#201 -
clex_monkie89 - Australian Cattle Dog
After some deliberation I've decided on the Australian Cattle Dog. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be because I kept going back and forth between it and the Mackenzie Valley Wolf (otherwise known as the Rocky Mountain Wolf) but, sadly, I couldn't find much more than the same information about them done over and over on other pages.
The Australian Cattle Dog is intelligent and very pack-oriented, to borrow a quote from my fellow Slytherin. They look more or less like normal dogs, so I would be able to blend in well if I had to. They're also very agile and strong, with the ability to run long distances, so they're good not only for evading harm but also for protecting their pact. They're loyal and naturally suspicious of strangers, which fits me well because, as I said in my application, I'm shy at first until I get to know you.
Some even have red speckle coloring, which matches with my red hair!
As herding dogs they're naturally protective and make for good guard dogs. They take charge and herd cattle by nipping at them, basically annoying them into doing what they want. They're energetic have active minds, so, much like me, some of them tend to bore easily.After some deliberation I've decided on the Australian Cattle Dog. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be because I kept going back and forth between it and the Mackenzie Valley Wolf (otherwise known as the Rocky Mountain Wolf) but, sadly, I couldn't find much more than the same information about them done over and over on other pages.
The Australian Cattle Dog is intelligent and very pack-oriented, to borrow a quote from my fellow Slytherin. They look more or less like normal dogs, so I would be able to blend in well if I had to. They're also very agile and strong, with the ability to run long distances, so they're good not only for evading harm but also for protecting their pact. They're loyal and naturally suspicious of strangers, which fits me well because, as I said in my application, I'm shy at first until I get to know you.
Some even have red speckle coloring, which matches with my red hair!
As herding dogs they're naturally protective and make for good guard dogs. They take charge and herd cattle by nipping at them, basically annoying them into doing what they want. They're energetic have active minds, so, much like me, some of them tend to bore easily.
I think the Australian Cattle Dog would be the best animagus form for me because, really, it's me in the form of a medium-sized dog. I'm not sure I'd be able to find something more fitting.
Clex_monkie89, Slytherin
November 2008
#202 -
mihakken - Wolverine
As much as it pains me to give up the option to be one of my two favourite animals…a big cat or a wolf…I have to choose the wolverine because that is what truly matches me best.
I believe that I could relate my build to that of a wolverine…rather thick and small, but with a lot of muscle and unexpected strength. Like the wolverine, I am a loner, preferring to spend my time away from people if at all possible. When around people I tend to become agitated, and if too much time is spent, I can become irritable and lash out. This is from a very limited amount of patience. I am also extremely territorial, and grow annoyed when people invade my personal space - I tend to nearly growl at them to get away after giving them fair warning [though I doubt a wolverine would give warning]. I can't stand it when people hover in my personal space.
However, the wolverine is also very protective of its young, and I am as well. My son, and those closest to me, are people I will go to great lengths to help or protect. I like to be alone, but I will spend time with the people who are important to me.
Wolverines move at a slow pace. Thanks to physical difficulties with my knees, I do as well. I cannot chase well, but I can certainly hide and wait to ambush someone [or something]. And if I have a reason to, I will. I might not be able to move faster than a slow walk, but I can put all of my strength behind me and take someone down.
Wolverines are also curious, daring, and tough, according to one source. I would probably describe myself as more annoying that curious, but that comes from my curiosity. I tend to not know when to leave well enough alone, which drifts into the territory of ‘daring.’ My daring goes beyond that, but the slight example just happened to be there. I'm also tough...tougher than I look, but I'm definitely not the toughest around. Not even close.
I also have powerful jaws, though I must admit I do not mark my territory.
I chose wolverine because it seems to match me physically as well as mentally. So well, in fact, that this essay was extremely easy to write.
Jake, Slytherin
October 2008
#204 -
rhye - American Mustang
I am really confident that this is the right animagus form for me, partly because I can hardly wait to write this essay. I'm just exhilarated at the prospect.
In considering my appeal, I asked my husband what animal he thought I would be. He said he would not pick a horse because I do not have a herd mentality. With all respect to him, I think he's wrong. I think I very much broadcast the image of being independent and elusive, but I still travel in a herd. I don't like to break off on my own. As soon as I got to HiH I found a herd to fit into, and that herd has defined my experience here at HiH. Nevertheless, the fact that I cast an image of being wild ,untamed and independent, is very like the mustang. This is an animal that is small, compact, strong and hardy. Once a friend said of me, "our Jess is stronger than she looks." He meant emotionally, as I was going through a rough time, but I knew he was right. I really am hardy and wild, even though 'ferral' might really be a better word for it-- I certainly love people and organization within the ranks (aka herds), but if you try to contain me or break me or fence me in, you'll find you have far more on your hands that you can handle. It's a sort of fury I can't control.
Lastly, I have always passionately loved the American West. My dad was raised in a ranch in Montana, and I always dreamed of moving back there. He's since sold the ranch, but I've spend a great deal of time in Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado, and a bit of time in Idaho. I feel most at home in the mountains, as if I am closer to the sky. Even on the endless, grassy plains of Wyoming, you feel closer to the sky somehow, as if you could simply reach out and touch the clouds. It's always been my lifelong dream to move out west and live the rest of my life there. I've written extensively about the west, and I consider the landscape my muse. I am thrilled to have an animagus form that is reminiscent of the lonely plain, its endless wind, and its untamed spirit.
Jess, Gryffindor
#208 -
moony_blues - Wildcat
There are many different subspecies of the Wildcat. They are found in Europe, West Asia, and Africa. Their physical characteristics vary according to their habitat. All subspecies vary greatly in size, lengths being from 18 to 32 inches and weights being from 6 to 18 pounds. Those found in Europe have thick fur, ranging in color from slate gray to brown, with markings much like a domesticated tabby cat. These cats are bulkier than their Asian and African cousins, who inhabit less densely wooded areas. Those cats are lighter in color, ranging from sandy yellow to light brown. Asian and African cats tend to prefer more open areas, such as savannas and steppes.
The subspecies felis silvestris silvestris, or the European Wildcat, is found most often in forested areas, though the Scottish Wildcat prefers the moorland. In areas with more dense human populations, wildcats are most active in the twilight hours around dusk and dawn. The cats tend to be more skittish around human settlements. When found in more isolated areas, they can be active during any time of day and are not solely nocturnal. These cats tend to be monogamous, taking one mate for a lifetime. They are not generally communal, preferring to be solitary. If there is a higher concentration of them in any one area, a sort of hierarchy forms, and newcomers often have to compete for the right to be part of the community.
I chose the wildcat for a number of reasons, the first being that they are generally solitary animals. I have a few close friends and some family that I keep close with, but I’m generally most happy when I’ve had lots of time to be by myself. Also, I prefer night-time activities, and I love sunsets. Because of the wide range of personalities, I focused on the European subspecies, and was particularly impressed by the cats’ monogamous natures. And, though I doubt they can run as fast as a cheetah, I believe that they would have a fairly high running speed just based on how quickly their descendents, the domestic house cat, can move.
Rachel, Ravenclaw
#209 -
hellkat75 - Pixie-Bob
I have decided to go for the Pixie-Bob as my animagus form. I did have a very difficult time choosing between the Harbor Seal, the Pixie-Bob and the Saint Bernard. In the end, I scratched the Saint Bernard because I am just not a dog person - I am a little bit afraid of dogs, plus I think they smell and are dirty. I can tolerate them only in small doses and so would prefer not to spend time as one. That left me with the choice of the Harbor Seal and the Pixie-Bob. In the end, I chose the Pixie-Bob for the convenience. A seal tottering down the street would be rather conspicuous so would really defeat the purpose of having an animagus form. The Pixie-Bob on the other hand can be as loyal as a dog and are very sociable, just like me. They are fairly intelligent animals, with a huge capacity for love of their families.
Because they are a cross-breed of Bobcats and domestic cats, they can be a little bit of a paradox. I have often been described as such because I have such various mood swings - most of the time, I am quite a friendly, outgoing and respectful person. Sometimes though, I have a wild, impetuous and rebellious streak which completely contradicts my everyday mood. This has also had people referring to me as cat-like many times, as this inconstant nature is a very common trait in cats; one minute they can be purring in your lap enjoying a petting and then next, attacking your hand.
Lastly, I have always had a affinity for felines. I have generally had cats as pets and find them to be the perfect pet for me. They are loveable and social, without needing too much help caring for themselves. They don’t need walks or flea baths, which is great for someone like me, who can sometimes be lazy and tired at the end of a long day taking care of my daughter and our home
Mel, Hufflepuff
#210 -
maaiker - Central American Jaguar
Panthera onca centralis: Central American Jaguar, it's habitat spreading form El Salvador to Colombia.
I am a cat person and I've been told more often that I have a lot of cat traits as well. Therefor it was no surprise that all my choices consisted of feline species. I chose the jaguar out of all of them for the following reasons;
The jaguar is often described as nocturnal, but is more specifically crepuscular (peak activity around dawn and dusk). Also quite like me, I rather relish in the sight of dusk and dawn. Between those times the jaguar is known to lie about in trees, which I have absolutely no objection to. I don't like to call myself lazy, but if allowed I can be a real sloth.
While dense rainforest is the jaguars preferred habitat, the jaguar will range across a variety of forested and open terrain. I too have no strong preference to any habitat, as long as it is moderate. The jaguar is one of the few felines that enjoys swimming, which I rather love as well and is the main reason I picked this feline out of the other felines.
Like most cats, the jaguar is solitary outside mother-cub groups. The young of the jaguar are born blind, gaining sight after two weeks. Cubs are weaned at three months but remain in the birth den for six months before leaving to accompany their mother on hunts. They will continue in their mother's company for one to two years before leaving to establish a territory for themselves. This is a proof of a very strong mother instinct, usually wild animals leave their cubs to fend for themselves after they've been weaned. But not the jaguar, she'll guide them for a full 2 years to make sure that they can survive, quite like me, and quite unlike most felines. I like to take care of people. It's what I do best. I love the responsibility that it brings and the joy of others responding to my caring ways. As for the solitary part of the jaguar I greatly dislike large groups of people, you'll see me distancing from them. I too only trust the very few friends close to me, as if they were family.
While the jaguar employs the deep-throat bite-and-suffocation technique typical among Panthera, it prefers a killing method unique amongst cats: it pierces directly through the temporal bones of the skull between the ears of prey (especially the Capybara) with its canine teeth, piercing the brain. The jaguar is a stalk-and-ambush rather than a chase predator. The cat will walk slowly down forest paths, listening for and stalking prey before rushing or ambushing. The jaguar attacks from cover and usually from a target's blind spot with a quick pounce; the species' ambushing abilities are considered nearly peerless in the animal kingdom by both indigenous people and field researchers, and are probably a product of its role as an apex predator in several different environments. I like to think that this is proof of tactical development. Which needs a certain amount of cleverness, which I as a Ravenclaw appreciate very much indeed.
On the subject of physical characteristics the jaguar and I are similar as well. The head of the jaguar is robust and the jaw extremely powerful. Of-course my bite is not to compare but my jaw-line is rather broad and robust as well. I used to do just about everything with my teeth because my teeth are unusually strong and solid, which is a trait inherited form my fathers line. The base coat of the jaguar is generally a tawny yellow and so is my hair, thus the only variation my jaguar form would have is my blue eyes.
My very last argument for my choice of this animal as my animagus is that it's the top of it's food-chain and thus just as fearless of other creatures as I.
Overall I think the jaguar and I are a fine match :)
Maaike, Ravenclaw
#211 -
djmayhem_aubrey - Miniature Pinscher
At first, I wasn't sure that the Miniature Pinscher really suited me as an animagus form, but on researching my options (of which I was actually leaning towards my lone feline option), I'm finding that there are so many similarities between myself and the Min Pin that there's really no question.
The Miniature Pinscher is a small dog that displays traits of pride, courageousness, loyalty to their masters, and intelligence. They are energetic, playful, and friendly, outgoing and clever, and display a protectiveness to their family/owners that parallels me perfectly. On the superficial front, Min Pin's are small, cute, and LOUD... and even at my age, I'm still small, cute (so I'm told), and LOUD. On the breeding side of it, Min Pins were originally bred in Germany, and it is speculated that Italian Greyhound blood has been bred into the breed, and I am part Italian and part German.
For the Min Pin, socialization as puppies helps them interact with other dogs, pets and children as they grow older. They are aloof around people they don't KNOW, and they tend to be protective of their owners/loved ones, which will manifest as incessant barking at anything they deem threatening. They will even challenge larger breeds of dogs! As for myself, I've learned how to interact with my peers in a positive way as I've grown older, and I am very open and friendly, though I will be reserved with what I share with you if I don't know you. As for my protective instincts... I had a reputation as a scrapper when I was a teen, and even now, if someone is threatening either myself or my friends, I will go on the defensive (and sometimes even the offensive) to neutralize the threat.
Next, this breed has an insatiable curiosity, so they tend to like toys that stimulate their curiosity or pose a challenge. I've always enjoyed games or activities that give me something to learn or challenge me to unravel a code/find a pattern, etc. And, too, another of the main traits I keep seeing about this breed is how much energy they have and how it's recommended that they have an area to run around in so they can wear off the excess energy, since JUST daily walks won't do it. I get restless and fidgety if I'm idle for long periods of time. I tend to walk most places in the summer, and at my job, I'm always up on my feet and on the go. (And I have a slightly embarrassing habit of dancing around the condo if I'm feeling particularly energetic. I'm told it's adorable. Or maybe amusing.)
Last, but certainly not least, the advice about caring for the breed cinched it for me. Just a couple points of interest that haven't been mentioned; one, the Min Pin is a short haired dog, so, since their coat provides virtually no insulation, they need extra care in cold weather, and I have always needed to bundle up when I go out in winter time (since I get cold VERY easily). Two, Min Pins need to have a monitored diet to prevent them from overeating, and I have a special diet because I have so many digestive problems that certain foods make me sick.
In conclusion, even though there's a great deal I had to leave out due to word limits, it seems clear to me that the Miniature Pinscher is the best match for me in nearly every way. A match made in heaven, perhaps?
Adam, Slytherin
#212 -
jukeboxjamie11 - Black Labrador
I was given great options for my animagus and i chose Black Labrador. It was an easy choice because i am a black lab, just in a human form. LOL.
Black labs a very loyal, and so am i. Im a puff. Black labs like to play and be loved. Black labs are patient and sweet. I had a lot of fun finding information on black labs. I have a black lab, and i love her very much and doing this little essay let me learn more about my dog. So here is some information.
Labs come in three colors - black, yellow, and chocolate. As far as I know, there is no definitive study proving the disposition or intelligence of one over the other.
Black Labs are exceptionally healthy, athletic dogs. Many are prone to breeding and genetic medical problems, however, including hip dysplasia, eye trouble, arthritis, cold tail, tricuspid valve dysplasia, ear infections, ruptured cruciate ligaments, and laryngeal paralysis.
A reason for ear infections is because labs love water, and they have floppy ears. Their loppy ear prevent water from getting all the way out, so that can cause infections.
Their best feature is their temperament. Labs are loving, people oriented dogs. They are happiest when they are with you. Labs are retrievers and will bring you things they find laying about your house or yard. They tend to be quite patient with children and wonderful family dogs. They are not guard dogs. They may bark protectively, but will generally not act more aggressively. Labs are wonderful people dogs, more likely to lick someone to death than hurt them. They tend to be stable, not easily upset by strange things or occurrences.
Black Labradors are usually solid black in color. They are sleek and graceful looking animals. They are a large breed of dog and must be taken seriously because they can harm small children or frail individuals because they have so much enthusiasm for life and they want to play with everyone. However, black Labradors are very smart and they learn quickly. They can be trained quite easily not to jump up on people or cause other problems because of their energy levels and large size. Some people might be frightened by large dogs such as the black Labrador, but spending time with these dogs will show most people that there is nothing to fear except that you might be licked with much enthusiasm.
Jamie, Hufflepuff
#213 -
accountingwitch - Dragon Li
It was extremely difficult for me to pick which form I wanted. All four choices weren't things I had considered before, but depicted different aspects of my personality. The Dragon Li is intelligent and perceptive; the Large Flying Fox an unthreatened flier that eats fruit; the Barn Swallow at home in warm and urban settings; the Eastern Raccoon cute and sneaky.
I've gone with the Dragon Li (Li Hua Mau). While the other three are extremely useful forms, which reflect my way of thought, the Dragon Li mirrors my heart and nature. I already have many catlike characteristics and behave much like one most of the time, but there are other traits that make the Dragon Li unique for me.
I am a Ravenclaw, which is a house known for its wit and intelligence. This is reflected in the Dragon Li, a breed that is "valued for its unmistakeable intelligence" (according to Wikipedia). I like to sit back and observe things, like the Dragon Li. And while I prefer to be alone, I don't mind interacting with a few other people as well, and the Dragon Li has an ability to really get along with people. I'll especially get along with other people if it has to do with survival, such as acquiring food, gaining protection, or earning academic success (ahaha); the Dragon Li is a self-domesticating breed, descended from a vulnerable species of wildcat, and has learned to tolerate human interaction in exchange for better survival odds.
In conclusion, I think the Dragon Li and I are well-matched in form.
Elaine, Ravenclaw
#214 -
chocolatebomber - Polar Bear
When I started researching I noticed a lot of the choices had a lot of similarities with me. But when I looked closer at the Polar Bear I knew it was the right choice. It almost seems meant to be in a way, because when I was younger I was obsessed with the movie The Polar Bear King.
The Polar bear is a great fit for me. They live in the north, snow, cold weather, and that’s just the weather I love. I love winter, and I always feel more at home during those months. The live on land, but they spend many of their hours in the sea. I live on land (obviously) but I love being able to spend time in the water, even though I know I could never live there.
Their behavior literally directly parallels my behavior. Polar bears are seen mostly living in solitude, however, they are known to group together at times and play for hours together. Although they don’t travel in groups, they do have what can be called ‘friendships’ with other polar bears and other species! They have even been seen embracing each other while sleeping together. This is exactly me. I tend to stand alone and be somewhat anti-social, but I do like to go out with people and have fun sometimes!
Polar Bears, even though they are descendants of other bears and still have the instinct to hibernate, they don’t need to in order to survive, instead that helps them to be able to survive for months at a time with little or no food when the ice melts completely, and they are unable to hunt for seals. I have been known to go for days and days on as little food as possible, simply because I’m too lazy to go to the store, or because I don’t have enough money to buy anything substantial.
Polar bears can be both outrun, and out swam by many other species in the area they may encounter. However, they are still the top predator where they hunt, because of their strength. I am not the most in shape person, and could easily be outrun and out swam, but I was a shot-putter in high school, and I have my strength going for me!
Polar bears are not territorial, nor are they very aggressive, despite the stereotype. In actuality, they would rather run away from a confrontation than fight. In the same way, I try to avoid confrontations, and I don’t tend to mind if someone uses my things either, at least most of the time.
Polar bears are beautiful, intelligent, and overall amazing creatures. I would be honored to have this as my animagus form, and I feel it suits me perfectly!
Ella, Ravenclaw
#215 -
jaegersosse - Siberian weasel
Siberian weasel is the animal for me! They live in eastern Europe and asia. I am a European person, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else and if I had to choose, I would certainly choose Asia over the rest of the continents. The Siberian weasel is pale brown on the back, gradually changing to a paler, yellowish brown below. I can see myself reflected on its colours, my hair being pale brown and changing to dark blonde over the summer with the sun. They are nocturnal and crepuscular and I do find myself being more active during that day hours and I tend to sleep long in the morning, they are solitary animals, and I do like to be alone most of the time. Also, two very important things. I LOVE mustelidae (I own a domestic ferret) and they live in cold weather! I am a complete winter person
Iratxe, Slytherin
#217 -
drippingcherry - African Grey Parrot
I initially liked all of my choices, but I quickly narrowed them down to African Grey Parrot and Black Backed Jackal. It was very difficult to decide between these two, and I still think they both describe me well in different ways. In the end, though, I have chosen the African Grey Parrot.
Most parrot species enjoy showing off, but the African Grey, known for its superior intelligence and exceptional talent for mimicry and speech, is the rock star of parrots. As a Leo, I too, thoroughly enjoy the spotlight. Like a parrot, I flaunt my talents and achievements, always eager for praise. I also have a talent for learning foreign languages and am able to pronounce almost anything.
Like the African Grey, I am a social being, but tend to be shy around people I don’t know. Once I get to know them, though, my extroverted side takes over and I become loud and obnoxious. I am fun and playful, but not especially fond of too much physical contact, much like the African Grey. And, in traditional parrot style, I love to be the cause of mischief. My African Greys are constantly causing trouble, and they delight in throwing things onto the floor, watching me pick them up, and throwing them down again.
African Grey Parrots are also known to be empathic. They sense when other members of the flock are on alert; similarly, they know when someone within their human flock is angry or sad and become distressed. I am also good at picking up on people’s moods, which seem to rub off on me as well.
Compared to other parrot species, African Greys have a long development time, leaving the nest at an older age. This is a trait I can identify with. Many of my friends were eager and ready to leave the house as soon as they turned 18, or shortly thereafter. I just wasn’t ready to be on my own at that age and commuted to my university while living at home.
African Greys mate for life, which is something I can identify with. I’m very picky when it comes to men, and don’t like dating around, so if I ever find one who is a keeper, I will treasure him forever.
Most importantly though, African Greys amuse and inspire us with their beauty and intelligence. If only for the few moments that we watch one performing the tricks it has learned, we forget about our troubles and everything bad that is going on in the world and have fun. That is something I strive for. Whether it’s by means of a joke, a piece of fiction, or a good deed, I want to give people hope and inspire them to see the magic that exists in our world.
Izabella, Gryffindor
#218 -
chewyyyyyy - New Guinea Singing Dog
I was torn between two animals, New Guinea Singing Dog and Arabian horse. Initially, I felt that the Arabian horse is the one for me as I feel that it was friendly and free, like me. However, after researching more on the New Guinea Singing Dog, I realised how much we had in common. I started googling for it and it was love at first sight. I always wished to be some kind of fox-like animal cause they're cool looking.
Dogs is a definite choice for me as I am trusting and loyal, as stated in my application. Like dogs, I do not care about your background and status, or class and race. Dogs are clever friendly, which is what I wished my Animagus to be.
New Guinea Singing Dog thrives in cold climates and are adaptable, like me. I am adaptable to all kinds of changes and I'm a lover for cool climate. Known as a singing dog, the New Guinea Singing Dog emits a howl that make it seem as though it is singing. I plays the cello in my current school, sings in the choir before, and thus is considered 'musical' like the New Guinea Singing Dog. Not only that, i'm terribly fond of English songs, and rarely got sick of them. I am somewhere between wild and tame, just like the New Guinea Singing Dog. Given time, I can be as tame as it is.
Yiting, Hufflepuff
#219 -
eowyn_rain - Shetland Sheep Dog
For my animal form, I chose the Shetland Sheep Dog. This was a hard choice for me, because I also really like the Missouri Fox Trotter. After reading about the Shetland Sheep Dog, or the "Sheltie" as it's called by many, I knew that I made the right choice.
First of all, the breed was originally from the Shetland Islands in Scotland. They were bred for the cool, wet conditions of Scotland, and similar areas, such as Ireland, and England.
This fascinated me, because I myself, am half Irish, and half Scottish, and very proud of my heritage. I also liked that the conditions matched my cool weather and rain requirements that I put in my original application.
Second of all, shetland sheep dogs are lively, fun loving dogs. They love to play, and to run about in wide open spaces. They're also good dogs to have around children, and have been know to be "always on the go". This fits my personality so very well. =)
The third thing is, that they have a high level of intelligence, and that they are reserved, but not fearful or shy. Once again, this struck me as a strangely complex dog personality, and yet, a perfect match for my personality, if I were a dog.
After lots of research on all four of my animals, I believe that this breed is the right choice for me. I am a Shetland sheep dog!
Luna Rose, Gryffindor
#220 -
absolutelybatty - American Mink
Choosing my animagus form was a difficult decision. Why? I thought all my choices were fantastic. They are all beautiful creatures, and I felt a connection to all of them in some way or another. So I asked anyone who would listen hey, what animal should I choose? Which one fits me best?. In the end, I decided to go with the decision that the woman who knows me best, my mother, made. The animal form I chose is the American Mink. This is because a lot of things I read about the animal sounded like myself on the whole whereas the other animals, while utterly amazing, didn’t seem as closely attuned to me.
First and foremost, I’m American (by birth and the first sixteen years of my life). This particular species lives in America as you can tell by the name. So first and foremost we have that in common. However, this animal likes the woods as well. I’ve lived in the woods. I was a wild child. So there again we have something else in common.
Next, they are solitary animals. It has occurred to me that, especially because of the place I am in my life right now, that I need to be alone more often than not. I can’t stand people most of the time, and I just get angry. Now generally I am a happy person, so being angry just because one of my friends is hanging around? Uncool. I think I need to be solitary just as much as the mink does, and only come back for the mating period.
They are also difficult to keep as pets. They can be very aggressive, and most people believe they are untamable. I’ve always been aggressive. I go after things, and I don’t let go. One could say that I have extremely sharp teeth that rip and tear others to shreds especially if I’m worked up about something. I also have control issues. I have to be in control or no one can. I refuse to be someone’s pet. Not to mention I have problems with authority especially male authority, but I don’t think that is related. It takes a lot of patience to keep me happy and tame, and this is also true for the mink.
Furthermore, these are carnivorous animals. While I do eat fruit and bread quite often, I detest almost any vegetable. However, put meat in front of me, and I am happy as a clam. Much like the mink, I’m not picky about my meat over all. I can eat it in a variety of forms (as long as it is cooked, alright?).
Have I mentioned these are nocturnal animals? Well, they are. Me? I’m not nocturnal. I wish I were though. It is cooler (temperature wise) at night, and I’ve always felt more awake and alive at night. However, my schedule much like everyone else’s, keeps me awake during the day and asleep at night. I would much rather stalk about at night (with super duper night vision) like the mink.
My research also brought up a little tid bit about a mink’s intelligence. Apparently it is quite high. They are curious and what I found said that they are more intelligent than some primates. Now I don’t consider myself a genius. However, I’d like to think I’m pretty intelligent. True, I’m a crazy dreamer who tends to get lost in fiction rather than fact, but if I put my mind to it, I can keep up an intellectual conversation. Plus, if you are going to have an animagus form, shouldn’t it be a smart one? That would come in handy more often than not.
Also the mink is a smaller creature allowing me a better chance of sneaking around unseen. Most of their size is made up of their tail which is even better. I’m less likely to be spotted as I run around, and the dark brown color of the mink’s fur is better camouflage than say a tiger’s stripes.
Speaking of the mink’s fur, did I ever mention I have fantastic hair? Well, it’s true. I’m not bragging here. I’ve often had my hair molested by my friends. They run their hands through it, and they wish they had my hair. It is think, brown, and rather shiny if I do say so myself. I’ve had exactly one bad hair day my entire life, and that was more my fault than my hair’s fault. Not to mention it is easily manageable.
Now you might be wondering what this has to do with the American Mink. Well, they are preyed upon by humans for the lustrous brown fur. Their glossy, think fur is coveted by many, and there is such a thing as fur farms which harvest their fur.
Liking your animagus is a good thing; however, it isn’t just about that. Your animagus should reflect who you are as a person. You can’t just say you are a tiger because you like tigers. That isn’t the point. So I choose the American Mink because we are basically twins, and there was no way I could not choose the mink. In the immortal words of The Lion King (2): we are one.
Samantha, Slytherin
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