Animagus Registry #511 - #534

Nov 15, 2011 16:07

#511 - duskyn - Brown Falcon

So, this was actually really hard for me to choose. When I was writing the application and thinking about what I wanted I thought I would pick a hawk in a heart beat if that was one of the choices. I really did. Hawks are among one of my favorite animals and I have always felt such a connection to them, but people put so much time into the choices and reasoning that I had to look at the other three too. And wow, I was so torn.

First all, I honestly didn't expect to get Common Raven and really, really enjoyed looking up information about it. You see them all over in history, etc. And they are so pretty! As a spirit animal, they are absolutely amazing. And I mentioned my love for hawks, so when I saw the Northern harrier I immediately loved it. Chimp, I can actually really see personality-wise. And they are super badass.

But in the end, it has to be the brown falcon. Part of it was the pictures I saw, there was a such a connection to them that I didn't think I would have. Just looking at my personality compared with a falcon and I can see it. They are a much smaller bird of prey when compared to a hawk, but they are also much faster and I do prefer speed to strength. They also seem a bit more playful and that is definitely me. AND THEY DIVE-BOMB STUFF. Yeah, super awesome. The brown falcon is a little different in that they don't really actively hunt from the air like other falcons and prefer to glide around or sit around and wait for it. Someone described them as "masters of the sky" and I totally love that. Gliding is totally awesome and they love to do that.

They're also totally lazy when it comes to things they don't want to do, like built a nest. They just claim some other bird's nest as their own, and yeah, that would SO be me.

Plus, brown is my favorite color and they live mostly in Australia and I LOVE Australia. That is one of the places in the world I want to go the most.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to find an animal for me! I really appreciate it and you guys gave me such interesting and awesome choices!

Duskyn, Gryffindor

#512 - naushika - Leopard Gecko

Choosing one of the four options I was given for animagus was very difficult. I really felt that the options all reflected some part of my personality very well! In fact even as I write this, I'm doing some second guessing, but my eye was drawn to the leopard gecko instantly, and I keep coming back to it. I think overall it's the best fit for me.

As I mentioned in my original application, I do love reptiles. And as it turns out, I do have a lot in common with them, particularly the leopard gecko. They're nocturnal, as I am; I've been called a vampire, cave dweller, etc, because I very much am a night person, lol. They prefer the dry grassland and desert areas of the middle east, similar to where I'm living now, which is a desert. I quite like the dry heat, actually! They're also highly solitary animals, which, again, I totally am. I don't really like being around other people a lot. I prefer my alone time. :D

In addition, I would like to be a leopard gecko because of their size. Geckos are tiny and stealthy, so I could easily move around without being seen. I also think they're so cute. They have happy little faces! And I love the bright yellow skin that many of the leopard geckos have. Yellow is my favorite color. :)

All in all, I think the leopard gecko is the perfect fit for me!

Noelle, Slytherin

#513 - hauntedtonight - Arctic Wolf

Upon seeing my available choices I immediately knew I would pick the Arctic Wolf as my Animagus form. I am very impressed with the fact that these animals can survive in sub-zero temperatures where most humans cannot live. I really wanted an animal that was suited for the extreme cold so the Arctic Wolf is very fitting in that regard. These wolves are known for their stamina and ability to travel long distances, and as I am a traveler myself I think this form would be greatly useful to me. I could roam my favorite places, which include Northern Europe and Alaska, with ease. Also, since I am so sensitive to the cold I could simply change into my Animagus form to keep warm when necessary!

I can relate to wolves in many other ways as well. I absolutely love dogs, and as wolves are their wild counterparts I can definitely see myself as one. Arctic wolves are, like any other wolf, territorial to some degree and use howling as a means of warning off other nearby packs. I will never forget the times when I would start howling at the dog kennel and all of our residents would answer me with their calls. I admit to being rather possessive and can be hesitant to share with others unless they are close to me, which in my eyes seems appropriately wolfish. Dogs respond to you when you act like the pack leader, and for wolves it is the same-no matter your size, if you have the right attitude you can make it as the alpha. I like the pack hierarchy and tight-knight family atmosphere wolves create for themselves. That definitely matches my own close relationship to my family. Furthermore, Arctic wolves have been known to keep packs with numbers as small as two. I prefer to be with people one-on-one myself.

Wolves in general are also very astute, intelligent creatures that come off as intimidating, much more so than a domesticated dog. I remember visiting a wolf reservation and being awed by these animals. Even though there was a fence between us I respected their potential dangerousness right away. They tend to fight more with psychological warfare than with brute strength and I think that sounds exactly like my own methods of dealing with others. I am looking for a daunting Animagus form and the wolf is no doubt a great option in that sense. Wolves are popular in folklore and are respected and feared by many. If I had to ward off an enemy my wolf form would simply have to growl a bit to get my point across. I like how direct wolves are because I am naturally a confrontational person.

Werewolves are my favorite mythological creatures. If given the chance, I would choose to turn into a wolf. I especially like the idea of being an Arctic Wolf Animagus because I could do just that without having to suffer from lycanthropy and all of its side effects.

Lastly, I appreciate the fact that wolves do not kill for sport, but for survival. They use every part of their prey, even the bones. Then they regurgitate the meat to young cubs. As a vegetarian who strongly disagrees with the meat industry I was hoping for an Animagus form that hunted in this way. Wolves are not wasteful, nor do they treat their prey with cruelty. They are simply following an instinct to survive. This I can respect.

Overall, I would be honored if I could become an Arctic Wolf Animagus! It is a perfect fit in so many ways!

Danae, Gryffindor

#514 - sinfulsparkle - Fossa

I am very happy to choose the fossa for my animagus form. The fossa is actually a very astute choice for me, and one that I would never have thought of myself, but again, it is a great choice. For one, the thing is just adorable ;) but it hides a dangerous side as well. I like this dual nature of the animal, as it makes it seem a bit more than an animal. The form I would take of the fossa would be an average to slightly longer than average female, as I am around the average height for a human, but tall for a woman. This would be around 6 feet long, from nose to tail, which is my current height.
Another reason I have chosen the fossa is because it is a carnivore. I would not want to confined to a certain diet when in my animagus form and this would give me far more variety. Additionally, the fossa's most predominant feature is a long prehensile tail that allows it to grab onto tree branches and other objects as it moves. This greatly helps it achieve fast, slick, agile movement, which was something I was definitely looking for. I think that as an animagus, I would like to be able to enhance the abilities I have in human form, and being faster and more agile is something I was hoping for.
As an only child, I definitely see the appeal of being alone and this is why I was interested in an animal with solitary tendencies. I envision transforming to my animagus form when I need to escape the world for a while and be alone, and I would not like to be a pack animal in these instances. The fossa is solitary and only spends time with other fossa socially during mating season and nursing. And listen, I'm not gonna be around for either of those times... ;) I also wanted to be able to be comfortable on both the ground and in the air, and a nice compromise here is the fossa's affinity for movement in the trees. Quick maneuvers through the branches are akin to flying, but far more stable and controlled.
And perhaps my favorite connection to the fossa is its ability to be both diurnal and nocturnal. I would like to be able to be a creature that could be active at any time, as that is how I am as a human. The fossa is also intelligent can vary its schedule based on mood or circumstance and I like that ability.

Lauren, Hufflepuff

#515 - queer_theory - North African Hedgehog

This was a difficult decision. I was given four excellent choices, including an animal that I myself said I've always felt an affinity for. The choice between green sea turtle and North African hedgehog was particularly difficult. I managed to build arguments for why both would be a perfect fit. In asking my friends for their opinion, I ended up with a tie. Since feeling is first, I ultimately had to go with how I feel.

When I was a kid and I used to go swimming, I would pretend to be a sea turtle. When I wanted to forget my life and pretend to have another one, I would glide around underwater and pretend that underwater life was all I knew. It was a romantic idea for me and it still holds that power now. And if being an animagus is about having the opportunity to live a different life from time to time, that's what it should feel like.

But the Hedgehog is an animal I've started to feel an affinity for as I've gotten older. Both turtles and hedgehogs are laid back. They're both unaggressive, but capable of protecting themselves. They're both quick, something I value as someone who walks with a cane and isn't quick in her daily life. The difference is that sea turtles are a creature I associate with being carefree. In a way, turtles are a creature I associate with being naive. Hedgehogs are a bit prickly. While soft and warm and fuzzy in the middle, they've got a shield of spikes to protect them from the world. When I was a child, I was very much a turtle, but as a nearly 30-year-old woman who has experienced her fair share of ups and downs, my hedgehog side is showing.

As much as I'd love to choose the turtle for that romantic feeling that still resonates with me, the North African Hedgehog is truly representative of who I am becoming now.

Heather, Hufflepuff

#516 - lumiscious - Oriental Small-Clawed Otter

Well, after much deliberation (honestly it was just meet scrolling through pictures of otters for hours), I've decided on the Oriental Small-Clawed Otter. It seems like the best option for me because, well because a lot of things (this essay isn't going to be extremely articulate).

For one, it's very small and surrounds itself by people like it, this is a thing I like to do often. You'd rarely find me amongst people too different from me, it scares me to death. They're extremely defensive when confronted, a lot like me! I'm calm and kept to myself unless you OFFEND ME then I'm all up on you like white on rice except it resembles an explosion of giant angry squids rather than a delicious side dish. It resembles me physically as well, I'm round-faced, light skinned, and my everything is brown! Like that nice chocolatey brown! They're small, silly, and adorable. And that's how a lot of people I know, both irl and online, describe me. I really love swimming as well, if I could I'd swim everyday. I'm really concerned with looks, like I can't go anywhere unless my hair looks PRESENTABLE otherwise I might as well just condemn myself for the next sixty years! also they're really cute and I think I'm really cute

Duckie, Gryffindor

#517 - tralfamadore - Eurasian Lynx

The Eurasian Lynx is an animal as interesting in fact as it is in fable. Since first researching the lynx for a report in seventh grade, I have felt an extremely strong connection to the animal that has come to stand as much for me physically as psychologically. It is the largest of all species of lynx and a medium-sized member of the cat family which resides primarily in forested areas. The lynx is characterized by its thick and patterned coat, powerful body, and graceful ability to move undetected. Each one of these traits represents something I desired for my animagus form. The Eurasian Lynx is an excellent representation of how I see myself, or perhaps more particularly how I wish to be seen. It is strong and agile, predatory, and with a patterning that is mostly muted and able to camouflage it well, but also visually striking. In human form I have vision and hearing loss, so it was important for me to have an animagus form that would represent more keen senses. The Eurasian Lynx has just that with its keen ear and eye.

Socially speaking, it is an animal that spends most of its time alone. It is not an extremely social animal and is not prone to being found in large groups, which satisfies my desire for an animagus form that would reflect my own desire to be mostly by myself. It is a nocturnal animal that does most of its sleeping during the day. As indicated in my application, my favorite time is when it's darkest. I'm most energetic at night, and this is when the Eurasian Lynx also shows its peak activity. The animal is also known for its secrecy and stealthlike quality. Because it is generally so quiet and very adept at remaining shadowed, a Eurasian Lynx can potentially exist in an area for years without anyone even knowing that it is there. What generally gives away its presence is the tracks it leaves on the ground. I have a strong affinity for that kind of secrecy, and the idea that people in the area may have an inkling that something is there but never really catch a glimpse of it.

I find the lore surrounding the Eurasian Lynx to be just as important in my selection of it for my animagus form. Lynxes have long been regarded as the keepers of the forest. They are eternally wise animals who are thought to know many secrets, but are reluctant to share them. Often lynxes are portrayed as ghostly animals whose presence may or may not be an imaginary or supernatural kind of occurrence. It is difficult to gain the trust of a lynx because they are so stubborn, but when mutual respect is attained a person stands a greater chance of learning the secret that animal hides. This is a lot like me, I think. My tendency to appear standoffish or reluctant to let a person in gives me that quality, but once I warm up to a person they become somewhat of my confidant and secret-sharer.

All-told, I find the Eurasian Lynx to be the perfect animal representation of me, and the ideal animagus form.

Jude, Hufflepuff

#518 - narianha - Red Squirrel

Red Squirrel is a very fitting animagus for me. When I was in middle school I started (as an elaborate joke) a Foundation Against Evil Squirrels, in which red squirrels were the good squirrels, set upon by the invading gray squirrels. It's kindof a long story, but basically there were a good 3 years of me constantly getting squirrel stuff as gag gifts and writing crazy short stories about squirrels taking over the world. Also there may have been a theme song, and a short movie script. I'm also a big tree-climber, so it's fitting in that respect. My parents used to yell at me for climbing all the time, and even called me a squirrel or a monkey jokingly.

Squirrels are kinda all over the place, and really chatty, which I feel is pretty much how I am most of the time. I'm very social, and I'm not very focused so I like to be in big groups of people where I can carry on several conversations at once. They're small, and while red squirrels are a bit less common than gray squirrels, they're still hardly something to remark upon so I'd be able to get around easily enough, especially since squirrels climb so well they might as well be able to fly. Squirrels are clever and resourceful, and they plan ahead. Squirrels are comfortable in urban and rural settings, so that wouldn't be a problem. Squirrels are tiny and cute, so they put people off their guard, but secretly they're quite devious. I'm the same way. I'm small so I'm not much of a physical threat, but you do not want to cross me, because I will find a way of making you regret it.

Rita, Slytherin

#520 - allinye - Australian Dingo

I had a difficult time choosing an animagus. I was very torn between the rusty-spotted cat and the Australian dingo. I love felines and canines, and both represent different sides of my personality. Many people see me as a cat-person, and I can easily relate to them. My patronus at HiH is a Chartreux, a domestic breed of cat. Plus, several voters chose a feline species as my animagus. However, the rusty-spotted cat symbolizes the more public aspects of my personality. I’m very private, and I rarely open up to others. While this characteristic is very suiting to the rusty-spotted cat (little is known about this species’ behavior in the wild), what it keeps guarded is more suiting to the Australian dingo.

First of all, I am a solitary person, but I am close to my family. Dingoes are often seen alone, but most belong to a pack that meets from time to time. These packs are generally small, consisting of three to twelve individuals. I come from a very small family. I grew up with my mom and older sister. Furthermore, I strongly dislike large groups. Also, some individuals are loners, but they will, occasionally, participate in pack activities, such as foraging for food. While I am a loner, I still enjoy spending time with my family. I like how dingoes are not bound to formal packs, but they can still rely on each other. This reminds me of the relationship I have with my own family.

The dingo is an adaptable species. It lives in various habitats, including the Outback, which is a very harsh environment. I see myself as an adaptable person, especially since I put what I do over where I live. Still, I prefer warm environments, and the dingo is well-suited for those. Furthermore, in warmer climates, the dingo is usually nocturnal. Admittedly, I am a night-owl. I stay up late, and I think the nighttime is very peaceful. Even in the city, there is a calming aspect to the night which I enjoy.

Although the dingo prefers to avoid conflict with humans, they are not pushovers. They will defend themselves if need be. I relate to this, and even though I’m normally quiet and reserved, I have a temper if provoked. Dingoes are territorial, and I hate it when others intrude on my space. This include personal space: I don’t like people outside my ‘pack’ touching me or standing too close. Dingoes protect what is important to them, and I’m very protective of my family, ideals, and certain material items. Additionally, the dingo possesses various physical traits I was looking for in an animagus. I wanted a form that was strong, fast, and agile. This describes the dingo very well. They also have keen senses and are capable of defending themselves. Although some people keep dingoes as pets (which makes me cringe), they’re known to be stubborn, willful companions. I am stubborn to a fault. I have a mind of my own, and I prefer to do things my own way.

As I researched the dingo, I found myself empathizing with them in other ways. Their situation in Australia reminds me of the wolves here in the States. Some individuals, especially farmers, view them as pests that should be killed. Others see them for the beautiful creatures they are and want to protect them. Since I’m such a private person, people see me in different ways. It takes time and effort to understand me for who I truly am. Plus, the admirers of dingoes see them as cunning survivalists, and what Slytherin can’t relate to that? I also looked up the symbolism of dingoes, and they often represent one venturing out on their own. The dingo challenges us to step out of our comfort zones and try new things. I’m currently aiming toward grad school, which may take me far away from home. I’m also trying to gain more independence. Furthermore, the dingo is seen as a trickster, which suggest alternate ways of thinking and living (Slytherin!). I value my individuality and freedom, and this corresponds to the dingo’s lifestyle. Thus, I can relate very much to the dingo as a symbol. It would make an excellent animagus, one I would be happy and comfortable with.

Alex, Slytherin

#521 - scevity - Parrotfish

Like most, choosing my animagus form wasn't easy. But, after some deliberation, I decided that the parrotfish was the form for me.

I knew from the minute I started in on my application that I wanted a animal that was at home in the water, and a deep-sea creature if I was lucky. Swimming has been a regular part of my life since I was very small, and it only seemed natural form that to translate into my animagus form. While you won't be finding the parrotfish on the bottom of the ocean, it contains a lot of the unique traits that make me like deep-water fish in the first place.

First and foremost are its ridiculously fascinating shape shifting abilities. The parrotfish will constantly change its shape, color, and even gender throughout the course of its life. Call me cliché, but that resonates with me strongly because I'm a teenager going through, arguably, the most important transition of my life. Also, I get bored really easily, so it seems rather fitting to have an animagus form that can change its appearance to reflect the changes have taken place inside myself.

Parrotfish are adaptable and aren't afraid of taking charge when necessary. When the male lead of their school dies, a female will step up and change their color and gender to take the former leader's place. While my natural inclination towards being a control freak may lead to me taking charge more than strictly necessary, I can really relate to the ability to step up and take responsibility when no one else wants too. The parrotfish lives in relatively warm parts of the world, which fits right in with my desire to stay away from colder climates. In addition to all of that, I really respect the way that the parrotfish is sometimes used as a symbol in the LGBT community, and having a form tied to such an important socio-political package would only be the icing on top of an already too-good-to-be-true cake.

All in all, I feel like the parrotfish encapsulates the better portions of my personality, while still giving me a bit of wiggle room to fit in any future changes, making it my ideal animagus form.

Oz, Gryffindor

#523 - holiday_reading - American Eskimo Dog

American Eskimo dogs were originally bred to guard people and property, and above all I place my protective instinct and wish to help others very high up on my list of qualities. It was very important to me that my animagus form be an animal that would help people in some way, and so I think the American Eskimo dog shall be very useful, helping me to protect my loved ones.

American Eskimo dogs are also very vocal, which resonates a lot of with me XD I am not a shy person at all, and if I have something to say I am never afraid to speak my mind and be heard, especially if it is to protect or stand up for my family, friends or beliefs.

As well as being originally bred as a protector, the American Eskimo dog has also been used as a circus performer. I find this really exciting as to be a circus performer means that this breed is highly skilled and intelligent as well as being able to have fun. I'm incredibly mischeivous and playful, and like to think I am also rather intelligent - so this is a good fit for me.

American Eskimo dogs thrive of praise, and love to please their owners. This is very much like me. I care a lot about what other people think of me, and do best when I am being praised and rewarded for my efforts - even if it is just a pat on the back or my name in a spotlight of glory.

Although many of the websites I have visited for information about American Eskimo dogs confirm that they are not from Alaska and in fact were originally bred in Germany, I cannot deny the appeal of a dog that's name is linked to snow. I LOVE SNOW. And apparently, despite it's non-Alaskan heritage, so do American Eskimo dogs, with many owners also confirming that this breed of dog particuarly love snow and will happily play in it for hours. Much like me!

Kathryn, Gryffindor

#524 - teapostal - Tawny Owl

I was excited to see two owls among the choices for me, as I do already identify with them for a number of reasons. I've chosen the Tawny Owl, as I think it is closer to mimicking my own personal appearance than the second owl choice I was given. Specifically, it is listed as a "stocky, medium sized owl" that has the option of being brown in colour. I'm very average sized, fairly large boned, and both brown haired and eyed. As well, the Tawny owl does not have great eyesight for hunting in the darkness, and this fits with myself, as I've worn glasses since childhood, but have great hearing, as does this animal.

Geographically, the owl is naturally found across most of the European continent, and this resonates with me as I'm both a huge anglophile and a scholar in European/Eastern European history - my greatest dreams revolve around living in and traveling in that area of the world; I've done it before, many times, and hope to always go back. My heart belongs in Europe, and specifically to London - where this owl is known to reside in the urban space. In terms of climate, it prefers forests (cooler areas) with access to water, and this is something that I would like, as well - it sounds comforting as a habitat.

Owls are generally nocturnal, and this specimen is a perfect example of that - I am, as well, a "night owl" that much prefers to be awake at night than during the day. Other characteristics? The Tawny owl has a very strong personality for the animal world - being both extremely territorial and a fierce predator of small animals and birds. This resonates with me, as I have mentioned in many apps here that I am extremely passionate, I'm fiercely loyal, and very independent. It is important to me that I can take care of myself in my animagus form, and as a mother, the idea of being territorial and protective of the young is something I would expect in my animal form.

Finally, it must be mentioned that as the choice is an owl, that flying is an integral part of life. I love being in flight, I'm in training for my pilot's license, and I have flown over 30 times this past year alone (not including my lessons!!). It was really important for me to have an animagus that loved to fly, as that is something that I'm missing the ability to do as a human that I would desperately love to have. It seems to perfectly complete me.

Ahn, Ravenclaw

#525 - evagoyle -Eurasian Wolf

The animal I've chosen to become my animagus form is the Eurasian Wolf . In my application I already said that I felt a connection with dogs and wolves so that is the beginning of the reasons. However throughout my entire life I have always felt that dogs and wolves were the most beautiful animals. They are graceful when they run, and in all their movements. They are loyal, protective, and are just there for you. Now granted that doesn't all fit in with the wolf, but as an wild animal wolves are loyal to the pack, protective, and there for each other. I've always loved the fur of dogs especially on their ears it is so soft, and I love when my fingers get lost in their fur. Now I've never pet a wolf, but I figure it would pretty much the same. When I was little I use to pretend an imagine what it would be like to be one, and would crawl around the house barking, and growling. I think I even went through a stage where I would drink out of my bowl or cut like a dog too. Silly I know, but don't a lot of kids do that at one time or another? I feel honored that the Eurasian Wolf was a choice given to me, and I'm so excited to be able to have this other form.

Krista, Gryffindor

#526 - neonhope - British Shorthair

When I went through my animagus choices, the British Shorthair was the first that I started to research. Though at first I was surprised that I was matched with a cat, as I read on I found that our temperaments and the way we act in general are very similar.

The first of many shared attributes is that British Shorthairs, despite the name, and truly dense fur. My hair is unbelievably thick, I have to get it layered and thinned often to be reasonable to work with.

However, the temperament is how I am most similar to the British Shorthair. We are both truly easy going, and enjoy living indoors. In fact, they are ideal for apartment living. I absolutely adore the city, not the country, so this would work very well for me. These cats don’t mind being lazy around the house by themselves, though they do enjoy another cat with an easygoing attitude to keep them company. This is, without a doubt, how I behave. I cherish that time spent by myself, but I prefer to be lazy with other people.

The British Shorthair is not a terribly demanding cat, and I feel that fits me well. They prefer to lie close to their owner, not directly on top of them. Again, this is how I am. I don’t really have to talk to you, just knowing you’re there is enough for me. They also like to “supervise” activities going on around the house from a perch. I can’t even begin to explain how much that is like me. I’m an avid people watcher, it’s just so intriguing to me. They also love attention and being petted. Though I would never admit it, I do love when people point how amazing I am.

These are just a few of the attributes I’ve found that we share. Besides, Puss in Boots and the Cheshire Cat are British Shorthairs. How more epic can a species get?

Trina, Gryffindor

#527 - aleator - Common Raven

I received four very interesting choices, which gave me a very hard time trying to decide which to pick!
All have features that I find highly attractive- the American crow and common raven are intelligent birds, the peregrine falcon is possibly the fastest animal in existence, and the golden eagle is powerful and speedy. On top of that, all have some form of symbolism to them, a topic that fascinates me endlessly- the crow and raven are known as tricksters and symbols of wisdom, the falcon was once regarded as a symbol of princes and aristocracy (amusing in the context of HiH and my house!) and the golden eagle is considered sacred in some cultures.
It was hard trying to figure out which to go with, but in the end I decided on the Common Raven.

The raven, like other corvids, is a highly intelligent bird. Experiments show that the raven demonstrates great problem-solving ability, and is able to learn quickly via imitation. While I doubt I'm one of the smartest people around, I relate to the raven's learning ability well - the rate at which I pick up new skills often surprises my teachers, and I also learn best by copying what I see. The raven's resourcefulness allows it to survive in a variety of habitats including urban areas, and in the same way, I learn to adapt to change even if I don't like it.

Ravens are known for being playful- they roll about in snow, slide down inclines, and engage in play while in the air, which is totally what I'd do if I were a raven. I feel life is too short to have to act serious all the time, and I love to play- even my current career path leads to work with creating computer games!

While the raven may gather in large numbers, particularly to feed, they travel mostly in mated pairs. Similarly, even though I do enjoy being around people sometimes, I ultimately prefer to hang out around my family and friends. I'm very detached from most people I meet, but I can get highly attached to the ones I love and care for.

Looking at features I wanted in an animagus form- the common raven is found in a wide variety of places, including urban areas. I was particularly interested in having a form I could use to travel in (preferably by air) that wouldn't look suspicious in human-populated areas, which is where I enjoy living. The raven fits the bill- even in places the raven doesn't inhabit, it could potentially pass off as a crow since size is hard to judge at a distance. This pretty much ensures the usability of the form in almost every part of the world, which is awesome since I enjoy travelling overseas. On top of that, predatory birds generally consider ravens to be large and difficult to capture so they rarely bother to attack ravens, which means safety almost everywhere in animagus form.

In less serious terms, the raven is a somewhat popular creature (particularly where Poe's poem is concerned), and I think of this as being in line with my interest in popular culture and memes. Also, the raven's plumage is the same colour as my hair, so there's a physical similarity as well.

All in all, after reading some of the voters' comments plus some research, I've come to think the raven and I have more in common than I once thought. Nevermore will I doubt that my animagus form should be that of a common raven!

Cy, Slytherin

#528 - defined - Scottish Wildcat

I have always loved the members of the Felidae family, so I was happy that I had two to choose from for my animagus form. When I read up on the Scottish wildcat, I knew it was for me. These cats are known for being intelligent, resourceful, and agile, which are all things I like to think I am. They are also known for being fearless, patient, and powerful, which are things I want to be.

I love the way this cat looks. They're mostly brown with black stripes. Since I have brown hair and eyes, this suits me. They also have a bushy tail, and I'd love to have such a well-defined tail in my animagus form! Their bodies are also made for travel, which is what I'd mostly use my form for. Their claws and wrists let them climb easily, their powerful leg muscles allow them to sprint up to 30mph, they have incredible balance, and are stealthy. Their coat not only provides camouflage but keeps out rain and cold. They also aren't as afraid of water as many other cats, which would also be useful in traveling.

Another thing I love about this cat is that it can't be tamed by humans, even when raised in captivity. As much as I like domesticated animals and seeing animals in zoos, it always makes me sad in a way that they can't be what they were meant to be. But this cat will have none of that, and I feel that reflects how I don't like dealing with humans and their bullshit either, and that I just want to be me.

The cat is mostly solitary, like me. I like spending time with my friends and immediate family members, but usually only in small doses. They're also crepuscular, which is kind of like me. I wake up in the morning and slowly start to feel fresh but then I have to go out and face the world and get bogged down and tired. When I come home at night and can be alone, I start feeling better again.

The cat is also mostly silent, which I feel also reflects me. When I'm alone, I'm obviously not making much noise. But also when I'm in a group of people it's hard for me to get a word in. Usually I do okay with 1 or 2 people, especially if they're introverted like me, but if I'm with more people, or 2 extroverts, then I usually just observe. I think about what I want to say but by the time I figure it out, it's too late in the conversation, so I just stay quiet. Sometimes I don't even realize I'm not saying anything since I forget I didn't actually say what I was thinking.

I also love the way this cat attacks. They will only attack creatures they're hunting. If someone threatens them, they'll hiss, growl, and spit in response. If the opponent backs down, then the wildcat will run away, but if it attacks, then the cat will fight back. I don't like hurting people and try to avoid it if I can, but I will defend myself if necessary and snap back verbally at someone. I also don't really like arguing, so sometimes I'll "run away" from the argument if given the opportunity. I like knowing that in animagus form I could stand my ground, if provoked by another animal.

I could go on, but I think it's obvious by now that I would love the Scottish Wildcat to be my animagus form!

Chelsea, Ravenclaw

#529 - ninjaunicorn201 - Jack Russell Terrier

I have a lot in common with the Jack Russell Terrier. We’re both extremely hyper, often to the point that we come off as annoying. They’re a very vocal breed of dog, and I have to admit I can be pretty verbose sometimes (okay, all times). I’m adhd, so I have to be doing something at all times or I get really bored. When Jack Russells get bored they are destructive, and when I get bored, I take things apart to make new things. I like to call that “reconstructive,” but to each his own. I have a lot of energy and I get a little bit stir crazy if I feel like I can’t move around enough. Like the Jack Russell I tend to function better when I’m around other people. If I’m out of contact with society for a while, I kind of forget how to act when I am around people. While doing research for this, I found that even though Jack Russells were bred to hunt, they weren’t bred to kill. The man the breed was named after took great pride in the fact the his dogs never tasted blood. I definitely connect to this, because I can’t imagine ever hurting someone. I’m your hyper, cuddly best friend, and I’m not any kind of hurtful at all.

Oh, and I grew up with Wishbone, and I love him. Google if you don’t know who that is.

Cait, Hufflepuff

#530 - sigrundora - Birman

When I saw my choices I was floored and honoured. I mean, I had the possibility to choose the Cheetah, the fastest animal on land. How cool is that'

However, as I started reading, I quickly realised that the Birman and the Capuchin spoke more to me than the Chimp and the Cheetah. After thinking on it a bit more, I decided on a Birman since I do believe that the Capuchin might just be too active :P

Birmans are docile and not really vocal. They're people cats who like to be where the action is. They're generally placid, but love to play with toys. I do believe this fits me quite well as I love to be the center of the attention (up to a point of course). I really like being around people who I like and can get up to all sorts of crazyness if I'm left alone. I'm laid back and easy going and I think that is similar to the birmans since they don't mind being held in all sorts of positions when they're being shown.
In addition, I'm a quiet person, but when I have the reason to, I can be outspoken.

I think Birmans are a really cool cat breed, one that I really didn't know of before this and am really happy with my choice :D

Dora, Hufflepuff

#531 - faerisfolly - Red Fox

This was a difficult choice...which is saying a lot since Red Fox has always been one of the animals I have thought would be my animagus. (If it isn't my animagus, it usually ends up being my patronus when I've chosen for myself.) It came down to Red Fox or Ethiopian Wolf, and in looking at the entries for both animals on wikipedia, I did end up still feeling more of a kinship with the Red Fox.

My first fascination with Red Foxes actually comes from watching what I think was a Sesame Street movie where I think there was a Japanese Fox Maiden (kitsune). Then spending time on my cousin's farm where there was a fox den with kits that we spent all of our free time spying on to catch a few glimpses. Looking more into the legends of the kitsune--which appear as Red Foxes that sometimes have extra tails and supernatural abilities beyond shapeshifting--just added to the allure. A common belief in medieval Japan was that any woman encountered alone at night could be a fox. That fits my own schedule just as well as the fox's own natural schedule.

Their range being so widespread appeals to the traveller in me. I wouldn't have to worry that people would be shocked to see a fox around almost anywhere I'd end up going. I also share their ability to quickly adapt to new places/situations.

The fact that their sight reacts mostly to movement reminds me of my own, because I will pretty much turn and look if I think there's movement in my field of vision.

I'm very keen on body language. Both what I portray to others and reading what their postures and actions are telling me *beyond* just their actual words. Red foxes also tend to rely on body language. One of their vocal calls reminded me of posting to LJ/texting my friends--it's a barking "wow wow wow" sound.

I love that they are omnivores who can entirely subsist on fruit in certain times of the year. Sometimes I pick one food and literally eat almost nothing else until I get sick of it and switch to something else.

A sleep time on average of 9.8 hours a day in captivity is another aspect that I relate to. It never seems that I can get enough sleep even when I'm not having insomnia or other things keeping me from it.

This line cracked me up: "Red foxes may leave their families once they reach adulthood if the chances of winning a territory of their own are high. If not, they will stay with their parents, at the cost of postponing their own reproduction." I have gone back and forth from living with my parents for various reasons since I left home to go to college 2 states away. After 5 years I moved home. Moved to North Dakota (24 hours worth of driving away), moved back home to care for elderly grandparents, and now I've moved to Maryland (~5-6 hours away). I finally intend to stay if I can set up my own territory here...aka find a full-time job and apartment.

All that is why in the end I have to go with the Red Fox as my animagus.

Morgan, Slytherin

#532 - kriskabelle - Appaloosa

As an animal, horses have always called out to me. From the age of three when I was introduced to pony rides, my love for equines has only grew.

As an owner of an appaloosa myself, I can tell you that they are a hardy breed. There is very rarely something that they cannot do. They are known for their intelligence and their stubbornness, willing to do anything to please their owners. Their temperament is a direct reflection of mine, to be honest.

I am not a person to be told what I can and cannot do. If there is a task put in front of me, I will follow through until it has been done to the best of my ability, to the point of exhaustion. I am ambitious, I am stubborn and, while I don't admit this often, I enjoy pleasing others.

However, I believe the form of a horse suits me in much simpler terms. While I am rather stocky, I enjoy running. Feeling the wind through my hair, the air in my lungs, the burn in my muscles, my feet pounding against the ground as I push myself forward. It all reminds me of the beauty of the horse as it gallops across fields and through valleys. Beauty in its most simplest terms.

The idea of being part of a unit, a herd, appeals to me as well. Learning to work as one, living for the moment and worrying only for your herdmates is a rather attractive concept. Even the choice of playing with the rest of my herd or running with others just for the sake of it sounds like a great way to spend my day.

Appaloosas take it a step further, though. Not one has the same appearance of another. They are all uniquely made, their colouring differing almost by the season. I've always considered myself different from others, a combination of tastes and thought patterns that make me stand out from the rest. And while this doesn't necessarily pertain to appearances, why not show those differences in markings instead?

All in all, I believe the appaloosa is the perfect choice for my animagus form, and I couldn't be more pleased with it.

Krista, Slytherin

#533 - cazzwell - Belgian Tervuren

As I said in my application, and as with many other people, I’ve always felt a connection with dogs. When I saw three different breeds up for my choosing, I knew it would be a tough decision, but after just a little researching I was immediately drawn to the Belgian Tervuren, a specific breed of Belgian Shepherd Dog.

The first thing that drew me to this breed was their appearance. Their shaggy fur really reminds me of myself, especially first thing in the morning when my hair is going everywhere! Their caramel and black coloration is striking, and when I heard mention that the AKC accepts a white patch of fur on their chest as normal coloration, it really hit me. Every dog I’ve ever had has had a white patch of fur on their chest, which is so overwhelmingly familiar that it just drew me straight in. The Tervuren’s stature is also appealing to me, as they’re medium-to-large dogs, and females are said to have distinctively feminine physiques, which definitely suits me well as I’m a taller girl who loves her curves. I became so quickly attached to the coat, variety of coloration, and overall appearance of this breed that it immediately eliminated the other three breeds of Belgian Shepherd for me.

Then it just came down to temperament, and I love what I saw! The first line under one description of their temperament says they are “highly energetic, intelligent dogs who require a job to keep them occupied”, and for someone like me who is incredibly task-oriented and very good at pouring themselves into specific tasks, that statement was a home run. The versatility of these dogs as a general breed is also amazing to me. They are classified as herding dogs, which I was really looking for. I grew up spending a lot of time on my grandma’s farm, and some of my fondest memories are working the livestock with the farm dogs, helping to herd in cattle and sheep. I have always wanted a dog with strong roots in agriculture, and versatile dogs like the Belgian Tervuren are fantastic. I love that they can do anything from search and rescue, to police training, to agility training. It suits me in that I have a large number of interests, and I’ve always had a hard time deciding what I want to do in life and feel I might be suited to a number of different things!

Most importantly, though, is the Tervuren’s orientation toward family. They’re said to form very strong familial bonds, something that I personally have and treasure. They’re good with children and are loyal guard dogs. They’re also highly observant of their environment and described as being very attentive, both important qualities to me as my career choice is a researcher, so I literally make a living from being curious and observant. What sealed it for me was how they treat strangers - sensitive, curious, and a bit shy, but not afraid, and taking strong cues from the people they’re close to. That describes my interaction with new people to a T.

Overall the Belgian Tervuren is an intelligent, playful, hardworking breed that I fell in love with right away. I wasn’t expecting to click with any animagus choices as much as I have with this breed and I am happy to claim it for my own!

Caz, Gryffindor

#534 - capeofstorm - Ragdoll cat

When I saw the Ragdoll among my animagus choices I felt an instant connection with it. So much so that as much as I appreciated the other choices for me, I knew I was already sold.

Ragdoll seems like the perfect choice for me. We both share the docile, easy going temperament. Like a Ragdoll, I tend to go limp and purring when someone strokes my hair or pays attention to me. We're both homebodies who prefer to laze around.

I have to say that I love the intelligence and curiosity Ragdolls possess - it's another set of traits we share; we both need our mental stimulation and prefer that over physical exertion. Like a Ragdoll, I'm easy to take care of and don't need a lot of maintenance. A little grooming, a place to bask in the sun and a full plate and both a Ragdoll and I are happy.

From the brief research I have done on this breed, it seems that people often call them "puppy cats" for their dog like qualities: they love following their owners, are loyal and rather selfless. I know one of the voters raised a valid point that cats usually aren't selfless and that's why I believe this breed is perfect for me.

Another similarity I share with this breed is their fur and my hair. When my hair is longer it tends to be thick and silky like a Ragdoll's coat. So it definitely suits my appearance. They are big, heavy cats, again something that suits my appearance as I am rather tall and big boned.

I'm really, really happy with this choice, I have to say!

Lena, Gryffindor

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#533, #521, #532, #517, #520, #525, #524, #515, #530, registry, #514, #516, #512, #527, #531, #528, #511, #529, #526, #518, #523, #534, #513

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