Sep 18, 2011 20:39

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Filled Prompts from Parts 1 to 10 | Parts 11 to 20 | 21 to 25

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[ 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 ]

[ TOP]
America's "Mother of All Bombs" VS Russia's "Father of All Bombs"
Russia/Canada/US - Ice Hockey
Russia & yangire!Canada/U.S.
AmeRus, Russian Revolution
The joy of screwing in public places
WWII, Tehran Conference
America loves game shows and fast cars. Apparently, Russia does too.
America desperately tries to keep Russia from becoming Communist.
CanAm tag team to invade Russia's vital regions
America being double teamed by Russia & Canada
America/Ukraine/Russia, Ukraine joining NATO
Angry RusAme chess battle, based on the musical Chess
Russia teasing America on his southern brothers becoming communist

[ TOP]
England/America/Russia, Russia refuses to be alone while the others have their fun
America & Russia as the world's alien defense force
Sex by fireplace to keep America warm during winter
Russia/America/Canada, insane!Russia sees them as the Baltics and punishes them for 'rebelling'
Dick comparison leads up to sex
America's first time, Ivan's issues, and gratuitous amounts of beating around the bush during sex
RusAme, Metal Gear Solid 3
America performing a striptease

[ TOP]
USSR/America, scientific cooperation in Antarctica
Taking antidepressants results in frighteningly non-yandere Russia chilling with America
Snarking during the new arms treaty
Assassins/Spies, Working for their respective secret services
The Miracle on Ice
England/America/Russia, "Politely" arguing who gets to take home drunk/passed out America
Soviet Premier denied visit to Disneyland, America makes it up by taking Russia there
America shows Russia there's still love and care after fall of Soviet Union
fail!England summons sparkly Russia to scare off America, instead of sparkly vampires
Food sex
Rocky Balboa!America vs Ivan Drago!Russia
AU, student!America crushing on P.E. Teacher!Russia
Something to do with the "Crying while eating" website with foodsex + humiliation
AmeRus, cock and ball torture
RusAm, onesided UK/US, America masturbates and have sex while thinking of Russia
oblivious fem!America invited to Russia's house to see his "nuclear missiles"
Russia says Alaska was on a lease and wants it back
Obama used in Russian ad for chocolate-covered vanilla ice cream
High School AU, bitchy rivals in puvlic, not-so-rivals in private
Hatesex after Cold War chess match, using chess piece as sex toys
Human AU, America in Russia during Stalin's Purges
Crack, A social psychologist realizes that America is blamed for anything wrong in Russia

[ TOP]
RusAm, through England's point of view
Kink meme votes for Russia accepting the offer of blowjob from tied up America
Messy, complicated Cold War Foursome - Russia/America/Canada/Cuba
America almost gets raped by Russia, gets saved at last minute, but returns for more later
RusAme mpreg
Stalking each other during the Cold War
Option 2: America orders a "Russian Bride" and finds "her" not quite as he expected
Playing chess
Russia/Colonial!America, doing it because they know England won't like it
Finalists in a world Tetris tournament, sex with the Tetris effect
vampire!America creeps up on nosebleeding Russia

[ TOP]
Sex through fabric
Wedding with disapproving but I'll walk down the aisle with you anyway!England
"America holds grudges like a woman"
Angst, based on "Always" by Saliva: "I love you, I hate you, I can't get around you!"
Russia and Cuba instigates the NA brothers to fight each other.. in maple syrup
Russia/fem!America, Enmity turns into bloody brawl into passionate hate sex
Romano/America/Russia, Mafia threesome
AmeRus, Getting pudgy!America chubby chasing also somewhat pudgy!Russia
Fluff, Making up makes it worth it
Bering Strait Crossing
Watchmen-style, if events happened in the world, how it would affect America
AmeRus, scarf bondage
Russia pesters paranoid!America at height of McCarthyism
Partying in a nightclub in Moscow
The rapist... er, we mean therapist!Russia
AU, doctor or nurse!Russia taking care of sickly young America

[ TOP]
Bondage dubcon, with Russia + less willing Lithuania DPing America
Fem!America topping the hell out of Russia
China/Russia/Cuba ---> America, Seduction - commie style
established RusAme, Russia instigates sex in a place where England can catch them
America sings "Sex Bomb" with Russia being the spy in it
Russia/America/Vodka, noncon
One night stand without being underpinned by love
Growing three-way relationship, Belarus/Russia/America
Cold War, chess, One Night in Bangkok
Russia vs Canada for America, hockey competition
AU, student!Russia attempts to seduce teacher!America
Awkward and uncomfortable sex in a cramped ship cabin
Torturing prisoner!America completely senseless... with pleasure!
Unwilling villain!Russia, dealing with the guilt caused by temporary lost of sanity
RusAme + Billy Joel's Leningrad, We never knew what friends we had until we came to Leningrad
Arranged marriage to save America from some dire fate, both nations not thrilled but grows to love
AmeRus, necrophilia - Giving an old enemy a last goodbye
Somehow, America accidentally ends up having Russia unable to not do whatever America wants.
America and Russia shows up as each other in a Halloween costume contest
Hiding from Belarus prompts closet make out
Fluff, Scary movie drives America to seek Russia's comfort
The Cold War - reenacted as a food fight between them
Established!Russia/Germany seeks out America to include in their relationship
America walks in on Russia/Canada in a closet then finds himself in the middle
Russia/America/England, aiming to win America
Watching a sad/moving movie together and both trying to hide their tears
Yandere!America quoting Edgar Allan Poe to Russia
Dr. Seuss's The Butter Battle Book referring to the Cold War
History AU, "Mother" Russia raises baby!America
uke!Russia, Body worship and scar admiration

[ TOP]
America topping from the bottom
Modern day dancing around each other, though both wanting the other
Nations acting as the "pieces" in a Cold War Chess
1964, Russia visits Fem!America and walks in on her burning her bra
Russia & America transported to a history!AU world of Soviet!America & Capitalist!Russia
Genderbend College AU, Sorority rivals but eventual secret friends/lovers
Post Cold War AU, Russia helps America learn his household duties by dressing him as a "maid"
Non-angsty making out in a tentative new relationship
America breaks the Man Code: "No Man shall occupy a urinal immediately adjacent to another Man."
AU, Both are astronauts in the present but forgot they were childhood friends who made a promise
Scarf play, with a part of it still wrapped around Russia
"When you think of love you think like an American. You should think like a Russian!"
Crack college, Russia coming to terms of being gay with his American friend
A secretive, renewed relationship makes the others think they're starting a new Cold War
Boston Vodka Party, overtaken!America aggressively rebels against Russia
Russia & Canada drags anti-winter!America to play in the snow
Listening to "Polyushka polye"
Mustache fetish
Imperial Russia visiting unsupervised colonial!America & Canada
Based on the song "I Can't Decide" by Scissor Sisters
Dirty dancing
Russia created Tetris as a subtle type of mind control, only America doesn't fall for it
Prussia & America shows off how awesome they are by double teaming Russia
America shows up late in a world conference.. in his playboy bunny costume
Russia replaces one of the players of America's monthly Nation's poker night
On a sinking boat, Titanic-esque
Lithuania rescues America from Russia, not realizing they're actually together in secret
Pic prompt: Russia and America embracing each other in happiness
America breaks down in front of Russia, which leads to him comforting the nation
England helps America & Russia get back together after a falling out
Russia wants to leave, but yandere!America really wants them to stay
Group singing
Sex in a bouncy castle
America & Russia shows off their prison tattoos and share some tales
Mind games, dub con
Russia and America teaming up to fight off zombies
Russia realizes he loves America, who disappears from a dangerous space mission but returns
Dictionary Fail- Russia uses the word "intercourse" when he means "acquaintance."
America invites some nations for a sleepover party in the Air Force One (bonus hints at RusAme)
America geeks out at Tetris only to be horrified that Tetris is a Russian game
Crack, SCA Kingdom-tans plus America to overtake Russia
America struck by a major cataclysmic natural event (OP partial to RusAme)
Going to a paranormal hotspot, with America afraid of ghosts and Russia afraid of the dark
The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus, America as the Devil & Russia as Dr. Parnassus
Rome possesses America's body and goes after Russia & England
Tony abducts America and Russia and forces them to have sex
America sexes up on aviator/fighter pilot Russia
Russia/America/Lithuania, with combination of violent and sweet smut
No angst/dark theme, Russia riding America and still wearing his scarf
Spying on each other with every cheesy, over the top spy gadgets in the book
America tries to send someone a secret admirer gift but it always gets to Russia, RusAme happens
Someone steals Russia's scarf and he goes berserk, America is used to calm him down

[ TOP]
The Space Race -- Gauken AU Style
Russia/America/England, Deciding to protect America together and share him
Facepalm moments in the relationship
Wall Street Crash 1929
America topping from bottom, sexually teasing Russia until he is shaking with hatred & arousal
Human AU, rival cadets
Meeting in a supermarket
Nations in a Clueless-esque scenario, America equivalent of Cher & Russia like Josh
Human AU, Angel!England shows America what life would be like without him (w/ established RusAme)
Fantasy AU, the Man in the Mirror (OP says Mirror Man can be Russia)
5 times they had to share a bed, and one time something actually happened
The world becoming one with Russia turns out to be good and peaceful (w/ RusAme)
Pic prompt: sitting and consumed with lust while waiting for the other
Genderbend, roleplaying/cosplaying as characters from American comic books
Russia gets turned on by a picture of America standing in a field of sunflowers
Gakuen AU, Breakfast Club - Russia/America/England
Language kink, America suddenly gets hot and flustered by Russia speaking Russian
In Soviet Russia, children molest YOU! - shota!America/Russia
WWIII AU, America agrees to be Russia's prisoner in return for allies' safety, thinking he can handle him
Literal Iron Curtain smut
A round or two of sex to cure insomnia
America snoops around in Russia's house, finds a room revealing personal things about Russia
Metal Gear Solid, mission to place America's Snake onto Russia's Virgin Cliffs
America carrying Russia bridal-style
America 'fangirling' over Russia to the point of unhealthy obsession
Wildfire seasons burns up America so bad, he seeks cuddling with Russia's cold, cold body
WWII Land-Lease Program, snarkiness and UST
Tag team butt-kicking thugs that tried to mug them in their romantic evening walk
America accidentally lassos Russia, Russia lassos him back with his scarf later that night
Gun kink, Russia licking the barrel of America's gun pointing at him
Russia/Poland/America, powerplay kink
Uncomfortable snow sexing
AU, Russia has select few number of months to live
Mutual comfort after crying together
Voyeur!Hungary getting off on kinky violent RusAme sex
Body switch
Russia finds himself way over his head dealing with an insane!America
America takes it too far which results to Russia heavily crying, so he tries to make up for it
Having sex with a full bladder
Mpreg, Holiday fluff
Russia/America/China, Russia feeling possessive to his two ex-lovers
AU, Non-Immortal nations break free from their "prison" & meet each other

[ TOP]
Crack Russo-Japanese War negotiation, America takes them to a safari to calm down
Prison AU, Petty crook!America meets a cast of convicts, like Russia as T-Bag
Russia manipulates America into becoming as dark, twisted and cruel as he is
America being the dominating-as-all-hell partner and Russia being the uke to end all ukes
Bilingual!America starts cussing Russia out in perfect Spanish during a love spat
America taking a European nation on a roadtrip all across America (Russia as option)
Sick!Russia not very happy of being taken care of by America
Matchmaker Alaska- trying to get his parents together
The other side of Cold War paranoia
Voodoo!America torturing Russia
Tegami Bachi Crossover, Lag!America and Gauche!Russia
The Wallflower Crossover, Sunako!Russia and Kyohei!America
Cold War Unicorns play set
Plans to stop an asteroid from crashing to Earth
Chubby!America/chubby!Russia, Russia being dub-con'd
Russia peeks into sleeping America's iPod music list- all Russia-related songs
They don't call him the Motherland for nothing (Option for America as the daddy)
Tenacious D style, Wonder Boy!America & Young Nasty Man!Russia
Hero Russia
Russia saying it to America in bed: "Unlike the stock market, I never crash at my peak."
America goes communist along with Russia
America gives Russia a handjob, under the table, at a world meeting
Russia/America/Poland, Lots of humor, snark & banter
Primitive, bestial sex (Option is RusAme)
Abusive RusAme, Onesided UKUS, America still loves and defends Russia
The Truman Show, world scale "reality show"
America explaining the term "Caucasian" to Russia, who is thinking of the Caucasus region
Russia watching and forcing America to touch himself while instructing him
The "Kitchen Debate"
Russia has secret: he loves to cuddle.
You and your silly cartoons, America (Option can be Russia)
The Battle for Alaska
Anastasia/Anna Anderson controversy
They finally patched up... and turned into the most repulsively adorable couple in the universe
Mpreg or genderbend, Postpartum depression after a miscarriage
Russia's heart fell out and America keeps it to have him stay in his house for a month
Onesided Japan + England -> America, but he only cares about Russia
Russia challenges America to a 'friendly' game of chess during a meeting recess
China/America/Russia, forming a threesome to benefit each other
America on Russia's lap spread wide in front of a mirror, fingering him
Russia realizes his aggressiveness won't win affections, tries romance... and fails epically
Crack, America working like a slave to Mickey Mouse, w/ Russia & England as his rescuer
America has a kink for cold
Nations spread the news that "America doesn't hate Russia as much" into "He LOVES Russia"
AmeRus - bondage, orgasm denial and begging
Cold War genderbending
America goes batshit insane if given a chainsaw... and that's how Russia falls in love, crack
Unintentionally Scary Trio- Russia, Sweden, & Germany (RusAme + other pairings)
International misunderstandings/overreactions over their relatively innocent conversation
America and Russia change bodies in the middle of the Cold War
Inviting each other to see Plushenko's & Weir's performances
Human AU, America offers his services to Russia to work off his father's debt

[ TOP]
Private Investigator AU, Bonus calls for established RusAme + England
Kinky asphyxiaiton reveales secret behind Cold War "hate"
America finds tracking devices in his belongings
High School/College AU, Russia as an outcast (bonus asks for eventual RusAme)
Russia finds out America is a virgin who thinks sex should be saved for marriage
America sents Mochimerica to spy on Russia, results on Mochimerica/Russia
Russia loves America's eyes a bit too much, eye licking/removal
America drags a nation for an Anti-Valentine celebration (Bonus calls for RusAme)
Russia asks America if he wants to see his "rocket"
Reverse fic, America kidnaps/rapes Russia
Taking a ride on the Trans-Soberian Railway
Nations cockblocking RusAme because of their loud and violent rowdy sex
Russia/America/England, Abduction and Orgasm Denial
Olympic Athletes AU, snowboarder!America and figure skater!Russia
Russia is bitter over America's popularity
America confronts Russia on his resemblance to Plushenko
Plushenko/Lysacek with embarassed/shocked America & Russia
Fairytale AU, America in Jack and the Beanstalk (bonus asks for RusAme)
Human AU, America & Canada tries to stop the Apocalypse with renegade angel!Russia
Historical AU, Capitalist!Russia & Communist!America
State-tans versus Russia in established RusAme
America/Russia/England, Presentation of the Sword of Stalingrad
Established RusAme, America helps still shy/in denial Russia
Nations decide to take vacation during spring break, pairing leans to RusAme
Human AU, medical drama
America/Russia/Japan, threesome in figure skating winning order
Nations going against an oppressive nation (bonus calls for Resistance!RusAme)
AU 1812, America captured by imperialistic!England (Russia listed as possible rescuer)
Switched up, America invades/conquers Russia
Jealous!Russia talks to America about his Red Dawn remake
Surprise visitor comforts Russia after General Winter (RusAme listed as pairing option)
Winter Olympic figure skating brawl leds to rough (but consensual) sex
Weir gives advice America advise on how to attract Russia
Russia accidentally walks in on his two previous lovers-- China and America
America unknowingly courts Russia with even-numbered flowers
America helps ghost!Anastasia talk to Russia before moving on
Cuddly, cute love results from living together and rehabilitation of Russia

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