Animagus Registry #301-320

Aug 19, 2009 21:20

#301 - moonlightstorm - Siberian Tiger

My research showed that all of the animals I was given were completely awesome and I would’ve been happy as any of them, but I’ve chosen the Siberian tiger for my animagus form. Tigers are usually solitary animals, but not always. They can amicably share kills with other tigers, even those unrelated to them. I like being around other people, but if I have to classify myself, I always say I like being alone better. I can handle being by myself for long stretches of time much better than I can handle being in constant contact with other people for weeks on end.

These tigers live in forests and lake basins, favoring areas with large bodies of water, lots of brush for cover, and some snow. I’m more of an indoors person than an outdoors person, but I absolutely love forests and snow. If I have to be outside, that is the type of place I would want to be. Winters in their habitat get really cold, which is great. Cold weather is my favorite. They like to swim, which is another plus. I don’t swim frequently, but I do enjoy it. Tigers often cool off in lakes or rivers during the hot parts of the day. I tend to shower or take cool baths when it gets really hot out, since I don’t live in an area where most houses have air conditioning.

Tigers also hunt by stealth, tending to hide and wait for prey to come near so they can pounce and quickly kill. I don’t like wasted effort, so this makes a lot of sense to me. I try to conserve my energy and then do what I need to do quickly (otherwise known as procrastination and working well under pressure). They tend to hunt at night, which is perfect for me. I much prefer being awake at night to being awake in the daytime. The later it gets, the most efficient I get at accomplishing things.

Lexi, Ravenclaw

#302 - pot_of_coffee - Mackenzie River Husky

When I was given a canine option as one of my choices for my animagus, I was immediately excited by it. Now, having read even more about this particular breed, Mackenzie River Husky , I am even more excited.

My bubbly personality, childish excitement and attention-seeking qualities have led many people in my life to describe me as a “puppy”, and so it is a nice confirmation that people were able to read my application and see these aspects of me that people I see day-to-day also recognise.

One of the things that excited me most about this particular breed was its love of snow. OMG I LOVE SNOW!!!! I think a dog that can spend hours and hours playing in the cold snowy weather would suit me perfectly. Mackenzie River Huskies are made for snow.

The personality of the Mackenzie River Husky also fits with my own personality. Donna Dowling acts as a coordinator for Alaskan residents interested in breeding and preservation of the native arctic freighting dog. She describes the gene pool as capable of considerable variation, but states that the temperament is always guaranteed to be independent but “completely trustworthy with children, intelligent and eager to work.” I love working with children and believe this description fits me perfectly.

Dowling goes on to describe their personality in further detail:

Social bonding, pack mentality, build and gait reflect the wolf influence which naturally occurs when you have sled dogs in remote environments. Wolf traits such as being unpredictable, unmanageable, skittish, or untrustworthy with children where culled out. The resulting temperament is one of a high social order, raising pups together, working well with team members once hierarchy is established, viewing their people as extensions of the pack. They are willing workers once they realize that they get to run with their ‘pack’ and view you as the alpha dog. This respect is earned or learned from the others and is not automatically given.

So much of this description speaks to me. I am an incredibly loyal person, however it takes me time to trust people, and my respect must be earned, just as in this breed. Also, the social bonding and pack mentality aspects of this breed are incredibly clear in my own personality.

This breed of dog not only fits my personality, but is also aligned to my interests in snow and working with children. This is why I am more than happy to select the Mackenzie River Husky as my new animagus form :)

Mindy, Gryffindor

#303 - qadesh - Scarlet Macaw

I've been waiting to become an Animagus for over a month now, so when I got my choices I didn't know what to expect. From day one, though, I figured this animal would be on the list, and because in my heart of hearts I just knew I was going to be given this animal, I think it really ought to be my form. I will be the Scarlet Macaw.

The obvious reasons I am choosing the Macaw have to do with my previously-stated sensory processing problems. Looking at pictures of the Scarlet Macaw makes my eyes dance with happiness and joy. The colors are bright and beautiful and perfect for somebody who has sensory troubles! Looking at pics is like ~sensory wonderland~. Furthermore, the Scarlet Macaw can fly. Flight is the thing that I more or less live for. It may not be my career, but someday I will be a pilot. I love to fly and I love that my form flies high in the air and lives in the tallest rainforest canopy.

SPEAKING OF, I've also always had a deep connection to the rainforest. I can't explain why, but I've always loved reading about and looking at pictures of jungles - probably because of all the colors. I love that my form lives in the rainforest, even if I myself probably wouldn't go there in my form.

Scarlet Macaws aren't only beautiful and functional, they are super smart. They need a lot of stimulation, just like me, and get bored easily. They also like large spaces, like me, and like to have lots of room to move around and lots of things to do. I also like to do many things at once; I can't enjoy television if I'm not doing something with my hands at the same time! And Scarlet Macaws can learn to do all sorts of tricks to show off, which kind of sounds like being a grad student to me. Scarlet Macaws need time alone but they are friendly to others and enjoy socializing, not unlike myself.

The Scarlet Macaw is a majestic, kickass tropical bird considered by many to be the most beautiful bird OF ALL TIME SON. I'm really honored to have this animal as my Animagus form. Scarlet Macaw ♥.

Layla, Ravenclaw

#304 - stolenfairytale - American Bombay

This was an interesting experience, and one I'm sorry it took me so long to finish. I apologise for that, by the way. At first, I struggled with it, especially since it was a bit of a hard choice. I was given American Bombay, Fishing Cat, Green Water Snake, and the Sitka (Black-Tailed) Deer. I wasn't surprised to get so many cats, I rather expected it, to be honest, and I definitely considered the Green Water Snake, as I am a Slytherin, after all, and I liked a lot of their traits. The one I felt was really out of place was the Sitka, while it's a noble animal, I saw very little of myself in it and nothing I particularly wanted in it -- and as I noted to my friends, deer in my brain are prey, and the last thing I could ever want to be is prey.

I was left with two cats, and after much deliberation, I chose the American Bombay. I've always loved black cats and felt a special connection to them, maybe it's the history of witchcraft in my family, I'm not sure. I was also attracted to the Bombay because they're heat-seekers, they like to be warm, and are well-known for their voices.

I also like that they are considered intelligent, and can be trained to do tricks -- not that I feel the need to be taught tricks, but it's nice at any rate, and with my love of family and home, a housecat breed seems perfect.

Calypso, Slytherin

#305 - an_ardent_rain - Long-Eared Hedgehog

When I first saw my choices, I was absolutely thrilled. I could see myself as any one of those animals! However, that also meant that my decision was that much harder. After researching a little, I narrowed down my choices to either the Cleveland Bay or the Long-eared Hedgehog. I could see myself as either of those animals, but finally I think I made the decision: my animagus form will be... the Long-Eared Hedgehog!

I've always liked hedgehogs; they're very cute and they remind me of myself. They have a lot of predators, but they also have small needles to protect themselves. However, if you pet them the right way it doesn't hurt you - and I'm much the same way, because though I may try to look tough or be intimidating, I'm never able to actually do it. I wanted a small animal who would dwell in earth over air or water, and the hedgehog perfectly fit those requirements. What makes the Long-Eared hedgehog a good choice is first its ears. They're so awkward but adorable at the same time, and that's definitely something I can relate to. I have a big chin which I'm a little self-conscious of, so now at least as a hedgehog I would have another body part to worry about!

It lives in burrows, so I would feel safe if I needed to hide. It is also faster than some other species of hedgehog, which I also wanted. It might leap at its predators or try to outrun them - since the poor things have less needle protection, I'm not sure the former is the best idea, but with a good strike I think I'd be okay. This animal hibernates, which I relate to because I do not like the cold. It's also said to be nocturnal, which - though maybe not my first preference - I'm totally okay with.

And that's why I've chosen the long-eared hedgehog as my new animagus form!

Hannah, Ravenclaw

#306 - theatarantina - Desert Pocket Mouse

Alright, wow, well after some very careful deliberation of all of the equally awesome choices given, I kept coming back to the description I read in my research on this little guy. Though possibly the most surprising, the Desert Pocket Mouse suits my desires for both a dry, warm climate and nocturnal preferences.

Like me they tend to be loners and try to avoid conflict, only coming together to mate and raise families (which is one part I won't be doing), and often keep complex burrowing system-like relationships to accomodate this. Which I can't help but relate to my own complicated relations. But then when aren't relationships complicated?

Upon further investigation I discovered it has also been tested as showing capabilities of complex identifications and decision making. Which I related instantly with what I described as my "best trait." And indeed, it is, my vast cognitive memory and identification with various, even abstract concepts has served me quite well, and because it has kept this little guy off the endangered species list, will no doubt serve my animagus form as much.

Intelligence was definitely the deciding factor for my purposes as an animagus, and this little guy -- despite his very small size -- has it in spades. While there is a freeing element, I would prefer not to lose my exceptional perceptive skills. Few animals have such capabilities, and this little guy allows me to be cunning and stealthy in the tightest of situations.

Ben, Slytherin

#307 - rideinthelimo - Cardigan Welsh Corgi

Though I had a tough time choosing my form, all four of my choices were fantastic, but I feel the most connection to the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. I have always loved cats and small dogs, as I love their friendly, playful but solitary attitude.

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is especially like me due to how people refer to them as big dogs in small dog's bodies. Sometimes that's how I feel, and people often say they are surprised at how someone as little as me could be so noisy! It's something that I really feel describes me.

Like me, they are reserved with strangers, but loyal and affection to those closest to them.
Highly alert, always on the watch for danger and slightly panicky, this describes both the corgi and myself. I am always panicking, running things through my mind, making sure everything is done, and like the corgi, I need reassurance from my owner (friend) before I feel better.

Corgi's have fantastic judgment and that is something I think I do too. I am very good at assessing a situation and finding a logical path out (though I might panic about it). They are extremely protective, which I am, I often find myself mothering people, though in a rather aggressive way!

Short, squat, intelligent, logical, protective, affectionate, reserved and loud, all in all, I seem to have an alarming amount in common with a Cardigan Welsh Corgi, and I'm very pleased to choose it as my animagus form.

Rachel, Ravenclaw

#308 - nanerbear - Icelandic Horse

I've always felt a great inclination towards horses since my childhood. I used to live by a large farm that held many horses, and I would spent a lot of my free time visiting them. In a way they were my company when I didn't want to be alone and yet I didn't want any noise, either. I love that they are such powerful and majestic creatures, and so when I had the option of choosing one as my animagus I was very excited.

The Icelandic horse is much more tame than other breeds of horses, and I imagine that I can easily relate to that. This breed doesn't have many natural predators in its home country, so they are much more easy going and have a passive disposition that I can also relate to. I'm not as aggressive as most people I know, mostly because of my upbringing, and this breed is the same because of where it lives. They have a calm demeanor about them that can cause them to be judged based only on their appearance, but they have many other layers beneath their good manners. They are warm and affectionate, but also have their own mind and independence about them as to balance their passive nature. This breed also can get rather grumpy if left alone, and I feel that way often. I like my personal space, but I very much dislike being completely alone for too long. As for location, you can find these horses in Iceland, which is a beautiful country with mild to cold temperatures that I would feel most comfortable in.

Overall, I feel the personality of this horse fits very well with my own evaluation of myself. Calm, passive, and warm, but their determination and independent mind make them a unique character all on their own. That combined with my great interest in horses have made me decide that I would be most comfortable as an Icelandic horse animagus.

Jennifer, Gryffindor

#309 - destinyfroste - British Bombay

Shrouded in mystery and superstition throughout history is the black cat. Where others have always feared this creature however, I have felt an extremely strong connection. While many breeds of cats CAN possess black fur, only one breed requires that the cat be entirely black, the Bombay.

Physically, the British Bombay is a small cat, but one who is very muscular, nimble and quick. Also, as I have pointed out, the British Bombay is known for its sleek black coat. Much like the British Bombay, I am a relatively small person, but after a lifetime of dancing, I have become rather deceptively strong and nimble. As for the black coat, I am always identifiable to those who know me by my super long black hair, something that while common in some parts of the world, is rather unique in a world of blond-haired and brown-haired individuals.

Both the British Bombay and I are selective in our choice of companions. We can each tolerate others if we must, but with the British Bombay, they get along with certain breeds of cats, and avoid others. Likewise there are certain types of individuals whose company I seek, and others which I will avoid if given the choice. We are both known for our curiosity and intelligence. While I am a Gryffindor, it is often joked within my house how I am the Sherlock Holmes of Gryffindor, a complete Gryffinclaw. I love to learn and when I encounter a new topic, I must learn everything I possibly can about it.

British Bombays can be both talkative at times and quiet other times. If they have something to say, they will make sure they make their feelings known. This is another trait we share, as I can be a very quiet person unless I am interested in a conversation, and if I feel something must be said, I will make sure the point is made no matter what. Similar to their vocalization, British Bombays can be full of energy, yet when with those they love they are very affectionate and will cuddle up. Generally people do not see my more affectionate side, but that is because I reserve that for only my closest friends. To the majority of the world, I often appear random and energetic, but my closest friends see a more subdued side of me that is much more calm and caring. In the rare instance that I have a boyfriend (if I ever do again) I love to cuddle up with them. I become cold easily, and much like the British Bombay I am a heat-seeker. Winter or summer, I always sleep under multiple blankets, and in the winter I add a space heater to my room. And despite my affinity for darker spaces, I find it all too easy to fall asleep in a warm beam of sunlight.

We are similar both in physicality and in personality, and the mystery others lend to the cat only increases my attraction to them. I know when I meet a Bombay that we will be good friends. With all we have in common and how connected I have always been to them, it is only natural that the British Bombay would be my animagus form.

Destiny, Gryffindor

#310 - landscapeheart - Tan Rabbit

I will start by saying this was not an easy decision. I felt like I could identify with all of my choices. The final decision came down to two: Tan Rabbit or Savannah Cat. I felt a connection to each for different reasons. Part of me always felt my Animagus form would be a cat, and therefore the obvious choice would have to be Savannah Cat.... but after reading and studying the animals it was quite evident to me that the Tan Rabbit was my perfect Animagus form.

Reading the description and temperament of a Tan Rabbit hit extremely close to home, and I felt myself connecting with this animal on a deeper level. The Tan Rabbit is considered intelligent and gentle, both are qualities I consider important in myself (especially the gentle part). Also, Tan Rabbits are considered one of the most inquisitive breeds of rabbit which is another quality I can identify with. Although the Tan Rabbit is considered a great companion rabbit, it also doesn't care to be held down. Like the Tan Rabbit I am extremely loyal and devoted, but tend to value and demand a sense of freedom. The Tan Rabbit is also very active and playful, and because of their higher levels of activity they require more room to roam. I too consider myself playful, and this quality seems to embrace my more childlike persona. Although I tend to be greatly influenced in my life by anixety, the Tan Rabbit is calm. I'd say this is probably the biggest difference between myself and the Tan Rabbit, however, I embrace the opportunity to break free from my inherent nervous energy in my Animagus form. I also requested an Animagus form that is quiet, small, and clever: The Tan Rabbit fits all of these qualities to a tee.

Finally, I also feel a connection with the appearance of the Tan Rabbit. My boyfriend, Jeff, pointed out that the Tan Rabbit has kind and gentle eyes which is the first thing he noticed about me when we first met. Also, I am slender like the Tan Rabbit, and the Tan Rabbit's smooth coat resembles my smooth skin.

One more thing that I found interesting is that in the Chinese Zodiac I am the Rabbit, and I feel this breed of animal suits me well. Overall, I am extremely pleased with my choice because I feel the Tan Rabbit represents my inner personality.

Rachel, Hufflepuff

#312 - wishful_desires - German Angora Rabbit

When I initially decided to try for an animagus form I had it in my head that I would end up with some type of dog. Even after seeing my votes, and seeing there was a dog as a choice I was sure that’s what I would end up choosing. When I saw something called a German Angora Rabbit I sort of made a face and thought what the heck kind of rabbit is that? Even after doing some research I still thought that was the weirdest rabbit I’d ever seen and there was no way that would ever be my choice. That was until I saw the reasoning behind the vote.

Rabbits are very sensitive to their environment and can sense danger when it approaches. I have always been in-tuned to others emotions and can sense when something dangerous is coming. I was always the one telling my friends and brother not to do something because it would get them in trouble. Growing up my safety was always in the back of my mind, which resulted in me never having any sort of major injuries (broken bones, stitches, surgeries, etc.) throughout my entire life. The German Angora Rabbit specifically is a very fuzzy rabbit and most of them are considered albino. My personality is a warm and fuzzy personality to match the rabbit. I have very sensitive pale skin and when I’m exposed to the sun, even for short periods of time, with no protection, I have a very strong reaction resulting in horrible sunburns.
The personality of a German Angora Rabbit is very social and playful. They are a domesticated rabbit, which means they are known to be very open and social with humans and even other animals. They are not shy around strangers, but they still have the cautious attitude of a rabbit, a lot like my own actions around people I’m not familiar with.

I have chosen my animagus to be the German Angora Rabbit because not only do I have similarities to their looks but I also have the personality to match.

Dessiree, Hufflepuff

#313 - ladybria - Tennessee Walking Horse

After researching each choice given I’ve decided on the Tennessee Walking Horse to be my animagus form. Growing up I have always loved the motion and beauty of horses. Horses have been a fixed feature in my imagination and daydreams that has been unsurpassed by any other animal. As a kid every long ride on the school bus had me pressing my face to the window glass imagining myself flying over the ground on a lovely steed.

One thing I’ve noticed and can find a great likeness to is the extreme docile temperament of the Tennessee Walking Horse (TWH). I’ve never been dramatic, loud, or rebellious but rather I’m very calm, composed, mostly obedient, and laid-back. The TWH is also known for its unique smooth gait. It walks and even has a running walk that is known to be very smooth, and even feels like your gliding over the air while riding. Its canter is likened to that of a rocking horse. Their breed is unique just as I myself am. Not necessarily in the way I walk, but in how I stand apart from other people my own age.

Horses generally need interaction with other horses or else they face some behavioral problems. I’m not exactly a social butterfly, but I do get awfully lonely living in the dorms without my family for long periods of time. I start talking to myself and arguing with the TV and its because I’m home sick. I need interaction with members of my family to keep me sane. Horses also share a friendship with other animals such as dogs, cats, and an assortment of other animals. These animals give a calming effect to the horses while being cooped up in their stalls. Reminds me of how people like having house pets that serve as friendly company. I love most animals and do find their company calming, and a source of great companionship having several dogs and a feline at home.

I feel such a strong connection to horses that it seems only right that my animagus form would become one as well. The Tennessee Walking Horse (TWH) is such an incredible animal to become that it would be a real joy to transform into one as my animagus.

Mary Rose, Hufflepuff

#314 - beo101 - Meerkat

After some thoughts and personal debate, I just have to choose the Meerkat form. They suit my want for a form resident to staying on the ground that has fur, claws, and agility. It also helps that I already feel a bit of a connection with them, and a couple of the voters faith in that connection pushed me to ultimately decide on it in the end.

Meerkats are usually very social creatures often living in large groups of 20-30. However, there are occasions when certain meerkats can be evicted from their group and forced to live on their own as solitary creatures. I have never lived without others and have enjoyed the company of those around me for as long as I can remember. However, there are a lot of times where I just prefer to be alone and shut myself off from the rest of the world. There will eventually come a day where I too am finally booted out of my current residence and forced to live on my own (or find a roommate as a meerkat might try to find others also living independently for a new group).

Like me, meerkats will observe and mimic to learn regulated methods of living and survival. I've never been one to ask questions about anything when I'm thrown into a new experience or unfamiliar environment. It just makes me feel silly and uncomfortable. I will usually stand back and out of the way to observe behaviors of people who already know what they're doing. Once I feel comfortable in my knowledge and abilities through what I have seen, I will adjust myself to fit in.

Finally, meerkats are known to have very altruistic personalities often sending one in a group to stand sentry guard and keep a look out for predators and other lurking dangers. However despite fairness and loyalty, they are also known to sacrifice some of their own for the greater good. While I may not admit to being especially loyal, I would defend and support utmost anyone in times of emergency need if I feel they really need it. If somebody helps me in my time, I would also surely repay them for it in the form of a great favor or whatever.

In conclusion, I don't really think I could be happier with my animagus form as a Meerkat. Everything about it just feels properly fitting.

Quinn, Ravenclaw

#315 - kitty0_o - Red-Breasted Nuthatch

There’s an abbey near my grandparents’ house that was founded over one hundred years ago. Over the years, the birds who lived in the area came to trust the monks, enough that they would eat from their hands. When I was young, we’d often travel to the abbey to feed the birds. This is how I first met the Red-breasted Nuthatch. I remember how they stood out from the throngs of chickadees, because of their red markings and distinct call. They were also a great deal shyer, something I can relate to, since I’m often “the quiet one” of my group of friends. While the other birds chattered and fought, the nuthatch would wait for an opportune moment, flit over, rest on my hand just long enough to grab a seed, and fly away again.

There are other things that make me feel connected to this bird as well. I like to dress in bright, interesting clothes, so I feel that its bold markings would suit me well, especially since it has a mask on its eyes, which reflects the fact that I wear glasses. I do enjoy warm weather, and since it is sometimes a migratory bird, I appreciate its need to go somewhere warm in the winter. I also learned that they live as far south as the mountains of Tennessee where my grannie was brought up, which I thought was an interesting fact, and made me feel even more connected. They creep on the sides of trees, which makes them easy to overlook. I can relate to this, since I pride myself on being able to blend into the background when it suits me. (Of course, this can also backfire, like when I got skipped over in the line at Starbucks today!)

Lastly, the trait that made me feel most connected to the Red-breasted Nuthatch is a phrase I came across while researching my choices. One website stated that this bird has a “special view of things” because it hops along trees upside-down, which gives it an advantage when it comes to foraging for food. I often feel like I have a unique outlook on life, and this cements my belief that the Red-breasted Nuthatch is the right animagus form for me.

Kristin, Ravenclaw

#318 - peyton07 - African Bush Elephant

I was so excited to get my animagus choices! All of my choices were absolutely amazing, but in the end it had to be the African Bush Elephant for me. Elephants have been in my life since I was little. My grandmother loved them too and had a collection of small elephant figurines she used for decoration. I would always steal them, so I could play 'Life in Africa' with them. Now that she's gone, I always have one of her elephant figurines with me wherever I live because it reminds me of her.

Elephants also have the qualities I want in an animagus form. As the largest living terrestrial animal, they're intimidating in their size. They have a reputation for being friendly and gentle but are actually one of the world's most dangerous animals. They can stomp and kill any land creature, even rhinoceros. This suits my desire for strength and general badassness in my animagus form. Elephant herds are matriarchal which I love, and their tightly knit herd style suits my social personality. They are intelligent creatures that are a symbol of wisdom in many cultures, and Aristotle even called them "the beast which passeth all others in wit and mind." They can make music and art, use tools, and show compassion, altruism, and self-awareness. I am proud to have the majestic African Bush Elephant as my animagus form!

Peyton, Ravenclaw

#319 - red_planet31 - Malayan Tiger

After seeing my choices, I had a hard time deciding which form I should choose. As I considered my choices, the Malayan tiger especially called out to me. I’ve always had a fondness for the big cats and the tiger was always my favourite. I wanted an Animagus form that is strong, agile and could defend itself, and the Malayan tiger seems to fit.

The Malayan tiger is a symbol of courage and strength in my country. It is an elegant form, powerful and strong, which I think suits a Gryffindor LOL. Personality-wise, I think a tiger does suit me. Tigers are generally known as a proud species, and I can admit that being proud is one of my worst traits. Tigers seem to behave relatively amicably when sharing kills, in contrast to lions, which tend to squabble and fight. I can definitely relate to this as I am easygoing and would never mind sharing. Tigers often go about alone but can also be seen together with other tigers. I can relate to this too because I like going about my business alone but I also like spending time with friends.

The Malayan tiger is probably one of the smaller tiger subspecies and although I’m not exactly small, compared to, well, non-Asians, I’m sure I’m in the smaller group X]. The Malayan tiger is an endangered species and I can relate to that since I come from a very very small race of people in my country.

Tigers have always fascinated me with their elegance and power. The Malayan tiger is special to my country and I am proud to call it my Animagus form.

Marissa, Gryffindor

#320 - blackestbird - Black-Capped Chickadee

First of all, I had such a hard time with my choices. I loved all of them, and have been really struggling to decide between them. I was so torn between the Tersk Horse and the Black-Capped Chickadee. In the end, I did choose the Black-Capped Chickadee.

While I have a strong love for both birds and horses, I chose a bird animagus because I have such a strong connection with the air. Kinda funny, because if you asked what kind of power I'd want if I were a superhero, flight wouldn't be the answer; telepathy would. All the same, I feel a strong connection to air and birds. Also, look at my username XD I really do love birds.

I had 3 different bird species to choose from, but I chose the Chickadee because I have had a love for them since I was in about 2nd grade. They are such tiny, cute little birds, and I always loved the noises they made and their markings.

So why do I feel this bird fits me over the others to choose as my animagus?

First of all, its physical appearance. The Black-Capped Chickadee is a tiny bird. I'm not a person of great stature. I've been fairly petite all my life, and I am well below the average height of a girl my age. Now, its markings fit my wardrobe and makeup styles. I don't wear a lot of bright colors; on occasion I do, but my style is more neutral colors. The most dominant colors in my closet [it's color-coded, so this is very easy to see XD] are gray, black, brown, with a smattering of creams/white as well. The markings/colorings of the black-capped chickadee are the same colors. My makeup style as well is very neutral: smokey eyeliner with cream, brown, black/gray eyeshadow.

I also feel the Black-Capped Chickadee fits me for my animagus because of its personality, mannerisms, and way of life. I specified in my application that I prefer cool weather. The habitat of my chosen form is in the colder regions of North America, like Alaska, Canada, and the northern United States. I am more the introvert, loner type, who likes the occasional company of a group. The Black-Capped Chickadee is usally a permanent resident but sometimes flies to warmer climates for the winter. When they migrate, they do flock together, and sometimes in the company of other small birds like nuthatches, titmice, and warblers. I think this fits my views on solitary time vs. company. I prefer more me time than company, and I feel these birds are the same a majority of the time. These birds are a wary type in unfamiliar settings, like urban areas, but their guard is much lessened in the wooded/forested areas that they make their homes. I think this really suits me too; I'm very shy and cautious until I know you; once I get comfortable I start letting my guards down. These birds are a curious sort, which I also feel suits me. Something else that I feel fits me for this animagus choice is the vocalization of Black-Capped Chickadees. They have a highly complex vocalization. I love music and am a singer, so to choose a bird with such a complex 'song' system is very fitting. A funny bit about this: the particular breed of Chickadee I chose has a call of 'bee-bay,' which is very similar to a popular saying amongst our HiH Gryffindors: bb.

When it came down to choosing, like I said, it was really hard for me. I felt a strong liking to all of my choices. In the end, it came down to a form that I have always had a love for [I was really excited to see this as one of my choices since I've loved them for so long], and when researching it, there are a lot of 'similarities' between myself and the Black-Capped Chickadee.

Alicia, Gryffindor

001-080 | 081-100 | 101-120 | 121-140 | 141-160 | 161-180
181-200 | 201-220 | 221-240 | 241-260 | 261-280 | 281-300
301-320 | 321-340 | 341-360 | 361-380 | 381-400 | 401-411
412-425 | 426-446 | 447-464 | 465-486 | 487-510 | 511-534
535-563 | 564-591 | 592-626 | 627-656 | 657-687 | 688-724

#320, #304, #307, #306, #308, #305, #313, #315, registry, #303, #310, #314, #302, #312, #309, #318, #301, #319

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