#361 -
kaelakaelakaela - White-Flippered Penguin
So, after some great choices and lots of anticipation, I think it was actually an almost immediate decision when I saw my choices. After considering the choices I ultimately decided on the White-Flippered Penguin.
I was thrilled to see that one of my choices was a penguin because they are definitely my favorite animal. However, when I really researched the animal I saw that it actually REALLY fits me. They are outgoing animals that like to have fun, and I consider this to be much like myself. Additionally they spend lots of time with others but also by themselves, so they're not really extreme on either ends on that spectrum.
Also I really was kind of all over the place when I was thinking about what habitat I wanted, and by penguins being birds but living on land and in water, they really represent all three. They also live in New Zealand which experiences a temperate climate... a little bit of everything, which is what I like.
I alsoreally wanted an animal that was cute, and this is just an adorable penguin, especially when they hop out of the water and shake their little tails OMG!
Finally, my best friend also is choosing a water animal (which is her favorite too) and so it really cinched the deal for me. Overall I think this is the perfect animal for me, and I am very pleased to choose the White-Flippered Penguin as my animagus :)
Kaela, Gryffindor
#362 -
savaburry - Sea Otter
Okay, I was like, ecstatic when I saw that one of my choices was the Sea Otter. I love them because they’re so playful and fun, and cute and I think those qualities fit me very well. The first characteristic that I loved was the fact that it lived mainly in water. I’m not the best swimmer so whenever people ask me about my preferred life as an animal, I chose to live in water. It has this sense of being unpredictable and that’s always a fun way to live life right?
Second, they’re an endangered species so they need lots of love. I think that I’m a very accepting and loving person and by me being an otter I would raise awareness (you know, I would find a way) and help us to stop being killed by dumb things like oil spills and all that bad stuff.
Sea Otters are playful and fun but they are not considered to be sociable animals. I take this to mean that while they have fun and interact with other otters, they have their alone time and that trait fits me to a t. I love being around my friends and having a good time, I like having my alone time too.
Lastly, my best friend also picked a water animal and now we can keep being best friends IRL, ~and~ in water =)
Savannah, Gryffindor
#363 -
kaysoul - Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher
I’ve always had a personal connection towards birds. I’ve always loved the sense of freedom that they have and their ability to travel anywhere in the world that they would want to go. I do have a longing to have the ability to fly off anywhere and just see things from a different perspective. I’ve always loved smaller birds too because, to me, their appearance is much more sweet and cheerful than that of a larger bird. So, after a lot of deciding and re-writing this essay, I’ve decided that the Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher is the best choice for me.
The oriental dwarf kingfisher’s outwards appearance reflects my artistic nature and ability for their multi-colored feathers. In addition, I feel that their outwards appearance helps reflect the confidence that they have inside so that it radiates outside, something I like very much. They also very social animals and live with many of their own kind in the tunnels they live in, but at the same time like to be alone or be with just one or two other birds.
With the Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher, I get to experience everything I asked for in my original application. I get to remain on land, but I have the ability to fly as well as go into water. Though, they don’t exactly swim, but they do dive into the water to retrieve food at times. I get to experience the best of everything without experiencing the extremes of deep water. They also have the ability to defend themselves with their beak if they’re ever in trouble. This shows that they are resourceful and use their instinct as well as logic to solve any problems they might have. They’re also located in more of a warmer climate, which I prefer over a cooler climate any day.
Katie, Gryffindor
#364 -
golden_horizon - Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox
I have chosen the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox. Upon reading people’s votes, it’s very clear that this is the perfect animagus form for me. It combines my dream of flying with my attachment to foxes, as well as most of the other requests I mentioned in my application.
The Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox prefers to live in uninhabited areas, which makes me feel closer to this animal because of my shy, introvert personality and the fact that I’m a bit of a loner and feel completely comfortable spending long periods of times by myself. It’s also nocturnal. I find myself spending more and more time awake late at night and very early in the morning, so that characteristic suits my animagus form as well.
My creative abilities match well with the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox: it uses water for grooming, and swoops down to collect water on its wings to be used later. I think that’s pretty cool, and quite smart.
The habitat of the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox is mostly rainforests, which is a good match for my favourite type of weather: “I think my favourite kind of weather would be not too hot and not too cold, a little bit sunny (the kind that warms you up in a nice way) and perhaps just before it's about to rain lightly, and you can smell the rain in the air.” That seems like a happy coincidence!
I think the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox is an awesome animal, and would love to have it for my animagus form!
Emily, Hufflepuff
#366 -
caesaria - Grévy's Zebra
I've loved zebras for as long as I can remember and when I saw that a zebra was one of my options I was immediately drawn to it (even though I considered the okapi for a loooong time, but in the end realized that I only really considered it because it looked so much like a zebra xD).
I love horses too, always have and always will, and that love pretty much extends to everything roughly horse-shaped. I feel secure and calm around horses and even though I never stood next to a zebra other than in a zoo, I would imagine zebras would have the same kind of effect on me. Zebras are basically horses with a couple of extra cool points! Their black and white stripes are a bold and always relevant fashion-choice ;-) I can remember when I was very young I was already drawn to zebras in the zoo. They just stand out so beautifully in their own unique kind of way. And considering a lot of animals (especially smaller ones) make me fidgety and they *don't*, that is a strong, strong argument in their favor <3
The description of the Grévy's Zebra immediately spoke to me. They spend 60-80% of the day eating! They are definitely my kind of animal! :D And they're big and heavy, which makes me feel like they're kindred spirits of my fatty self ;-)
They're not overly social and walk around in small groups, which would fit my personality beautifully. Mothers are fiercely protective of their young, so that the young don't ~imprint on another female by accident, which I think is pretty cool. I would SO do that to my kid! It's a 'Not my daughter, you bitch!' thing. Which I would totally say. I was *thisclose* to being stamped as Molly Weasley LOL. Overall they're pretty peaceful animals though, and pretty lazy, all things considered. They eat, they mate, they sleep. I can feel a definite soulmate-thing going on here xD
This particular species of zebra is also highly endangered, which makes me all the more passionate about becoming one as my animagus form, because it will definitely make me more aware of them and their fate if I have a personal connection to them ♥
Basically, I love zebras. They're fierce, beautiful and majorly bad-ass. In conclusion: I would like to be a Grévy's Zebra please =)
Sonja, Hufflepuff
#368 -
weeterpsyche - Superb Lyrebird
For a while, I had ignored the lyrebird on my list of choices, concentrating solely on the nightingale and the black swan. I loved the song repertoire of the former, but also loved the grace and elegance of the latter. I found myself wishing for a swan that could sing, or a nightingale with more interesting plumage. Then William posted his reasons for the superb lyrebird, and I realized it was exactly what I was looking for. This bird is interesting and exotic, with incredible plumage, and also has an extensive capacity for mimicry and song. I love to sing and whistle, and so does the lyrebird. They can fly well, and can perch in trees, unlike the swan, who is fairly ungainly on land. In addition, they can run quickly to avoid danger. I could definitely imagine both impressing people with my awesome tail feathers and hiding in a tree above them to spy on them. They are also designed for the warm climate of Australia, which would give me an excellent excuse for hanging out in the tropics. :D
It’s a rare animal that has the seemingly contradictory characteristics I was looking for: to be able to both stand out and blend in. The superb lyrebird manages to fit these perfectly. I’d love to be a lyrebird!
Valerie, Slytherin
#369 -
_jc_icons_ - Margay
A couple of months ago I was sitting in front of my computer trying to write answers to the animagus application. It was hard for me, much harder than my initial sorting application. The reason is that I was trying not to push for a feline animagus form. But the truth of the matter is that I relate more strongly to cats than any other animal. And it's mutual! I can't count the number of times I've gone over to a friend's house and heard "This is amazing! My cat never sits on people's laps!" And I've literally gone on walks and had cats run multiple blocks to come talk to me. So there's never been a question in my mind that if I were to become an animagus I would have a feline form.
The Margay is not actually an animal I would have thought of for myself. But now that the Margay has been suggested I can’t imagine being quite so happy as any other animal. I mean, how could I not love the MarGAY?
No matter what, my decision to turn into an animal is going to be partial escapism. If I’m not human shaped I don’t need to deal with human shaped problems. Being an animagus would let me step out of my life, so while it’s important for me to have a form I relate to, I also want to be able to do things in animal form that I would never be able to, or just never would do as a human.
The Margay is a predator, and while I have an alpha personality I am definitely not predatory. It would be nice experiencing a hunt in the way only a feline can.
The Margay can live in a variety of climates, but it mostly prefers a forest or jungle. It climbs trees, is the only cat who can climb directly down a tree as easily as up, and can hang upside down from one back paw. I’ve always loved trees and being in and around them, but I’ve never felt comfortable climbing them. I like the idea of being able to turn into a climber and jumper for a while.
The Margay is an unmistakably wild cat, but a small one. I wouldn’t necessarily attract too much attention as a Margay, which appeals to me. In the videos I’ve seen of Margays interacting with humans, they can be very affectionate. And yes, they do purr. Margays are deceptively cute and friendly. I say deceptively because they are still wild animals, no matter how diminutive.
Most of why I’m going with the Margay is that I looked them up and immediately felt a connection. It’s not really something I think I can put into words, but the Margay just felt right. I’m very happy with my animagus animal, and I already have started adopting the Margay into my heart.
Sonja, Hufflepuff
#370 -
physician - Grizzly Bear
It was such a difficult choice between the Gray's water skink and the Grizzly Bear. However, I feel that the Grizzly Bear encompasses more of my personality than the skink. One major personality trait that this species of bear and I have in common is the solitary time of nature and how they do congregate from time to time. I am not completely anti-social but for the most I keep to myself, just like this bear. Another trait is the aggressiveness. "Grizzlies are considered by some experts to be the most aggressive bears, even by the standards of brown bears." People who know me in person note that I am fairly aggressive when it comes to many things and it pleases me so much to read this about a possible animagus form. On that note, Grizzly bears are said to be in competition with Grey wolves or Black bears in certain areas over resources. I am a very competitive person and will not normally back down unless the situation favors the opponent. I really like how Grizzlies relationships with other predators are very one-sided, the grizzly bear will come to a kill and the other animal will leave the kill for the bear to avoid confrontation and possible predation. Seriously, that is awesome. I really wanted an animal that was intimidating and the Grizzly bear definitely is. This animal is also very territorial and known to chase away the much larger Polar Bear when they come into contact with each other. I relate to this because I am very private and would "chase" away people who get too close to me or my own personal space. There is so much more that I could go into including ideal locations and food preferences but I think you get the picture. I am very excited at the idea that a Grizzly Bear could represent me in an animagus form.
Alexis, Slytherin
#372 -
elleaf - Roosevelt Elk
I have to admit I never felt close to any elk, and never really considered it as an option. But once I got the Roosevelt Elk suggested and got that suggestion explained, I read more about him and realised we have a lot in common.
Roosevelt Elks are social animals, they live together in large herds. I'm quite a people person myself, I can't live to long without people surrounding me. I do like sometimes to be alone, but not forever.
Travelling isn't something Roosevelt Elks do very much, and it isn't something I enjoy either. I do like to visit some places, but I'm always happy to return back home. Roosevelt Elks do travel, but only until they find a place they like enough to stay. Then they happily spend the rests of their lives there. I would like to spend the rest of my live in one place, with all my family and friends nearby. I wouldn't mind never leaving the town I grew up.
Roosevelt Elks can run about 35 miles an hour but are also great swimmers which was something that was something that was also important for me. They aren't extremely vulnerable, they can defend themselves and are relatively fast on land and water.
This is just extremely cool, isn't it?
Climbing on those rocks like it's nothing.
Rain forests are the habitat of the Roosevelt Elk, beautiful, magnificent places. They always look for the more moderate climate, when it's warm in the summer they move to place where it's cooler like meadows, snow fields or the water. When it gets cold in the winter they look for protection in lower located woods. I fancy moderate climates myself, neither extreme heat nor extreme colds are favourites of mine.
In the end I think the Roosevelt Elk and I have enough in common that I'd love for him to be my animagus form. Upon reading about him I felt more and more connected.
Kirsten, Hufflepuff
#373 -
easels - American Bison
I was a little surprised - pleasantly - to have the American Bison as a form choice. While it wasn't one listed on my application, I do love them and feel a connection to them. It was a very hard choice, deciding between the California Sea Lion and the American Bison, but in the end I felt the bison more described what I wanted in an animagus form - something like myself in mind, but stronger and awe-inspiring. While the California Sea Lion does describe me as well, it describes only part of my personality: the happy-go-lucky, charismatic part that doesn't always~ show up. The American Bison fits both the beautiful and ugly personality traits I possess and therefore is a much better fit, as far as I'm concerned.
The American Bison is strong, both in body and personality. They are fairly no nonsense animals, though they do enjoy lazing around on the plains. In her vote Kaitlin described them as creatures that have a "quick fuse" - and if you asked any person close to me in real life that would probably be one of the first things they use to describe me as well. We both are stubborn, intelligent, and can be somewhat lazy. We both like to play in the dirt and we don't mind getting messy if the situation calls for it. We stay beside our family and friends and protect them from threats to the best of our abilities. We are quick to attack if we feel we're threatened, dominant in personalities, and we don't accept "no". Our emotions are unpredictable, our bodies and minds adaptable, and we enjoy having fun and being social.
Even as far as appearances go, we're similar. We're both short (the female bison is around my standing height - of course they have a good 600 to 800 pounds on me XD), curved, and have reddish-brown hair. Something I found very awesome about the bison is that the females have nice sized horns as well. A bit smaller than the male horns but still HORNS and horns are very cool looking. Also they have beards. Beards are pretty awesome and, unfortunately (or fortunately, if you happen to ask my boyfriend) I am unable to grow one as a human.
The areas where the American Bison appear also draws me in, especially the area of Wyoming. The landscapes there are beautiful and whenever I travel there that is the first thing that makes my heart feel twisted from the beauty of it. I never want to leave the plains and the mountains, and as a bison I wouldn't really have to. And really, who would ever want to leave places that looked like
Elizabeth, Gryffindor
#374 -
uranoxymoron - Chocolate Domestic Ferret
This was a very difficult choice for me at first. I was offered my favorite animal, the platypus, but passed on it to go for the chocolate domestic ferret. After some introspection, I feel like a ferret is much more attuned to me than the platypus is.
Ferrets are considered quirky pets, and I'm an extremely quirky person. They're also a very excitable animal, and anyone who's seen me in Clawchat or HU knows that I'm pretty easily excited. One thing that I love about ferrets is that they dance when they're excited. This dance a series of hops and jumps that involves a lot of bumping into things, which is basically how I move around when I'm excited.
They're awake for only about 10 hours a day, which is awesome for a person who loves sleep. They're normally up at either at dusk or at dawn, which are two of my favorite times of day with the peace and the light and ahhhh.
They're also very small and innocuous, which is something I'd appreciate in my form, since I would use it to be a nosy eavesdropper. And finally, they're SOCIAL. I love being around people, and so do ferrets. I can be alone and enjoy it, but I much prefer to be around people (or ferrets, as the case may be).
Overall, I feel like I pretty much am a human ferret, and I can't wait to officially be one as an animagus.
Ashley, Ravenclaw
#375 -
nicccc - Eastern Raccoon
Admittedly, when I first saw my options, I was a bit stumped as to which one to choose because none were animals I've ever really associated with myself, but upon learning about them, I've found that the Eastern Raccoon really speaks to me, and so, have chosen that as my form.
I think it's quite interesting that people didn't know to what group raccoons might be related - were they closer to dogs? cats? badgers? bears? - when Europeans first came across them in their travels to the New World, and I'd like to think I can attribute such a trait to myself. I don't like to be boxed in and pigeon-holed. Although initially assigned to the ursus genus by Linnaeus, in 1780, Storr came along and gave raccoons their own genus, Procyon. I'd love nothing more to make a name for myself that stands out and is unique to me. Also, the fact that Procyon is a star (and possibly the namesake for the genus) coupled with my obsession with the Black family, I find it quite fitting that my animagus form should be the Eastern Raccoon.
I also like that the raccoon is associated with being an intelligent creature, and one that is very adaptable, being able to live in varied environments. They're omnivorous and nocturnal, and so ubiquitous that people would think nothing of one being around, which is a huge plus to me. Not to mention that they have the awesome capability of peeing backwards.
There's also the fact that they've got quite dextrous front paws, and while I don't think I mentioned my affinity for drawing in my application, it's nice to know that I'll retain fine motor control even in my animagus form, which is something I deeply appreciate.
The more I think on it, the more I feel connected to the raccoon, so I'm quite happy to choose it for my animagus form.
Nic, Gryffindor
#376 -
caitriona_3 - Texas Wolf
I chose to pursue becoming an Animagus for several reasons, to see through the eyes of another living creature; to see the world in an entirely new way; most especially, to have another form of defense for both myself and my family. Given my preferences for the canine family, and my loner/loyal personality, I’ve decided to take a chance on transforming into the Northern Gray Wolf.
Why the wolf? First, let me explain my connections to the entire Canidae line. Ever since I was a little girl, my family has ALWAYS had a minimum of three dogs. We’ve had purebreds from good lines and we’ve had the poor mutts that we took in from the street. Almost every type of dog available has passed through our family’s home. Two dogs used to sleep under my cradle and growl if anyone other than my parents came into the room. When we’ve lived near people with so-called “dangerous” dogs, I could go to the fence and interact with them without incident. From the tiniest to the largest, I’ve never had a dog be afraid of me, and I’ve never been afraid of a dog. That comfort level assures me that the Canidae family is the way to go.
Now, for personality, I am definitely would not fit the stereotypical domesticated dog. I’m not quite that friendly or social. While I am devoted to my immediate family (by blood and by choice), I am much less social with others. I avoid social “chit-chat” type conversations as I prefer a meaningful discussion with someone whose opinion matters to me. I tend to be aloof and distant (though polite) to acquaintances and strangers. In this, I am much like the Northern Gray Wolf which tends to focus on a nuclear family unit - based around a mated pair and offspring. In their natural condition, they are monogamous and devoted to the pack. My household consists of three generations - my parents, my brother, his wife, their kids, and myself. When large decisions are made, the impact on the entire family/pack is considered. We take care of one another, physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, whatever is needed. This type of care can also be seen in the Northern Gray Wolf. For example, when the mother wolf has given birth, she does not leave the den for the first few weeks. She relies on the father to provide food for them.
Another important similarity is the territorial instincts we both possess. The Wolf is highly territorial and an apex predator. Only humans and tigers pose much of a definite threat to the Wolf species. They defend their territory, their home, to the point of extreme violence - this occurs when the invaders do not acknowledge the markings that delineate the Wolf’s territory. I also tend to have an aggressively territorial attitude. It can be seen in my determination to protect my family even from teasing. In other words, I might be able to tease my brother about something, but if you try, you’ll be dealing with me! Also, my family’s home is sacrosanct. I will try to dissuade you from entering without permission - by locking the doors, giving warning, etc. I will try every peaceful method I can, but if you insist on coming in without permission, meaning harm to me or mine, well, you’ve been warned. On your own head be the guilt.
All in all, I find the Northern Gray Wolf to be a comfortable fit, and is
THIS not beautiful?
Caitriona, Gryffindor
#378 -
emptyhanded09 - Llama
Why the Llama is my animagus form
An essay by Ashley
When picking my animagus form, I wanted to be sure that my chosen animal would properly represent the different facets of my personality. First, it had to be a friendly and helpful animal. Second, it had to have a bit of attitude. And last, my animagus had to be something that would not leave me feeling vulnerable. When saw the wonderful group of animals that my peers had suggested for me, I was surprised at which animal caught my attention. Yes, I do believe that the llama embodies these important a characteristics of my personality.
As a pack animal, the llama is used to working as part of a team. This reflects the love I have for teamwork, especially on the Quidditch pitch. Funny enough, the llama can be trained to guard sheep, an activity similar to a Keeper guarding a goal on the pitch. As a Keeper, and as a self-described mother hen, the protective nature of the llama resonates with me. Llamas are also used as therapy animals, bringing joy to the people who need it the most. I would love to work as a therapy llama when in my animagus form.
Llamas have a rather infamous habit of spitting at each other and at humans who pester them. While I do not think that I would be prone to spitting while in my animagus form, it is a nice retaliatory mechanism to have just in case. It also shows that bit of attitude that is present in my own personality. I am a very nice and generous person, however I am not pleasant when people attempt to push me around. Even my Gryffindor stubborn streak is represented in my animagus choice as llamas will refuse to move if overburdened.
Finally, llamas have strong legs to keep potential threats at bay. I would greatly appreciate this asset, as it would keep me and my friends protected. Wild llamas that live in the Andes Mountains can navigate difficult terrain. This is another asset that could act as a form of protection.
While I never thought of llamas as a potential animagus form, my research has proven that a llama animagus would fit my personality perfectly. I have like llamas for quite some time and I think it is time to make the connection ~complete by registering my animagus form.
Also, my choice has absolutely NOTHING to do with
this video. Nope. NOTHING. At. All. >.>
Ashley, Slytherin
#379 -
silvertigerx - Peregrine falcon
Not going to lie, I had some pretty kickass choices. Although I'd expected a wider variety of choices than just birds, I nonetheless found all of my choices, well, amazing (although the badger sort of threw me off). Cutting to the chase, though, I knew as soon as I'd seen the choices that I would undoubtedly be the Falco peregrinus.
Indeed, the Peregrine Falcon is indeed one of the few animals I feel like I have a connection with. Going into the application, in fact, I didn't even realize it was open - that's perhaps why I so openly pointed out a specific species. You can only imagine my delight when I saw it listed among my choices - and indeed, I think quite a few people voted me as it, probably because I was so specific in pointing it out. I was first drawn towards the Peregrine falcon during a school project. We were all asked to select a particular endangered species, and having recently read My Side of the Mountain, I naturally gravitated towards the Peregrine falcon. I'm not sure what it was entirely that drew me to choose it, but once I commenced my research, I knew I'd hit a jackpot.
I'd say the biggest thing that drew me towards this particular little firecracker was its status as the fastest animal in the world. It breaks 200 miles per hour in a dive - that would make even a cheetah jealous! I admired it immediately for this aspect. I can relate to the desire to be the most "distinguished" in something, and although I don't think that's something the peregrine falcon consciously strives towards, if it realized its status, I'd bet it would be one proud little bird!
In size, the peregrine falcon is actually pretty small, especially when compared to birds such as, say, eagles, but it makes up for that with its speed, which is something I've always been attracted to. My "character" in my head is indeed lightning fast, and one of her main morphs is the peregrine falcon. This is something I selected many years ago, and something that remains with me today. To represent my flying self, I had, long before this, already picked the peregrine falcon.
Furthermore, the temperament of peregrine falcons, like other raptors, is characterized as fiery and bold, which is something I'll admit to relating to. In fact, it's probably what draws me towards these powerful raptors over, say, songbirds or other types of birds. I can relate to their ferocious attitude in hunting and staking out their territory, and, well, c'mon, that beak and those talons are pretty badass, aren't they? Rather than just "brute" strength, as I'd imagine the biggest of the big birds would have (such as the golden eagle), the peregrine falcon is actually pretty small in size - think about it, it's gotta be very aerodynamic. I relate to that, too, since while I have a big personality, I have a very small body - which sort of results in the "feistiness" people always peg me with. Even though they're smaller, peregrine falcons aren't to be messed with; they still hunt meat, which, being vegetable-adverse, I relate to :D
Although it's a ferocious attacker, the peregrine falcon is still somewhat of a solitary and introverted being, which is something I relate to also. They reconvene with their mates only during mating season, and fly off for the rest of the year. Additionally, they migrate to warmer climates, which I find quite in line with my attraction to warm weather. Although I'd indicated flight to only be a bonus in my application, I'd definitely very much enjoy the sensation of flying. To me, raptors represent a sort of cross between the elements of air and fire, a junction between the dreamy Ravenclaw and the passionate Gryffindor, which I think describes me very well. I have my head up in the clouds and would love nothing more than the sensation of soaring through the air and riding the thermals. Peregrine falcons can fly. They don't just flap; they soar. Lastly, an interesting tidbit is the fact that the female falcons are about 30% bigger than the males, and it is often the female that initiates relationships, which I find inline with my feminist attitude towards life.
Silver, Gryffindor
#380 -
epalpie - Harp Seal
I didn't even think of the Harp seal when I wrote my application, to be honest. I expected some kind of bird or a land animal. I didn't even think of any kind of seal! I freaking love these cute furry animals, though. Always did. ;u;
As I looked into the behaviour of the Harp seal (Which isn't easy, I tell you. I have four tabs open on it e_e) , I saw that it's a lot like me. Heh, it even has big eyes! It's a really furry animal, which is suiting since my hair is way too thick.
It eats a lot! And while it's mostly seafood (yum yum), it's not picky and eats about anything that's there. Which is fitting since I'm not the pickiest eater in the world. If something tastes good, then sure, I'll eat it.
Harp seals are social creatures. Even if there are many situations wherein I would rather stay home than socialize, I do try and mingle. They're form big groups and often have little groups within these. I think that's rather accurate to my real life scenario. Apparently, they're very animated creatures that love to preen around. And hey, that's tons of fun. :'D
Another thing is that they're seals, so cold weather is rather obvious. I LOVE the cold, as you've probably read on my application. They have thick fur, so it's like a warm blanket on cold days, which is great.
Traveling! They do that a lot after staying on floating ice for a good while. I love traveling, and while they do it for food, well, I do it for leisure. Food is an awesome bonus, though.
So all in all, I think the Harp seal has a lot in common with me. They're cute too. C":
Gabbi, Gryffindor
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