Mass Effect Kink Meme: 3rd People's Choice Awards

Feb 18, 2013 13:04


Thanks to everyone who voted for and nominated stories, and congratulations to all our winners!

Full list of nominees and winners beneath the cut:

Best Het Story (non FemShep/Garrus)

- FIRST PRIZE: The Care and Feeding of Spectres, FemShep/turian
- SECOND PRIZE: In Command, Garrus/Miranda

And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead, FemShep/Thane
Dream A Little Dream, FemShep/Sparatus
Fragile, FemShep/Mordin
Hide, FemShep/Sparatus
I Don't Whine, Wrex/Aria
Jimmy Vega's Illustrious Stripping Career, FemShep/Vega
Medicine Man, Ashley/Garrus
The Miller's Daughter, Charr/Ereba
A Night Off, FemShep/Zaeed
One Night With the Commander, FemShep/turian
Romance and Guns, turian/human
The Six Times Kal'Reegar Solved Tali'Zorah's Problems and the One Time He Couldn't, Tali/Kal'Reegar
Steer Me, FemShep/Hackett
Synchronicity Sunrise, Shala'raan/geth
Transitions, FemShep/Saren
Transmission, Legion/Samara
The Translation in Blood, Hannah Shepard/Sparatus

Best Het Story (FemShep/Garrus)

- FIRST PRIZE: Post Blue, Femshep/Garrus
- SECOND PRIZE: Well. Fuck., FemShep/Garrus

After Dark, FemShep/Garrus
After Dark II, FemShep/Garrus
All The King's Horses, All The King's Men, FemShep/Garrus
Always, FemShep/Garrus
Angel's Chorus, FemShep/Garrus
Bath, FemShep/Garrus
Beating Like a Hammer, FemShep/Garrus
Can I Keep Him?, FemShep/Garrus
Carpe Diem, FemShep/Garrus
Come Home, FemShep/Garrus
Consequences, FemShep/Garrus
A Day at the Races, FemShep/Garrus
Earth Angel, FemShep/Garrus
Eggcelent, FemShep/Garrus
Enemy Territory, FemShep/Garrus
Entropy, FemShep/Garrus
Every One That Asketh, FemShep/Garrus
False Dichotomy, FemShep/Garrus
Feral, FemShep/Garrus
The Final Frontier, FemShep/Garrus
Galaxy's Oldest Profession, FemShep/Garrus
Jaws that Bite, Claws that Catch, FemShep/Garrus
Life Always Finds a Way, FemShep/Garrus
Marked, FemShep/Garrus
Memento, FemShep/Garrus
A Night to Remember, FemShep/Garrus
An Olive Branch, FemShep/Garrus
Paint, FemShep/Garrus
Playdate, FemShep/Garrus
The Shepard Code, FemShep/Garrus
Slapstick, FemShep/Garrus
Unknown Side Effect, FemShep/Garrus
When the Lines Get Blurry, FemShep/Garrus

Best Slash Story

- FIRST PRIZE: A Helping Hand, ManShep/Kaidan/Vega/Cortez
- SECOND PRIZE: Points System, ManShep/Garrus

Equilibrium, Sparatus/Udina
I'm Watching You, Nihlus/Saren

Best Femslash Story

- FIRST PRIZE: Match Made in Purgatory, Aria/Tevos
- SECOND PRIZE: All You Have to Do, FemShep/Liara

And An Agreement, FemShep/Liara
Blood Runs Red, FemShep/Liara
Conflict of Interest, Aria/Tevos
Cracks, FemShep/Liara
Cry Baby Redux, FemShep/Liara
The Emathiapania (The Motherhood of Pania), asari
The Fair Lady's Predicament, FemShep/Liara
Fair Warning, FemShep/Liara
Fast Times at Citadel High, FemShep/Liara
A Few Personal Favours, Tela Vasir/Tevos
Heat, FemShep/Liara
Just For a Moment, FemShep/Liara
Lessons in Humility, FemShep/Morinth
Limited Space, Allers/Traynor
Only Human, FemShep/Liara
She Has Your Eyes, FemShep/Liara
An Unexpected Visit, Aethyta/Benezia
untitled fantasy AU, FemShep/Liara

Best Threesome/Moresome Story

- FIRST PRIZE: Worst Case Scenario, FemShep/Nihlus/Saren
- SECOND PRIZE: Perfect Specimen, ManShep/Garrus/Miranda

Corrupted, ManShep/Jack/Tali
Hail to the Queen, FemShep/various
It Tolls For Thee, FemShep/Garrus/Victus
The List, FemShep/Garrus/turians
Not All Humans, FemShep/Garrus/turian
Royal Flush, MShep/Kaidan/Garrus/Vega/Cortez
Service to the Primarch, FemShep/Garrus/Victus
Symbiosis, FemShep/Garrus/Thane

Best Non-Sexual/Non-Romance Story

- FIRST PRIZE: The Bitter Angel, FemShep
- SECOND PRIZE: That Which Was Lost, Benezia

Across the Desert, Across the Sea, FemShep + Saren
Better than the Tank, FemShep + Grunt
Drunk Saturdays, Miranda + Aethyta + Aria + Traynor
A Few Personal Favours, Aria/Tevos
Final Courtesy, FemShep
High Speed Dirt, MShep
Ima, Jack + Samara
Inkblots, FemShep + Kelly
Lessons in Humility, FemShep + Samara
Lo! A Light Here Shines, ManShep + Thane
Oblivious, Garrus
New Game, FemShep
Radio Chatter
The Shepard, FemShep
Stars, Reaper
We Face Our Enemy Together, FemShep + Harbinger
Wild Roses of Tuchanka, Charr/Ereba
untitled, Miranda + Oriana

Best Humor Story

- FIRST PRIZE (TIE): In Command, Garrus/Miranda, and Well. Fuck., FemShep/Garrus
- SECOND PRIZE: Inkblots, FemShep + Kelly

Angel's Chorus, FemShep/Garrus
A Bro In Need, Vega/turian
Cracks, FemShep/Liara
A Day at the Races, FemShep/Garrus
Dextros' First Christmas, FemShep + Garrus + Tali
Drunk Saturdays, Miranda + Aethyta + Aria + Traynor
Fast Times at Citadel High, FemShep/Liara
Fun Times With Run Times, Legion/Tali
God, Why Do I Have These Thoughts, FemShep/Garrus
Hail to the Queen, FemShep/various
High Speed Dirt, MShep
I Hate Slashfics!
If None of This is Real..., FemShep/Liara
It's Not My Fault!, Ashley + Liara + Vega
I Don't Whine, Wrex/Aria
Jimmy Vega's Illustrious Stripping Career, FemShep/Vega
The Joys of Expecting, or, The Sufferings of Kaidan Alenko, FemShep/Garrus + Kaidan
Literal is Best, reaper/Earth
Make One Reaper Weep, Make Another Reaper Sing, Tali/reaper
A Night to Remember, FemShep/Garrus
Oblivious, Garrus
On Anatomy and Spirituality, FemShep/Garrus
Pornographic Epiphany, FemShep/Garrus
Regret, Jack/Udina
Shepard's New Fish, FemShep + hanar
Shotgun as a Verb, FemShep/Garrus
Slapstick, FemShep/Garrus
Sleeping Beauty, FemShep/Garrus
Taligrams, Tali
That Jazz, FemShep/Garrus
Turi-Nantaimori, FemShep/Garrus
Unsuited, Saren
Velocity, velociraptor

Most Emotionally Touching Story

- FIRST PRIZE: Variations on a Theme, With Tank and Gunfire, FemShep/Garrus
- SECOND PRIZE: All The King's Horses, All The King's Men, FemShep/Garrus

Across the Desert, Across the Sea, FemShep + Saren
After Dark, FemShep/Garrus
After Dark II, FemShep/Garrus
An Argument, A Seperation, FemShep/Liara
Bath, FemShep/Garrus
Better Together, Liara + Hannah Shepard
The Bitter Angel, FemShep
brokerreport939.omni, FemShep/Garrus
The Chronicle of the Normandy, FemShep/Garrus
Clandestine, FemShep
Come Home, FemShep/Garrus
Cry, Baby, Cry, FemShep/Liara
Cry Baby Redux, FemShep/Liara
Entropy, FemShep/Garrus
False Dichotomy, FemShep/Garrus
Final Courtesy, FemShep
The Flaws of Great Men, ManShep/Ashley
Forgive Me, FemShep/Garrus
Hatching, Wrex/Bakara
Home, ManShep/Kaidan
Ima, Jack + Samara
I'm Watching You, Nihlus/Saren
Jack, Cupid's Evil Big Sister, Jack + Jacob/Kasumi
Lessons in Humility, FemShep/Morinth
Nestling, FemShep/Garrus
New Game, FemShep
Only Skin, FemShep/Kaidan + FemShep/Garrus
Paint, FemShep/Garrus
Running Barefoot Into Night, ManShep/Vega
The Shepard Code, FemShep/Garrus
Soft, FemShep/Garrus
Stability, Jacob/Miranda
Synchronicity Sunrise, Shala'raan/geth
That Which Was Lost, Benezia
Transitions, FemShep/Saren
The Translation in Blood, Hannah Shepard/Sparatus
Transmission, Legion/Samara
Unknown Side Effect, FemShep/Garrus
Valley of Dying Stars, FemShep/Garrus
Videotape, FemShep/Garrus
When the Lines Get Blurry, FemShep/Garrus
With Eyes Wide Closed, turian

Best Alternate Universe Story

- FIRST PRIZE: Variations on a Theme, With Tank and Gunfire, FemShep/Garrus
- SECOND PRIZE: That Which Was Lost, Benezia

After Dark, FemShep/Garrus
After Dark II, FemShep/Garrus
And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead, FemShep/Thane
Ballad of the Pirate of Terminus, ManShep
Blood Runs Red, FemShep/Liara
Can I Keep Him?, FemShep/Garrus
Clandestine, FemShep
Cry Baby Redux, FemShep/Liara
Earth Angel, FemShep/Garrus
Enemy Territory, FemShep/Garrus
The Fair Lady's Predicament, FemShep/Liara
Fast Times at Citadel High, FemShep/Liara
The Final Frontier, FemShep/Garrus
Galaxy's Oldest Profession, FemShep/Garrus
Hail to the Queen, FemShep/various
Jimmy Vega's Illustrious Stripping Career, FemShep/Vega
An Olive Branch, FemShep/Garrus
Razor, Ashley/Saren
The Shepard, FemShep
Sleeping Beauty, FemShep/Garrus
When the Lines Get Blurry, FemShep/Garrus
Wild Roses of Tuchanka, Charr/Ereba
Worst Case Scenario, FemShep/Nihlus/Saren
untitled fantasy AU, FemShep/Liara
untitled Mass Effect 1 AU, Nihlus/Saren

Best Story Without Shepard as a Main Character

- FIRST PRIZE (TIE): Black and White, Garrus/Samara, and The Translation in Blood, Hannah Shepard/Sparatus
- SECOND PRIZE: Conflict of Interest, Aria/Tevos

Drunk Saturdays, Miranda + Aethyta + Aria + Traynor
Equilibrium, Sparatus/Udina
A Few Personal Favours, Aria/Tevos
The Gift, Falere/Kolyat
Happy Mother's-Day-of-Reckoning, Grunt
Hatching, Wrex/Bakara
Ima, Jack + Samara
I'm Watching You, Nihlus/Saren
In Command, Garrus/Miranda
It's Not My Fault!, Ashley + Liara + Vega
Journal of the Plague Days, human/turian
Limited Space, Allers/Traynor
Medicine Man, Ashley/Garrus
Oblivious, Garrus
Romance and Guns, turian/human
Stolen Life, Javik
Synchronicity Sunrise, Shala'raan/geth
That Which Was Lost, Benezia
With Eyes Wide Closed, turian

Best Prompt (Filled or Unfilled)

- FIRST PRIZE: FemShep considered herself lesbian until Male!Alien LI
- SECOND PRIZE: Asari mythology

Hatching, Wrex/Bakara
MShep/Garrus, post destroy ending
Normandy Graffiti
Matchmaker Jack!
Garrus/F!Shep AU: The Galaxy's oldest profession
F!Shep/Garrus facepaint and commitments
FemShep/Liara baby post ME2
Shepard in real life + crew reactions
Udina is Ashley's Father
Jack and Samara, mentor/ mother-daughter relationship
Pre-Prothean Asari

Best Minifill/Drabble

- FIRST PRIZE: brokerreport939.omni, FemShep/Garrus
- SECOND PRIZE: Cry, Baby, Cry, FemShep/Liara

Circean Poison, Kalros/reaper
I Don't Whine, Wrex/Aria
The Man for the Job, Doctor Who crossover
Mighty Man Noodle
The Miller's Daughter, Charr/Ereba
Mouthful, FemShep/Garrus
No Twilight Mother, Her
Season of Mists, FemShep/Ashley
Shepard is a Size Queen, FemShep/Garrus
Stability, Jacob/Miranda
We Face Our Enemy Together, FemShep + Harbinger
Wild Roses of Tuchanka, Charr/Ereba
untitled, Garrus + Shepard's daughter
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