Animagus Registry #535 - #563

Feb 01, 2012 21:10

#535 - applesntoads - Common Great Horned Owl

The common great horned owl is one of my favorite animals, and definitely a fitting Animagus form for me. My reasons for choosing this bird are both scientific and spiritual, as spirituality plays an important role in my life and I'm treating this Animagus form almost as if it were a totem. The first part of my essay will focus on the owl's physical and behavioral characteristics, and the second part on myth and superstition.

In my application, I said that I can be a bit of a loner. The great horned owl, like most raptors, spends most of its time alone, with the exception of mating and raising its young. I like the fact that it is an independent bird and isn't tied to a flock. I was also happy to learn that this type of owl mates for life. Ideally, I would love to have a lifelong partner, so that characteristic is very fitting.

Owls are nocturnal birds that can adapt to a wide variety of climates. I love nighttime and prefer climates that allow for both snow and thunderstorms. I also like forests, which make a great home for an owl.

What I was particularly excited to read about in regards to the great horned owl is that it is one of the fiercest raptors around. It will display patience as needed, but when it goes after its prey, it will most likely get it. I'm a great believer in pursuing one's dreams and goals, and I think this behavior is symbolic of that.

There is a lot of mythology surrounding owls. Depending on the culture, they were both revered for their wisdom and feared as harbingers of death. Some peoples even considered them to be evil. The great horned owl with its ear tufts, which resembles horns, is particularly evil-looking. While I am not evil, I have always been drawn to all things dark. It is the villains in movies and books that always capture my imagination the most. The same goes for the owl. It's one of the eeriest animals in existence, with its human-like eyes and hooting.

Owls have also been considered by some to be secret-keepers, which is fitting because I've also harbored many secrets throughout my life -- mostly to protect people from things they'd rather not know. ;)

I could go on, but it's late and this thing is almost past due. I hope it offers a sufficient explanation as to why I chose the great horned owl.

Bella, Slytherin

#536 - d_andru - Western Gray Squirrel

I choose the Western Gray Squirrel as my Animagus. I find myself somewhat astonished to choose a rodent; although, I have always had a strong appreciation for the cleverness of squirrels. I've never found them to be a nuisance and feed them as well as birds even having some so spoiled that they come to my backdoor and tap the glass for me to feed them. So, perhaps I should have realized earlier that a squirrel would make an excellent Animagus choice.

What I enjoy most about the squirrel is that while this breed is restricted to the western coast of the US, squirrels are found throughout the world and I could become a squirrel almost anywhere that I'd want to go without drawing suspicion. The western gray squirrel is ideal for being incognito and/or spying on people. Being a tree squirrel, I could even go unnoticed at night when this species should be sleeping because people seldom look up even while searching. The squirrel is very agile and being able to jump from tree to tree would be very freeing.

I'm delighted by how much I have in common with the squirrel. My bark is much worse than my bite and like the squirrel I'm inclined to complain loudly then simply go on about my business as if nothing ever happened. I'm nearly vegetarian simply by being a terrible meat snob and the squirrel diets primarily on nuts, seeds and fungi. I was surprisingly put off by the idea of having to eat raw flesh in animal form.
The squirrel is a notorious scatter-hoarder. I horde fresh food all year for winter until I have a freezer full of vegetables and a garage full of potatoes and winter squash. I spend ridiculous amounts of time saving food. I carry that tendency over into other areas usually saving important computer files in three or more locations.

I like that the Western Gray's fur is silver tipped because my naturally dark hair started graying when I was only 23. They also have very striking creamy white outlines around their eyes which would complement my tendency to wear only eyeliner for daily makeup.

The squirrel doesn't remember where it hides its nuts but rather, relies on its sense of smell. Squirrels also have poor frontal vision because their eyes are on the sides of their head. I have an abnormally strong olfactory sense and bad vision because of astigmatism but have really good peripheral vision. It would make sense to have strengths and weaknesses transfer to the animal form. For all these reasons and more, I would like the Western Gray Squirrel to become my Animagus form.

Dee, Ravenclaw

#537 - acidpop25 - Wonderpus Octopus

I have selected the wonderpus octopus as my animagus form, though it was a tough decision as all the choices I received were excellent. I’ve long had an affinity for marine creatures, and cephalopods in particular. Going to an aquarium is one of my favorite ways to spend the day, and I always linger in front of the octopus tank and have ever since I was a little girl. I think they’re fascinating animals, and I have a lot in common with them.

First, my intelligence is a trait I value highly in myself, and all octopuses are some of the smartest creatures in the sea. They have been observed to use tools, and they are capable of problem solving and have quite sophisticated memory- plus they even play to amuse themselves like dolphins or people. Their nervous system is highly complex, and they are considered “honorary vertebrates” in many countries, which affords them protection under anti-cruelty legislation.

Secondly, this octopus has habits that closely align with my own. They are solitary animals which often squeeze their malleable bodies into small nooks and crannies for protection- this directly parallels my own loner tendencies and preference for spending time alone in my own space, usually my room. Also, the wonderpus octopus prefers to be active in darkness, like me. Left to my own devices, I’m essentially nocturnal and would prefer to sleep the majority of the day.

Finally, I just think it would be enjoyable to be an octopus! They’re efficient predators and able to either defend themselves or escape anything that might harm them, and they have very sophisticated senses and articulate, useful arms. I think being an octopus would be a wonderful way to explore the ocean. Given their red-brown coloration and distinct eye stalks, they even have some visual similarities to my hair color and glasses as an animagus form should.

Jess, Ravenclaw

#538 - rhiannon_flying - Red-tailed Hawk

I wasn’t at all surprised when the Red-Tailed Hawk was among my choices for animagus. I’ve been fascinated with them since reading about Tobias in Animorphs back in seventh grade. The idea of changing into an animal {any animal} fascinated me, but the volumes in the series focusing on him were my favorites. Perhaps especially after he became trapped in the form, the bits where they discussed things like his nervous nights roosting in a tree, worried about owls have stuck with me, years later.

As I said in my initial application; “There are dozens of red tailed hawks where I live currently. They are beautiful, with their creamy breasts, rust colored tails and curious brown markings, and I love to watch them swoop and dive, and count how many I see on the twenty mile drive between home and town. It doesn't matter where I am, it seems like I see a hawk there.” When I moved here three years ago, I noticed them, now, I look for them as a matter of course. I’ve even got my Dad watching for them.

I love that they can survive in so many different environments, especially the city. As I only reluctantly reside in a desert/rural area, I’d be no happier with an animal locked in that sort of area than I would one that was trapped in the deep ocean. Variation makes me happiest.

I thought, before this, that I knew quite a bit about Red-Tails. Having researched them even further since receiving my choices, I’m amazed at the things that I didn’t know. Like that they can change direction by merely twitching a wing, rather than having to flap madly, like some other birds, even other buteos. I love that their eyes are so sharp, they can see {and dive on} a rabbit from 1000 feet in the air.

Their intelligence is another huge point in their favor. I recently read that in mating season, they will place a bit of greenery at the center of their nest, and keep renewing that greenery until they’re actively brooding in the nest. As suggested by the author of the book that mentioned it, this seems to be a communication device, an ‘occupied’ sign most clear to other birds.

I’ve always wanted to fly, without the claustrophobic confines of an airplane. While several of my family members want to get their pilot’s license, I’d much rather learn to hang-glide, and wouldn’t hesitate to go skydiving. I’ve driven more logical friends to distraction discussing the idea of having wings, never mind that the human body isn’t designed for flight, and would be both too heavy and not muscular enough to support wings. It’s still an interesting idea.

In short, I’m thrilled to be a Red-Tailed Hawk.

Elisabeth, Ravenclaw

#539 - shellzconlon - Island Fox

I had some great choices, but in the end, I think the island fox best fits my personality and where I would like to live. To start from the easiest point (and one that wasn't actually mentioned in my application I don't think but just fit perfectly), island foxes live off the islands of California, my home state! I love it here, especially the beach areas, because of the nice climate. Rarely hot, rarely cold. The island foxes are most comfortable in this climate, so we're already a perfect fit. It sounds kind of odd that this a big reason why I identify with these foxes, but being a Californian is a huge part of who I am. They are also most active between dusk and dawn, my favorite times of the day.
Onto the more complex things! The voter indicated that they don't mingle a lot in social situations. Upon further research, I saw that they tend to move around solo, rather than packs. This seems to fit the way I go about my life-I'd much rather spend the day by myself and don't see the need to have others around me. I also saw that they might show aggression at first when around humans. While I'm not aggressive around others when I first meet them (lol), I do put my guard up until I'm comfortable around them. I also mentioned that I'm an observer, something that I think fits the behavior of these foxes. They tend to live in highly vegetated areas, which provide prime spots for viewing others. It's a safe way to watch others before coming out and mingling with other foxes or wildlife.
As for physical features, I requested that my animagus has good hearing and eyesight, something foxes have (and night vision, super bonus!). They're also small (thought to be the smallest fox in North America) which fits my small frame (5'2" ish). And they're cute and furry, especially the kits!

Michelle, Gryffindor

#541 - mssekishi - Dhole

Okay so when I had my choices, I read all four of my animagus choices and I found myself liking and identifying most with dholes. I love the colour of their coat. From what I’ve learnt, firstly, dholes are highly social animals, living in large clans which occasionally split up into small packs to hunt. I could refer this to my character (or the animagus application itself), I’ve stated that I’m a person who enjoys socializing in large crowds as I’m pretty chatty but I also love spending time alone by myself as well because I like to have time for myself to think, complete my interests etc. So, dholes splitting into small packs to go around sometimes sound great!

Secondly, dholes prey on medium-sized ungulates like horses and hunt by tiring them out in long chases. This is an ability I’d want my animagus to have: speed. I mentioned that horses run beautifully fast and if dholes could prey and hunt by tiring them out, it means dholes have a lot of stamina and are fast fast.

Thirdly, I’ve learnt that dholes unlike most social canids like African wild dogs, they let their pups eat first at a kill. I could relate this to myself. I am a person who is very protective of close family members and my friends. I usually act (my personality just is) like a crack-funny sort of mother to them, always thinking for them if I’m facing a situation which involves them. But this does not mean that I’m selfless and unselfish 24/7 because I do, sometimes, to have to think for myself. The world isn’t fair and if one is always thinking for someone instead of your own first, you will lose out. Dholes are intelligent animals so it is likely to say that they would make smart choices for their survival.

Yep so to sum up, I love this animal for their nature which is similar to my personality, physically (they’re like athletes~) and their habitat (yep they’re not at the bottom of the food chain~). I would be proud to have a dhole as my animagus form.

Seki, Gryffindor

#542 - anbyrobanby - Saint Bernard

The famous image of a St Bernard is a strong, broad-shouldered dog standing against the elements, guarding an injured person, keg of brandy dangling from its neck. Now, as much as I do love brandy and will help people in need, I am not that keen on standing in the snow. Regardless, allow me to explain why I desire this to be my Animagus form.

I have always had a strong connection with dogs. That much is true, but when I considered becoming an Animagus I didn't want to go for one especially, as I certainly didn't know which breed best fitted who I am. However, if there were to be a physical similarity, it would represent my height, build and 'generous' build. St Bernards are very thick-set dogs, intelligent and responsible, and though they are no longer used for mountain rescue as much as they once were, they still have those instincts within them. An interesting similarity also arose when I learned that modern St Bernards have largely been interbred with Newfoundlands, I found that reminded me of my own mixed heritage, though naturally for different reasons (I'm not calling my parents dogs).

St Bernards can be aggressive and territorial, but if they learn to socialise as youngsters these habits are fended off early on. This is not only true for myself, but also matches what I believe: it's important for children and young people to get to know one another and learn to share, or they're more likely to become ill-mannered in later life. I certainly agree with the St Bernard mentality. Sure, I like affection and warmth, but I can handle cold people, independent work, and my own company when it matters. These are things that don't bother me.

Finally, a general appearance note: St Bernards are a little bit large untidy looking, but ultimately are fluffy and docile. This is something I identify with in spades. People are often uncertain what to make of me but when they find out I'm incredibly good to hug and have the patience of a saint (no pun intended), they will know I'd stand by their side, even in tough times.

And on a more metaphorical note, people have always said I'm one of those people who are very hard to forget. And if that's the case, I'd be happy to be an Animagus that is not only iconic in many ways, but reflects my personality: standing broad-shouldered over someone who needs help, while guarding a barrel full of alcohol. That's me to a tee, and so I choose the St Bernard as my form.

Rob, Gryffindor

#543 - misskitty373 - Numbat

The first thing that drew me toward selecting the numbat was because it's Australian, just like I am! So at least I know I'll enjoy the climate and landscape and be in comfortable surroundings ;) It interested me to find out that a couple of members from overseas hadn't ever heard of the numbat until now, which is an appealing quality for me- being something that I myself am familiar with but is unusual to others.

The member who provided this option for me pointed out that the way numbats reach maturity matches my personality of being shy when I was younger, and gradually becoming more independent as I get older. As for physical features, their darker coloured stripes can be a pretty good match to my hair colour, while their long bushy tail can represent the length of my hair too. It even goes curly at the end, just like I said xP They have big eyes with a small nose and mouth, which is how I described my appearance in my application.

In my app I spoke about meerkats being one of my favourite animals, and the numbat reminds me of them in several ways. Their fur and markings are quite similar, as are their characteristics in stature and behaviour. And just like meerkats, I find them entertaining to watch, they bring a smile to my face!

Danni, Hufflepuff

#544 - xsnarkasaurus - Diademed Sifaka

Of all the choices given to me, I feel the most drawn to the Diademed Safika. THis leure fits in appearance, with its soft, colorful fur, both of which are things I have (well. Soft, colorful hair). Beyond the superficial reasons, though, there's personality reasons, too. The safika cares for young other than their own, the same way I adopt people. I am forever pulling in people who need help or comforting, and very rarely am I related to them in any way. I love to take care of other people, and of the choices present to me, that's the one that fits the best. Their preferred habitat also matches with what I prefer for myself, arboreal, heavily forested environments. Their native Madagascar is a place I've always wanted to visit. There are some other traits that the safika has, like their small family groups that top out around 10 people. For all I adopt everyone, I like having a lot of personal space. having too big of a group gets a little out of control sometimes, and I need to go climb a tree, so to speak. Overall, the general behaviors and appearance of this animal seem to be the best fit for me, and i would be proud to take it as my animagus form.

Stephanie, Ravenclaw

#547 - rebel - Black Flying Fox

I feel very connected and can relate to the Black Flying Fox in many ways. For one, I have always loved small, furry animals (specifically and especially rats) immensely since before I can remember. I have had pet rats, mice, hamsters, gerbils, sugar gliders, ferrets, and a guinea pig and much prefer them to larger animals like cats and dogs (though I love those too and have three cats of my own). I'm sure if it was feasible I'd have had pet bats/flying foxes as well.

I think part of the reason I relate to them and prefer them is they are sort of underdogs like I am, unlike larger animals like cats without as many natural predators and stuff. When I was five or six years old and visiting my grandparents' farm with my family, my older sister caught a bat (which we of course let free again) from their barn and I was extremely fascinated with it.

While I love rats dearly, I think I connect better to flying foxes because as I said they are small-ish, furry and cute like rats are but also have the added bonus of flight. Flying foxes are herbivorous as well which I can relate to completely as I am vegan and don't eat any animal products, therefore I probably wouldn't be comfortable with an animagus form that ate animals.

Phoebe, Ravenclaw

#548 - smash_leigh - Fallow Deer

I remember when I was little, maybe about six or seven, my family took my sister and I to Italy for a holiday. One day, we took a coach bus into Florence, and spent the day wandering around the shops. There was one store my sister and I were particularly interested in, which sold little figures of every animal you could imagine. For a seven and three year old, it was the most wonderful shop in the world. To cut the story short, we both got to buy one. My sister chose a jaguar (funnily enough, the perfect animagus form for her) and I chose a little doe. It was almost exactly like the Fallow Deer in the picture I posted above, and I adored it. I can't for the life of me remember what I named it, but it became my little companion. I took her everywhere with me, and even when I didn't have the figure, she was still a friend that I knew was there, and that I could play with and talk to.

It's been a long time since I conversed with my deer character, and I have no idea where the figurine is these days. But I remember how attached I was to that deer, and when the Fallow Deer was one of my options, I felt compelled to it. Although I mentioned in my application that I felt my personality matched the appearance of a hedgehog, and as much as I love them, I didn't feel a connection to it as my Animagus. Deers are gorgeous, graceful creatures that can run fast, and swim. They're just large enough for me, as I wouldn't particularly want a very small or very large Animagus. They seem sweet, shy and gentle, which are all characteristics that I know I outwardly show to everyone.

But they can also be incredibly fierce, protective and stubborn, three qualities I think I also possess, but only come out when called for. They stick together in small, close groups which I also tend to do, only trusting and opening up to close friends and families. Doe mothers are also incredibly nurturing, loving and protective of their young, something I hope and like to think I am towards people like my younger sister.

All in all, I feel like the Fallow Deer's gentle and shy, yet fierce and protective when called for nature suits me to a T, which is why I am choosing it as my Animagus form.

Ashleigh, Hufflepuff

#549 - thusspakekate - European Polecat

I have chosen the European Polecat because when I went to read about all of my options, the Polecat's description made me laugh and blush. The others were good suggestions, that I could definitely see, but the Polecat stood out because it was so unique. It wasn't a 100% flattering suggestion, but that is what made it stand out to me.

The European Polecat is a member of the Mustelid family, which also includes ferrets, weasels, and minks. For some reason, small-minded people must really hate Mustelids, because all of these animals have bad reputations. But that's kind of what I like about them. My poor misunderstood Mustelids. According to wikipedia, references to the polecat in culture has usually associated the with prostitution and general immorality. Apparently, "polecat" was a favorite insult of Shakespeare. There are also the belief that polecats can kill a man by jumping on their backs and biting their necks. I wouldn't say that I'm an immoral person, but I definitely enjoy a nice evening out on the town, if you know what I mean.

Conversely, there are some contradictory legends in rural areas that say if you offer a polecat refuge in your chicken coop, the polecat will refrain from slaughtering your hens out of gratitude and instead do vermin control for you. While I doubt the veracity of this, I think it suits me pretty well. I'm a "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours," kind of gal. I never forget a kindness and always do my best to pay my debts.

Beyond the colorful folklore surrounding the polecat, there are many things about the animal I relate to as well. The polecat is not a loud animal, and neither am I. Although they will growl loudly when angered and *squeak* when frightened. I, honest to god, squeak as well. They aren't as territorial as other Mustelids and its not uncommon for same-sex polecats to share territories. This works for me because although I am very independent, I like to have one or two friends easily accessible. The polecats are also polygamous, which suits me just fine. Looks like the aforementioned reputation is well-earned.

Kitty, Slytherin

#551 - playwhatgoeson - Black-footed Albatross

For my animagus form I'm choosing the Black-footed Albatross. Upon research and watching videos I find myself completely drawn to this sea faring bird. Though a bird wasn't on my list of favorite animals, I was very much hoping someone would find a bird suitable for me. Not only can the Black-footed Albatross soar with the best of them, this bird also feels as much at home floating on the sea as it does in the air.

In watching videos of the Black-footed Albatross one thing I noticed is that they don't flap their wings a lot. This is pretty common in larger birds who tend to glide on air drafts. While being fast is fun I would much rather be graceful. I want to be able to enjoy flying and be able to just breathe and be in my surroundings over trying to get somewhere very quickly. That is not to say that this bird can't be fast. When it's time for food the Black-footed Albatross has developed a great sense of smell that allows it to pinpoint food in the water from the air and they dive down to snatch their prey out of the water. I do love being under the water but I think my favorite thing about swimming is the diving in, getting out, and doing it all over again. There is just a terrific feeling in breaking into the water and gliding underneath for a bit. Also in watching the videos, the Black-footed Albatross goes from chilling on the sea to flying in the air by running on water. And who wouldn't want to do that?

The Black footed Albatross can mainly be found nesting around the Hawaiian Islands and a few of the Japanese Islands. I have always felt much more comfortable in the heat than in the colder weathers. Though they can be known to go so far North as Northern California and Oregon for food. And I can understand, as much I love the heat, you want a vacation sometimes.

Another big reason I feel very drawn to the Black-footed Albatross is that they mate for life. It may take them several seasons of doing long drawn out mating dances but once they find their mate that's it. They spend most of their "teenaged" years doing these dances before they reach maturity. I am a self-described serial monogamous. I don't like short relationships, be they romantic or platonic. I don't make friends easily or quickly; I want to be able to find other people that I can surround myself with for years and years to come. And these birds do just that, they narrow down a group to that one other bird that will be best for carrying on the species.

The Black-footed Albatross with its beautiful dark feathers is a symbol of growth and renewal for the native Hawaiians. And at this point in my life there could be no better form for me than the Black-footed Albatross.

Jessica, Ravenclaw

#552 - deirdre_aithne - Indian Giant Squirrel

Although it goes entirely against my dislike of heights, given the choices I had, the Indian giant squirrel seems to suit me best (and is the only one that spoke to me at all, out of my options).

Indian giant squirrels are most active in the early hours of the morning, and in the evening, which coincides to my own internal clock rather perfectly. I'm bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the morning, flag by the afternoon, and am back with a vengeance by the evening. The mid-day hours are a time to relax, mellow out, and possibly grab a snooze, to me. The morning, when the day is still crisp and new is the perfect time to get things done and get a serious jump on the day, and the evening, when the day has begun to wind down, is another productive time.

"It is a shy, wary animal and not easy to discover." I came across this on the Wikipedia page, and I have to say that it really did jump out at me. Although I would hesitate to call myself 'shy', I'm certainly a wary thing. I do not jump into new situations, and even familiar ones, I will often stand back and observe for a time before I am comfortable jumping in. I take self-preservation to a bit of an extreme, socially, and like to fade into the background a bit as much as possible.

The fact that they live alone, or in pairs, suits me perfectly, with my rather limited interest in socializing. I'm quite content with having myself and my husband for company, and would definitely not be comfortable in a large group. But I do also need a little socialization, now and again which living in pairs would allow me.

Stephie, Slytherin

#553 - italyatmidnight - Iriomote Cat

Choosing my animagus form was quite difficult, as all four choices I was presented seemed like me in many ways. However, upon further research, I decided that the Iriomote Cat would be the most fitting form.

I confess, being a self-proclaimed “cat lady” initially drew me to the endangered Iriomote, a subspecies of the Leopard Cat that lives only on the Iriomote island of Japan. After all my “aww!”-ing at the pictures (they are quite cute!), I realized that there is a lot that we have in common.

Beginning with the basic physical characteristics, the Cat is an apt reflection of me in that it is small (about the size of a housecat), and its dark brown fur is a good match of my own brown hair. However, these are just the superficial similarities.

I am quite introverted and must have time to myself, but I do also enjoying spending time with other people every so often. This is reflected in the Cat’s lifestyle; they generally lead solitary lives, but will sometimes interact with others of their kind. Their preferred environment (really, only environment in their small numbers) is tropical rainforest, keeping with my favorite warm and rainy weather.

Like myself, Iriomote Cats prefer to be active during dusk and the nighttime. When they hunt, they are at first cautious, but then are quick to pounce. They are quick and agile, able to both climb trees and swim well. Also like me, they enjoy the water - and having fun!; in the wild, they hunt fish, but in captivity, they will often swim and play in the water, purely to entertain themselves.

Rachel, Ravenclaw

#554 - pinksonia - Arctic Hare

I'll admit it. Every time I would vote on animagus apps, I would keep an eye out for animals that I thought might be me as well as those I thought would do for the person I was voting on. Probably nine times out of ten, the animal I liked was some sort of rabbit, so I had a pretty good sense that that was where I belonged. However, I didn't want that to cloud my judgement, so I went into this processes hoping that one animal would stick out to me above the others because it spoke to something which I hadn't put in my application. Not something significant that I left out on purpose, that would be silly, but something that is true but not germane to any of the questions. The fulfillment of that hope is why I am choosing the Arctic Hare.

So what was that ultimate tipping point, you ask? It was this paragraph from the Wikipedia article. “Arctic hares eat mainly woody plants but also dine on buds, berries, leaves and grasses.[7] In the early summer they eat purple saxifrage. It has a keen sense of smell and may dig for willow twigs under the snow. When eating plants, arctic hares like standing where there is less snow to easily locate twigs or plants that fall off or lie on the ground for them to chew on/feed on. Although hares are known for eating plants, they can eat meat.” This animal shares my weird eating habits. See, I only cook and eat vegetarian in my home and most of the time I eat that way outside of my home, but since I don’t have any moral problem with eating meat it does make up say ~5% of my total meals. So, that was my thing. The thing that none of the voters could have known, but which made this animal stand out to me.

Now, of course, that wasn’t all that I identified with in the Arctic Hare. There was my love of snow and its Artic (it is even in the name!) habitat. The animal is a loner that occasionally needs to seek out company, as am I. Being primarily a prey animal, the hare is generally quite timid, while it is not unknown for me to describe myself as the most timid person ever (whether that is true or not is another matter entirely). It has to burrow both for food and warmth, which speaks to my profession as an archaeologist. We both know some quality digging techniques.

All in all, I think the Arctic Hare is my perfect animal form.

Allison, Ravenclaw

#555 - tiptoedbow - Flat-coated Retriever

I've chosen the Flat-Coated Retriever because I think it encompasses a lot of what I am. I am naturally drawn to dogs for their (general) good-nature and high spirit so the Retriever popped out to me right away. Physically, their appearance was very much what I was hoping for with a long, shaggy dark coat. My hair is naturally very curly and thick, my most prominent feature so the Retriever fits the bill right there. Flat-Coats are water lovers which I am as well and love to spend hours in it playing. They're light and elegant and while my elegance might be up for debate it's definitely how I feel when I'm in the water. I feel weightless and I move much faster in the water than I ever could on land. The Retriever is definitely a people person like myself so they're good as a family dog. My dream one day is to have a great, close-knit family with plenty of attention to go around. I also liked knowing that the Retriever doesn't really grow out of its 'puppy stage'. While I've definitely grown and evolved I still like to give into my childish side and tell silly jokes or watch cartoons or fangirl over Batman and Hot Wheels. I have no desire to outgrow this part of me which makes the Flat-Coated Retriever an excellent choice and one I'm super happy with!

Katie, Gryffindor

#556 - _morning_glow - Affenpischer

When I first saw my choices, I immediately gravitated toward the affenpinscher; not only was I thrilled to have two dogs to choose between, but I've always been partial to scruffy terrier-type dogs, which made my decision a little bit easier (though to be honest, I did seriously consider the Catalan donkey because it is alternately known as the Catalan ass and I'm immature). The affenpinscher also appealed to me because they are widely believed to be one of the instrumental dogs bred to produce Miniature Schnauzers. One of my dogs is a Miniature Schnauzer and I've always felt that he and I have a lot in common, and many of the traits I pointed out are also found in the affenpinscher.

Affenpinschers are tiny dogs with huge personalities. While I don't fit the former description, I've been told more times than I can count that I have a big personality. Affenpinschers are intelligent/eager to learn/inquisitve and charming/charismatic; they tend to think independently (i.e. having minds of their own vs. blindly following orders) and can be quite stubborn and obstinate. I think these qualities match up with my own personality almost exactly. I'm smart, curious, and creative, and I'm pretty sure I've got a decent amount of charisma and charm as I find it very easy to persuade or manipulate people. Affenpinschers, like most terriers/terrier-types (affens are not actually terriers but are considered to be close to the family), are known to be very stubborn and manipulative. They are easily bored with repetitive or dull training and will simply abandon the task if it doesn't interest them - again, this rings very true to me and it is one of the major ways that I regularly get myself into trouble. Even with these traits, affenpinschers are generally eager to please (especially their owners), as am I. I found an article that described affens as "comically serious" with "a special sense of fun and charisma," and I think that description fits me almost perfectly.

Affenpinschers, like most terriers, can be high-strung and are easily excited by perceived threats (largely regarding their territory); I am very much prone to anxiety and emotional overreaction and, while I might not bark incessantly, my brain is often doing the human equivalent - racing and shouting. Affens have a lot of energy but aren't endurance/athletic dogs; again, this fits me very well. I am not athletic in the slightest but I have a constant stream of (often restless) energy. I've been described as "fidgety," and "twitchy," and anyone who's ever spent time with a terrier-type dog knows this applies to them as well. Finally, in terms of appearance, I have something in common with affenpinschers - hair. Even with the standard grooming procedures, affens have a mane of hair around their face that is almost incessantly messy-looking. I have very curly hair and, no matter what I do to it, it always looks vaguely messy or wild. I love that I can possess this trait in my Animagus form - a subtle nod to my human appearance.

All in all, I'm so glad the affenpinscher was among my choices because, while I hadn't really thought about it before now, it's actually a great fit for me!

Tara, Ravenclaw

#557 - dragongirl3745 - Aardvark

I love my choices for my Animagus. All of them have characteristics that fit me well, but upon doing research on all of them, one choice stood out to me as me. I have chosen the Aardvark as my Animagus form.

I'm a solitary and nocturnal person, and while I love having my family around me, I love me my alone time. The aardvark is solitary and nocturnal, and pairing only happens during breeding seasons. Even then the offspring are out of the burrows and on their own within six months to a year. That suits me perfectly: the child at home long enough to become self-sufficient, then it leaves to become independent.

I also like the fact that the aardvark is a keystone species. That means that it helps other animals. The aardvark's old, abandoned burrows can be used by other animals: mammals, birds and lizards. And the aardvark also convert ants and termites biomass into a form usable for lions, leopards, and pythons. That appeals to me, that even in my Animagus form I could be helping some other animal.

I really like how the aardvark defends itself. I like that it tries to avoid danger by digging fast into the ground and/or running in a zigzag way to avoid enemies. I also like that if all those fail, it will defend itself by striking out with its claws, tail, and shoulders; sometimes by even flipping onto its back or somersaulting away. I also like that the aardvark has a thick skin for protection.

Something I like about the aardvark is that it lives in Africa, south of the Sahara Desert. While it doesn't live in the desert itself, it lives in the savannas, grasslands, woodlands and bush, where there is an abundant supply of ants and termites to eat. Food! It likes to eat. And I like to eat. It also lives someplace hot. I like that too!

And the final thing I like about the aardvark is that it's unique and that it's appearance is unlike any other creature out there, like an "alien". I like that, as I've been told that I'm unique (which I took as a compliment, but I think was meant to be a slam) and quite often feel out of place.

Anna, Hufflepuff

#558 - ivory88s - Barasingha (Swamp Deer)

When I first saw my options, I was pretty conflicted. I didn't particularly identify with ANY of my choices. I was completely baffled by several even after some preliminary research. The two that I was drawn to after looking up traits and such were the Swamp Deer and the Saddlebred Horse. I was initially turned away from the Horse because I live in Kentucky, Horse Capital of the World. I work in a hotel and I'm terribly biased against Saddlebred people because they're really snobby. However, once I read more about the deer and the horse as totems and animals in and of themselves, the deer seemed much better suited for me.

While deer and horses are both very flighty (which I am not - it was the reason I was rather baffled by both options), I feel that the horse tends to be more.. unnecessarily flighty while the deer is flighty to protect him/herself. When researching totems and their meanings, I found that horses have SO MANY meanings, some of which I equate with myself but more that I don't - they are often symbols of nobility, war, victory, and valor. The deer, on the other hand, are associated with observation, inner peace and reflection, and happiness. In myself, I'm very secure with who I am. My current profession is in massage therapy and during school we did a lot of introspection and really discovering yourself. Some of my teachers do a lot with energy work and with massage, it's really easy to be susceptible to bad things if you don't know yourself and your boundaries. Basically, I know myself and my boundaries really well. I'm really calm, secure, and incredibly happy with myself as a person. The deer is also associate with the moon and dawn while the horse (dependent on color) is night and day. My favorite parts of the day are both the night and early mornings.

And finally, my deciding factor (because after the Saddlebred choice was explained I was a little torn - it was very good reasoning!) was my husband. I asked him which he thought I resemble more closely: the horse or the deer and his decision without even thinking about it was a deer. He had some very sound reasoning behind it, too (much of which I can't recall at the moment, haha).

So, in the end, I'm going to choose my Animagus form as the Swamp Deer. Yay!

Malory, Ravenclaw

#559 - susako - Azawakh

Reading about the Azawakh was a little strange because although its physical characteristics didn’t fit me, reading about the dog’s temperament and behaviour was scarily accurate.
Azawakh are known for being “gentle and extremely affectionate”. This describes me, as I am very affectionate with those I am close to and am a gentle person who generally goes out of her way to avoid conflict. Like the Azawakh, I am reserved with strangers. For the Azawakh, this manifests in a desire not to be touched, but they are not inherently aggressive - if confronted with people I don’t know, I am reserved and quiet, rather than aggressive. With people I don't know, I won't hug or touch them, but with people I know well (or in Azawakh terms, 'accept'), I can be very touchy-feely. Azawakh also have a strong guarding instinct and are very protective, which matches with my attitude concerning my family (or pack).
The similarities between the Azawakh and myself even go to our imperviousness to heat. It’s a running joke in my family the way that I thrive in hot weather and strongly dislike the cold and the wet. Since the Azawakh is from the desert it can handle hot temperatures like no other dog can.
I think a large part of being an animagus is being able to give vent to parts of your personality or temperament that you would not normally be able to. As animals, you are ‘freer’ in a way to do things that you may be restricted in. At the same time, the animagus form should be a reflection of your true self. The Azawakh holds true for both categories for me. As a person, I have a lot of energy and quite like doing a variety of things. In some ways, I am always moving, if not physically, then I am at least always progressing on something and I thrive on always having something to do. The Azawakh has high amounts of energy and while I’m not a very physical person, I think that my constant need to do something manifests well in Azawakh form as the need to be in motion. Azawakh need a fairly high level of exercise and have remarkable endurance, making good training companions for runners.
While I said that I don’t necessarily have the physical characteristics of an Azawakh (I fall on the short and curvy side rather than the leggy and skinny), there are certain parts of an Azawakh that connect with me in a physical sense. Azawakh have large dark eyes, like me. They can also be all black, and my dark hair is often commented on. Azawakh have extra pre-molar teeth, and funnily enough, I have extra teeth. Finally, the strange shape of the Azawakh’s body, coupled with its curled tail, vaguely gives it an ‘S’ shape, my first initial. This all points towards the Azawakh being my animagus form, and I’d like to thank whoever thought of an animal that suits me so perfectly! ♥

Susan, Ravenclaw

#560 - lyricalepiphany - Arabian Horse

I absolutely loved all my choices, but nothing stood out more perfectly than the Arabian Horse to me. I believe that this beautiful creature is my number one choice because even before this process, I have had a deep connection with horses. They are a huge part of my past (and hopefully future?) that I will never forget. In my experience with horses I find that most of all I remember the never ending depth of their huge, intelligent eyes. Whenever I was with horses I felt that I had a strong connection with them - so strong that it couldn't be possible to have with another human being. We understood each other. This is something that I have yet to find again in my life so far, and horses seem to be this infinite comfort for me even if they are not present. They're out there somewhere in the world, and that's enough for me.

I think the Arabian Horse is an especially well picked breed for my animagus because of the similarity in our behaviors.

Like the Arabian Horse, I thrive in warm weather. Arabian Horses are fast runners, which I believe suits my strong, ever present desire to just be free and feel alive. It is said that this breed's sensitivity and intelligence allows for great communication and understanding with humans. This sentiment fits me well, as I am bored easily when there is nothing new to learn and am sensitive to the feelings and needs of others. I am not unkind unless someone gives me a glaring reason to be. I am there for anyone who needs it, my friends especially, and though I can be easily spooked I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe in. Especially if it means that my friends will be in a safer place because of this.

I also find it rather amusing that the Arabian Horse is different from all other breeds because of the fact that it has one less rib. You wouldn't think it at first, but this gives us another connection that you wouldn't know unless you asked or were informed of it. I lived with a hole in my heart for the first 7 years of my life and have VCFS, which means I'm missing a chromosone (or something like that, it's genetic either way - forgive me, I don't really know all the details). This puts me even more on level with the Arabian Horse. We are who we are and though we're imperfect, we're also intelligent, sensitive, and great communicators who learn quickly.

This is why I have chosen the Arabian Horse as my animagus.

Thank you all for your votes! My choices were all amazing and I really appreciate this a lot. <3

Erin, Ravenclaw

#561 - juliahearts - Caracal

When I first looked at my choices, my eyes immediately went to the Caracal because of its unique look. I mean, just look at its ears! Gorgeous.
I love how it is (usually) a wild cat but it does not get big as, let’s say, a tiger or a lion. I think they have just the right amount of cuteness but at the same time are not as approachable as a house cat. It would make my prey less likely to think I am a predator, making the catch easier.
The number one thing the Caracal and I have in common is that we are usually alone. I hate always being with someone, I definitely enjoy my alone time. They are known to travel in pairs from time to time, and I think that would alright, for a little bit. Also, they are known for being exceptionally good at jump and climbing, which would be so incredibly handy. Being able to jump (or climb) away from a predator would be a great skill to obtain.
Finally, I’ve always had a special bound with cats. Cats seem to like me and I love them in return. I love how independent they are because that is exactly what I am too.

Julia, Slytherin

#562 - bookishgeek - Quarter Horse

When I first saw the options for my animagus form, the only one that really jumped out at me was the Quarter Horse. I wasn't sure why, as while I've always been a fan of horses as a child, it was never something I pursued with any sense of urgency like a lot of kids might have. I've appreciated them for their unique beauty and strength from afar for a while, though.

I got out of a relationship that was toxic and bad for me in November, though I couldn't tell that until days past when it had ended. Looking back on it, of course, I see that now, but who can see that for what it is at the time? I always have associated horses with freedom, with running wild where they feel most at home - open spaces. Horses, to me, represent being fast and free and unhindered, and that really resonates with me where I am in my life right now. What's so unique about the Quarter Horse is that they are just so fast. Not only that, they're the biggest breed, but still the fastest. I like that because I'm a plus-size person, and I admit that it had me intrigued that while on the surface they look a little "bigger" than others, they are - in reality - faster than others, too!

Overall, I think that being a horse is something my heart can really appreciate right now, and that the Quarter Horse especially makes the deal even sweeter. I couldn't be happier with my choice.

Patricia, Ravenclaw

#563 - catbots - Grizzly bear

Honestly, I never thought it possible, until lately, that I could even be considered a Grizzly Bear. To me they represent such strength and veracity, and these were not traits I would have associated with myself until recently. I spent five a half years (ending last July) in an abusive relationship, which was the first "real" relationship I ever had. I was verbally and physically abused and I can honestly say I came out of that relationship hating myself. My ex had broken me down into a shell of the sweet, funny, creative, strong human being I once was. Through group and individual therapy I've been able to come out stronger and more determined to live my life the way I want to live it than ever before. I still struggle with body-image issues and self-esteem issues occasionally, but I am so much better than I was and I feel empowered for the first time in a long time. I seriously considered the other options before choosing a Grizzly as my animagus. The other choices I wanted for superficial reasons, but when it comes down to it, emotionally, I have turned into a giant Grizzly, full of ferocity and strength.

I can't ignore the other similarities between myself and a Grizzly either. I have a group of friends, and we've called each other Grizzlies for a year or so now. It's because we've done something that has been truly bad ass and awesome. My middle name on facebook is Grizzly like theirs is, so it was kind of creepy to have that animal picked as my animagus. Also, I'm a curvy girl, so I fit right in with fuzzy fat Grizzlies I also love cooler weather, and would love sleeping in the middle of a huge forest during the day. I'm also fiercely protective of my family and friends, just like a Mama Grizzly is. Grizzlies are also rather loner-type animals, just like me. I also eat very little meat, and mainly fish when I do eat meat. I think a better animagus form could not have been chosen.

Heather, Gryffindor

001-080 | 081-100 | 101-120 | 121-140 | 141-160 | 161-180
181-200 | 201-220 | 221-240 | 241-260 | 261-280 | 281-300
301-320 | 321-340 | 341-360 | 361-380 | 381-400 | 401-411
412-425 | 426-446 | 447-464 | 465-486 | 487-510 | 511-534
535-563 | 564-591 | 592-626 | 627-656 | 657-687 | 688-724

#549, #538, #561, #548, #557, #541, #562, #544, #559, #543, registry, #551, #558, #555, #552, #539, #537, #553, #563, #554, #535, #542, #560, #547, #556, #536

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