that I love rainy weather!

Having a fast animal was something that I really wanted. Having an animagus form needs to have it's perks and one of them, for me, is being able to escape danger in ways I wouldn't be able to as a human. I'm okay at running... if it's at a moderate pace. Dashing like crazy will get me to the end of the street where I will then double over and wonder what air is. Not only does the cotton tail manage to blend in well because of their colouration, therefore evade predators, but on the chance it does come face to face with a salivating fox, the eastern cottontail is not only super speedy, but they run in a zigzag pattern to confuse the predator. Wit beyond measure is the eastern cottontails greatest treasure.

Nadine, Ravenclaw

#472 - maaiker - Clydesdale Horse

Out of the several generous choices that I got the Clydesdale Horse is the one that I think suits me most. When I image myself a animagus, I'll think myself a draft horse. So I was well pleased when the option became available to me (and that two voters choose the same thing for me makes me even more confident that this is the right one). I prefer a draft horse because I am a hard worker. Once I set out to do something, nothing can stop to to complete it till perfection. The Clydesdale built for hard work, but with intellect as they are now used for showing and driving. Since I'm an introvert it's suiting that my form is skittish around people as well. However, for a horse the Clydesdale is not as skittish as most as they are often chosen to lead in parades. Another trait that I share with them as I am often the accidental leader. The Clydesdale is strong and dependable, which are things that I value in myself and others. What I also like about the horse is that it is a creature I'd see around my own country side as well. It's special amongst it's own breed but doesn't stand out ridiculously, which appeals to my practical nature. When it comes to physical characteristics, well, this horse is tall, and so am I. They are generally brown/light brown with white feathered feet. As my hair color is brown/blonde with highlights. I am built rather sturdy and so are they. Perfect match <3

Maaike, Ravenclaw

#473 - snowfire - Killer Whale

When I first saw my list of choices, I have to admit that I was drawn to the Amazon River Dolphin - I knew dolphins, I liked dolphins, and, oh, it was pink. But I am a very curious Ravenclaw, so I went off to research my other options - and the more I read about the Killer Whale, the more I went ‘oh, this is me.’ I felt an immediate kinship with them, and in the end, there was no other choice that stood out to me as much as this one.

Killer Whales are spread across the oceans, for the most part, but they show a definite affinity towards colder waters - more than half of the estimated population are off the coast of Antarctica, where ocean temperatures usually hover between 20 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Their choice of habitat appeals to me, because I’m more of an ocean girl (if given the chance, I will spend all of my time in the water - I feel more at home when I’m swimming than I do walking on land) than anything else. I have also always had a propinquity for colder temperatures - really, once the temperatures go above, say, 60 degrees Fahrenheit I start to get cranky. It’s been a dream of mine since I was a child to actually live in Antarctica, so I like the idea that my animagus form is particularly suited to the ocean there.

I also feel that their version of society fits me very well. Killer Whales are social creatures, and they have a very complex form of society set up - they form matrilineal social groups, traveling with several generations of family. I’m very close to my family, especially my mother, and I love that they have such a bond. They’re also intelligent animals, and, okay, I am admittedly a bit egotistical when it comes to my intelligence. I feel that it’s only fitting that my animagus form would be smart, just as I am. They teach their skills to their families and are very able to solve problems.

Finally, they’re playful. They can be very dangerous, and they’re very determined, but they also enjoy having fun. They like to play games and, like me, they’re curious about everything. I recognize myself in their attitudes - they can be predatory, but they’re also very playful and sociable. That’s exactly how I am!

(also, although their diet mostly consists of fish and various mammals, they also eat lots of birds. I FEEL THIS IS DELIGHTFUL AND I TOO WOULD ENJOY GOING ABOUT KILLING THE BIRDS AND THEN EATING THEM.)

Jen, Ravenclaw

#474 - kristen0726 - Common Bottlenose Dolphin

I actually had a really hard time deciding which animal was going to be my animagus. Everyone who knows me would assume that I would immediately go for the Bottlenose Dolphin because they are my favorite and have been for most of my life. But before I jumped headfirst into just picking my favorite animal, I really wanted to consider all of my options. I eliminated the Black-Necked swan and Spinner dolphins pretty easily. The Swan is too graceful for me to feel connected to it and I’m not a huge fan of birds. Also, considering I had the Bottlenose Dolphin as an option, I knew if it came down to it, I would pick the Bottlenose over the Spinner.

When I first read the Chesapeake Bay Retriever option, I was a little confused. But then I did some research and found it was near perfect for me. This animal loves the water, is really friendly, has a happy disposition, is hardworking - essentially all traits that I think I have. I was AMAZED that the person who selected this thought it out so well and really GOT me.

As I was attempting to make my decision, my gut was telling me to go with the Bottlenose, but my head was saying the Retriever. I knew that the retriever would be more practical because I could stay on land and go in the water. But I was worried about it being a hunting dog because I don’t feel I am violent enough for that. However, if I were to choose the dolphin, I would be stuck in the water. Not that I have any problem with this but then my animagus would mostly be for my own personal entertainment.

In the end however, I decided on the Common Bottlenose Dolphin. I have felt connected to these animals since I was seven years old. Half of HIH has heard the story of my project in third grade on dolphins that made me want to become a marine biologist. These animals have fascinated me for years and will continue to fascinate me for years to come. One of the main connections I feel to this animal is the personality and air that dolphins have around them. People see that “smile” and automatically are filled with this sense of happiness and contentment. I really want to have that effect on people in real life; I hope I already do. Also, the fact that they cannot erase their smile is relevant to my tendencies to ignore the bad and keep smiling through tough times. I too like to have a permanent smile even if my emotions are screaming the opposite. Also, dolphins are incredibly friendly, not only to humans but also in their own social structure. In real life, I can be very shy around people I do not know. I wanted my animagus to be different from that because when I am with my friends I am very outgoing. Also the climate that dolphins live in is perfect because I love the warm weather of the tropics. Another important aspect of the Bottlenose Dolphin is its intelligence. I think that is one of the things that drew me to them in the first place. They are quick learners, as I am and that’s one of the reasons they are frequently found in marine animal shows. Finally, Bottlenose Dolphins are incredibly playful. I take pride in still being able to act like a kid sometimes and just do what I want because I think it’s fun. The Bottlenose Dolphin is the perfect animagus for me.

Kristen, Hufflepuff

#475 - cartography - Rothschild Giraffe

After much consideration, I have chosen the Rothschild Giraffe as my Animagus form. I immediately found myself drawn to all my offered choices, but now that I've researched them further, I narrowed it down to two that are both perfect for me in their own way, so in the end, it was simply personal preference that made me go with the giraffe.

First of all, giraffes in general are land-living animals, and they can run very quickly for short periods of time. That's exactly like me. For my built, I can run surprisingly quickly ...for a few seconds, and then that's it. They're also assumed to be unable to swim. I can swim, but if at all possible, I will avoid it, because I look awkward and feel horrible doing it, which is the exact same thing for giraffes, who would, according to a simulation, be 'clumsy and unstable in water'.
Looks-wise, Giraffes have a very distinctive fur colouring, namely irregular patches of darker fur on a background of lighter fur. Rothschilds in particular have a very light beige fur, and particularly dark spots on it (albeit not as dark as, say, Massai giraffes), so their fur colour has a fairly high 'contrast', so-to-speak, just like my own looks, what with my very light skin and very dark hair. (Ironically, Rothschilds have five horns in various places on their head, two of which are behind their ears. Those aren't usual for giraffes, and only this particular subspecies has them. I also have some weird horn-ish like thing behind my ear that doesn't really belong there.)

Giraffes normally inhabit savannas, grasslands, and open woodlands, which are all landscapes that I feel very much drawn to, and in particular the subspecies selected for me has its main habitat in Kenya, which happens to be a country that I absolutely would like to live in at some point in my life. They only require a little more than four hours per day. That sounds like my sleeping pattern, too. And they're herbivores, which I am almost entirely, too.
As for social structure and the like, giraffes usually live in smaller groups. That pretty much fits my mixture of social anxieties and need to be around friends very well.

This combination of personality and physical characteristics makes me feel very much connected to this animal, and thus I choose the Rothschild Giraffe!

Halima, Ravenclaw

#476 - revika - Bearded Vulture

I have chosen the Bearded Vulture as my animagus form. In my application, I had refered to my opportunism as a very strong point in my personality. Lammergeiers are indeed scavengers, feeding mostly off of dead animals. Ah, but there was a twist to my opportunism. I will only take what I deem necessary for me (including if I want it in general). This vulture is known for turning down what all other vultures seek - the rotting flesh. Instead, it will take the bones and swallow them whole, since its digestive system is so strong. I mentioned that my form would need to be intelligent. The bearded vulture has learned to break bones that are too big to swallow from high above, by dropping them onto rocks to smash them into smaller pieces. Even when they are kept in zoos, they have not forgotten this tactic. It shows they retain a semblance of memory for something that is necessary for their survival. Likewise, I tend to catch onto things moderately quickly and have a hard time forgetting.

I needed a form that is large enough to encompass my personality. I am loud and outgoing, and my form had to somehow show the "big" impact I can make. The lammergeier is one of the largest vultures known, with a wingspan of up to ten feet alone. They are also known to hunt down small prey when their main food source isn't available, and I had to have a form that I would be able to take care of myself in. The bearded vulture has to be highly driven to maintain such a diet, which matches my own. Thus, I feel that this animal is the form I should choose.

Revika, Gryffindor

#477 - mewithe - American Bobtail

I choose the American Bobtail as my animagus form. I instantly connected with it being intelligent enough to escape from closed rooms and cages. I’m a fast learner, to the point that I’ll help others learn how to do something (sometimes to the point that I can come across as bossy!). I also found it interesting that psychotherapists used them to help patients, because American Bobtails are unusually sensitive to people in distress. My friends and family feel comfortable telling me about what’s stressing them out or getting them down, so knowing that the American Bobtail does the same thing is awesome. The American Bobtail gets along with everyone, including dogs and small children that carry the kitties around like sacks of potatoes. I also can get along with just about anyone, and if I can’t get along, I can at least be tolerant and play nice.

American Bobtails are usually quiet, but apparently get vocal when they become excited. I’m the same way, in that I’m soft-spoken, but when I’m excited I get very loud. They like shiny things. I like shiny things. They’re devoted to their owners, just like my loyalty to my friends and family.

I connected with it appearance-wise, because the first thing I read was that it had long back legs. Being 5’9”, I too have long legs. Speaking of which, I’m tall for a girl, and the American Bobtail is a larger than average kitty. Lastly, I walk very softly, like cats do, so with this form I could have a lot of fun sneaking up on people, like I do when I'm a person.

Kat, Hufflepuff

#478 - mrschucknoblet - Tufted Puffin

I have chosen the Tufted Puffin as my animagus form. It took me a while to come to this decision, but after weighing the options I think it is the best fit for me. Just looking at the photos on the Wikipedia page for it made me giggle, which is always a good sign in my book, as laughter is the most important thing to me! They are really gorgeous creatures with a lot of color variation, which I feel goes along with my personality as someone who is incredibly into fashion, color, and is an outgoing individual. They are bright and cheery to look at, which is also a lot like me. I also read that the Puffins breed and live in colonies, which is a huge plus. I hate being alone and ADORE being around other people, so I would prefer to be an animal that had a wide variety of friends. They also have a large, brightly colored beak, which while being an awesome color, is also a great defense mechanism. I am not the kind of person to attack others or participate in any type of confrontation, but I will attack someone if I am provoked and have to protect my friends or family. In all, I feel like the Puffin is the best animal for me from the choices I was presented with, and I am excited for the suggestion!

Courtney Rose, Hufflepuff

#479 - rimjobs - Chital

When I applied to become an Animagus I hoped to find an animal that was graceful with an underestimated and sometimes overlooked strength. An animal that was reserved, yet strong which is how I like to view myself in the best light. Fortunately I was presented with animals that reflected exactly what I was looking for in terms of how I choose to perceive myself. Unfortunately this made it very difficult to choose which animal I would like to ultimately register as my true Animagus form. I had narrowed my choice down to two. It was between Bengal and the Chital deer, but in the end no matter how much I really wanted to choose Bengal for my love of cats, I believe I have found a more precise match with the Chital.

Chital deer are perfectly graceful with their lean legs and regal stature while also being strong animals depicted by their rippling muscles and protective antlers. They aren’t fully confrontational to their predators unless absolutely necessary and usually for survival which reminds me a lot of my own personality and avoidance of confrontation when possible. Although I’d like to avoid confrontation, when it becomes important for me or someone I am close to I will go down fighting like you wouldn’t believe. I always surprise people when I get incensed because it happens quite rarely and they find it unexpected, but they are still able to respect me for it too which makes me proud.

These deer also live in small herds which I find preferable as I expressed that I am not wholly independent, but don’t enjoy large groups of strangers either. They stay close to water which relates to my love of water that I somewhat attribute to my water sign, pisces. The Chital is also described as constantly being on alert for both predators and prey which I connect with my observant nature. These deer can also appear in multi-seasonal weather which I am used to based on my current location. They are accustomed to rain based on their habitat as well, which I described as being my favorite type of whether condition.

Mimi, Hufflepuff

#480 - euphonious_13 - Indochinese (Corbetts) Tiger

The choices I was given for my animagus really excited me, especially because three out of the four were felines and I have always felt an incredibly strong attraction to cats. Tigers are my absolute favorite animal and the animal I have always related most to. After triple checking the other choices, just to be sure they weren't more appropriate for me, it was clear to me that I just had to choose the Indochinese Tiger.

Like all tigers, the Indochinese Tiger is a primarily solitary animal, though it can be social (when it chooses to be) with other tigers. To say that reflects my personal socializing preferences would be an understatement. The tiger is also a relatively quiet animal and prefers to observe and plan before acting, which is also reflected in my own personality. However, when I need or want to be I can be incredibly fierce and loud. My temper, short like the tiger's, reacts with a ferocity that I've always associated with big cats and my friends and family agree that I can go from normal and pleasant looking to fierce and intimidating in the blink of an eye.

Every documentary I've seen regarding tigers (and I've seen dozens of those) only reassure me that the tiger, namely the Indochinese Tiger, is my animagus. Aside from the similarities I've already mentioned, the independence, not the loneliness, of the tiger strikes me as another bond. The tiger, especially females, are completely independent. They raise cubs on their own, hunt for themselves (and their 2-4 cubs!), mark and protect their own territory and they fight off strange males. They have a strength that I believe I have as well, and I have always been incredibly independent.

The Indochinese Tiger inhabits some of my favorite parts of Asia. Although now extinct in China, it inhabits places like Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. While I love India and its tigers, too, I feel more attached to those countries. Also, unlike the forests of India, the Indochinese Tiger lives in more mountainous and restricted habitats that are more mysterious. I love the idea of mountainous terrain to climb and explore rather than the flatter forests and lake basins of India. Still, the Indochinese Tiger enjoys its water and baths, which is one of the reasons I have always loved tigers - they like water too! While I could never live in water, I love cooling off and relaxing it.

There are so many things about the Indochinese Tiger, and tigers in general, that I can relate to. My entire like I have felt a bond with the tiger and that has never weakened. I still keep my stuffed tiger, Tiger, close by me. There is no animal I could feel more strongly attached to and I am happy to have my animagus be the Indochinese Tiger.

Sam, Ravenclaw

#481 - frickkonastick - Platypus

The moment I saw that platypus was one of my choices, Something clicked and I thought, "yes, that is my animagus form." Don't get me wrong, the other choices are great. Especially, the Weddell Seal choice, because I love the idea of spending all my time in the water to avoid living on the ice. But for one thing, I'd rather not be in the ice in the first place and for another thing, that was really all of myself that I saw in the weddell seal.

One of the ways that I can Identify with the platypus is that they are hard to find, and they don't show up much in nice clean rivers where you would expect them to be. I don't mind messy surroundings. I don't understand the concept of a clean bedroom. I also Identify with how the platypus needs to eat 20% of its body weight on a daily basis. I don't eat 20% of my body weight everyday, but I eat a lot. I just really like food, okay.

It bothered me at first that the male platypuses are poisonous because a) venom just isn't really my style and b) I don't need a man to take care of me. But for the most part, the platypus seems like a very independent animal so that's not much of an issue.

And yeah, okay, I identify with the platypus because Its weird and silly and strange and wonky and pretty much out of the norm. I want something thats not ordinary because most of the time I don't feel normal. I never feel like one of the pretty girls and I feel like none of my body parts go together very well. so, fuck it, if I can't be pretty, I might as well be interesting and unique. And like platypuses I think the things that are a little bit off about me come together in a way that is actually pretty cute.

So basically, between spending most of its life in the water, and spending the rest of it in a burrow somewhere, to just being spunky and cool and diferrent, I believe that the platypus is the animal that best fits my personality, and that it is my animagus form.

Madi, Gryffindor

#482 - lightwithstars - North American Raccoon

Never before have I considered the North American Raccoon before seeing it as one of the choices for my Animagus. Immediately I felt an affinity toward this creature, with it's absolutely adorable face and striped tail. I didn't have to really consider the other options because something I just knew that this was the animal for me. Immediately I set to work learning more about this animal and now without a shadow of a doubt I'd like this to be my Animagus form.

Raccoons are mostly colorblind except for their ability to see green light. They are very intelligent animals with great memories, able to open complex locks and remember how to do so for years according to scientific tests. They are nocturnal animals, enjoys diets of a variety of foods, and enjoy trees for their homes. This is a great deal like me in many ways. I love the color green, I'm very balanced between my love for both meat and vegetables, I love trees and I consider myself to be intelligent as well.

Since they are such a misunderstood creature, I feel as though being an Raccoon Animagus would not just offer me the opportunity to escape the real world and live freely in the forest but also give me the chance to help bridge the gap between these lovely animals and us humans who are often so quick to judge them. They're really an adorable little mammal and I would be honored to call them my Animagus form.

Sam, Ravenclaw

#483 - kaeorin - Golden Hamster

The Golden Hamster is widely regarded as an adorable little creature. They are soft and furry and, for the most part, docile enough to live with humans. If mistreated, however, these little guys can give you a nasty bite--over and over and over again. They are highly territorial creatures, and cannot really live with another of the species, or they risk getting injured or injuring their cohabitant.

These are all traits that I share with the darling little guys. In terms of temperament, I can be rather "cute"--friendly and gentle and personable enough--but when I've had enough of you, or once you've made me angry or uncomfortable, the gloves come off and I'm not afraid to (metaphorically) bite your fingers until you drop me onto the carpet. I do value my relationships with other people, but if you're going to jerk me around, I just do not have time for you.

I also find it difficult to live with most other people: I had roommate issues and difficulties in all four of my years spent living in residence halls, and while none of these issues ended with me murdering my roommate, they still weren't exactly pleasant. I am much happier on my own.

Like hamsters and other rodents, I am a fairly fast learner and incredibly inquisitive of my surroundings. While it would drive me absolutely bonkers to be confined to a cage with just a wheel and a bowl of seeds, I do tend to prefer set routines and familiar places, which I suppose would be the human equivalent. I don't feel the urge to go out prowling through the forest or the city; I'm perfectly fine running on my Internet-wheel on a Friday night and nibbling on sunflower seeds. (Hey, look: that one didn't need to be adapted!) One thing that I hadn't thought about until the golden hamster was suggested is my tendency to puff my cheeks out with air, for no specific reason. Sometimes I do it when I am frustrated, sometimes when I'm bored, sometimes when there's really nothing else for me to be doing, I find myself playing with air in my cheeks for no reason except to entertain myself. I feel that this parallels the hamster's tendency to fill his cheeks with food for later. Obviously I'm not stuffing french fries into my cheeks to hide in my blankets later that night, but it's a physical similarity, at least.

Finally, like the golden hamster and other small rodents, I do like burrowing. I sleep with a veritable plethora of pillows and blankets, and usually wake up in the morning to discover that I have formed a deliciously comfortable little nest of blankets that I am loath to leave (I'm also somewhat nocturnal at the moment, like my friends the hamsters, though the world of the humans does tend to force me to comply with the daystar.)

Kat, Ravenclaw

#484 - irishjewel - Cymric Cat

It took me a while to pick my chosen form, as I thought all of them were fitting choices for me. In fact I was torn between my chosen form and the Lynx that it took me a while to actually go ahead and listen to my gut and pick the form that had jumped out at me from the start.

But as I looked at my choices I was happy to see there were three choices of felines for my form. At an young age I have always had some sort of physic connection with all felines, mostly due to the fact I can understand them more than most humans. But when I began my research on the Cymric Cat, I was surprised when I learned that this particular breed's personality could just like mine, and that shocked me.

The Cymric are intelligent and fun loving. I strive to be both, despite my need to be by myself most of the time, and I think that particular characteristic would appear in my animagus form. Because of how intelligent they are, they are not overly demanding of attention, which makes me think they are solitary and can be by themselves without wanting a lot of attention, which is how I am in real life. The Cymric gets along with other animals, including dogs and they are nonagressive. This is how I am too. Unless I have a reason, I will be calm as a cucumber and that particular characteristic really jumped out at me.

I read that the Cymric is really loyal to their owners and love spending time with them. That is also how I am in real life because most people know that I am one of the most loyal people around and I don't give it freely like the Cymric, though they are loyal to their owners and I think this trait would appear in my form.

The breed itself originated in the Isle of Man, and since it is relatively colder there due to the long fur the breed tends to have, this made me thing that they are adaptable to colder weather, which I mentioned in my application that I prefer colder weather over warm weather and snow would be a bonus. I was pleased to read this information which made me think that the cat itself would not mind a bit of snow if it were an outdoor cat due to being domesticated.

Aside from all that, they are not very aggressive, but when provoked they can growl or hiss, but I can see that in my form if I were to be provoked. I don't want my form to be uptight or anything, since I am very sweet person once you get to know me. All in all the Cymric seems to be everything I am personality wise and it is everything I imagined that my animagus form would be!

Lizzy, Hufflepuff

#485 - alight - Blue-and-Gold Macaw

Despite how difficult it was to resist the siren's call of the Emperor Tamarin's GIANT AWESOME MUSTACHE, I'm a Blue-and-Gold Macaw.

First of all, I was really attracted to the fact that the Macaw is a bird, because damn do I want to fly! They're beautiful, even though they're not sexy or regal or intimidating or whatever (things which I also am not): super colorful, most eye-catching thing in the room, PRETTYPRETTYPRETTY. And that's fun. I don't want to be easily overlooked. Another thing I definitely wanted was an animal that can defend itself and have some threat potential - and the macaw's ability to snip a human finger off with its beak like nbd fits the bill pretty well! Oh, and they can climb things and hang upside down and hold stuff with their creepy little scaly feet. Useful. However, the macaw's MOST IMPORTANT ABILITY IS .......... TALKING! Sure, real macaws can only mimic 10-15 words, but I am a human. All I need is the ability to form words and I'm all set. Chillin' at the zoo or in the park, someone comes up and is like "PAULIE WANT A CRACKER HEEHEE" and I unleash a BLISTERING POLITICAL/PHILOSOPHICAL TIRADE, SCARING THE SHIT OUT OF THEM, then calmly fly away. And you can yell rude things at people because they think you're a stupid bird! I CAN TROLL PEOPLE. OH GOD. THIS IS BEAUTIFUL. WHY ISNT THIS REAL LIFE. I WANT TO BE A TROLLING BIRD.

If someone were to ask you to describe a parrot's personality, what are the first words you'd think of? Loud, obnoxious, G E N I U S, right? Hey, 'sup, I'm a VERY loud, obnoxious attention seeker! Macaws will do anything for attention: scream, sing, do tricks, whatever. I mentioned mimicking earlier. I spend like half of my life talking in stupid voices, different accents, making animal noises, and making myself look like a total idiot just to amuse people. These birds are also known for being really playful and mischievous, things that I also am and I am running out of steam. They like to learn how to say bad words. I swear a lot. It's fate, really.

They're not known for stubbornness, alas, but a Blue-and-Gold Macaw will test an owner's boundaries and find ways to get what it wants. I read an anecdote about an owner who left her house with the macaw in its cage and the cat sleeping on the windowsill and returned to find the bird at the window and the cat locked in the cage! Their intelligence is supposedly equal to that of a 3 to 5 year old child, which for an animal is like way beyond Einstein level, and I'm also pretty intelligent (or at least people tell me so all the time), especially when it comes to verbal skills, and would love to have that reflected in my animagus form. Blue-and-Gold Macaws need a lot of activity, mental stimulation and space; I'm easily bored and need to feel like I have a lot of space (not necessarily physical space) or I get REALLY EDGY. The macaw? Well, it starts chewing on everything and screaming. I guess I could do that too.

Macaws exhibit self-destructive behavior: when they feel stressed, they pull their own feathers out. Er. This is the kind of thing I would do. Another point to the bird.

As for the superficial things, they live in the rainforest, where it ... rains a lot! And I love rain! And warmth. It's a bit warm in the rainforest. In the wild-slash-rainforest, blue-and-gold macaws live in flocks of around 100 birds, and I like being in large groups! I like mingling. When in captivity, these birds hate being alone - they want to follow their people around the house, sit on them, be stroked and talked to and generally lavished with attention. They bond deeply with their caregivers and are sensitive and affectionate. And they're really pretty. Did I mention that? Though I think it could use a mustache, tbh.

Victoria, Gryffindor

#486 - beyondthepen - Balinese

It took me quite a while to pick my animagus form, as I thought all my choices were fitting of me. However, when I first saw a feline in my choices, I felt drawn to it automatically. I’ve always felt a kinship with felines, though it’s more because I like them than an actual person/animal connection. When I began researching the Balinese, I was really surprised to learn how much this animal’s personality could be like mine!

The Balinese is a very outgoing and intelligent cat breed. I strive to be both of those, and would certainly want to be both in my animagus form. However, because of their intelligence, they remember people they know and are usually more relaxed and friendly around those people. They will still be friendly toward others, but they will be a bit more reserved. That almost describes me exactly, and I wouldn’t exactly want my animagus form to be super trusting either. But I do want it to be friendly!

Balinese were actually sort of out-casts in the cat world when they first came about. They originated as simply long-haired Siamese and were not considered show worthy. Soon, however, they came into their own and people began to pay attention to their gracefulness, personality, and appearance. I feel like I have this in common with the breed to an extent as well. When I was younger I was shy, reserved, unnoticed and sort of outcast, but as I’ve grown up, I have come into my own and I have garnered some recognition.

Balinese are among the highest rated for intelligence in the long-haired cat family. They adjust well in many different environments, and are even able to adjust to other animals, including dogs. I’m a very easy-going, flexible person about most things, so I think this fits well with me. I wouldn’t want my form to be uptight when I’m really not. Balinese cats don’t usually scratch or bite when provoked, but they will growl or hiss, and they have a way of holding grudges and keep their distance from people who have wronged them. That’s me. I’ll forgive people, but I’ll never forget things they’ve done and tend to put distance between us.

All in all, the Balinese seems to be the perfect mix of things I am and things I want from my animagus form!

Sara, Hufflepuff

001-080 | 081-100 | 101-120 | 121-140 | 141-160 | 161-180
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#475, #486, #483, #480, #474, #472, #485, #469, #478, registry, #470, #479, #484, #471, #477, #468, #482, #473, #481, #467, #465, #466, #476

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