All the interaction since forever, HERE WE GO. (ENTER ALL THE EMBARRASSING EARLY TAGS YAY)
Lash is Poddropped PODDROP MEETING
Lash meets Komali, they totally get it off as friends (nope) Lash meets Kang, he thinks he looks badass Lash Talks with Kirk, and offers her services (not that way) Lash thinks living here is the BEST THING EVER. Lash and Master Chief have the best impression of each other (hint: she makes a fool of herself) And quickly Lash gets nervous. But Mai is there! Lash talks with Komali about crying. Lash meets with Samus for the first time.
Lash marvels at planes with Mara Jade. Lash gets high as a kite with a few other people. First time she meets future teammate Kate.
Lash tells Sokka that boomerangs are primitive things. Lash talks with Mai some more as I realize I failed a lot of my early tags, sob! POD DROP #2, POD HARDER
Lash Interacts with the 2nd Doctor Holy crap how did I forget this.
Lash meets Joey, he has some nice sideburns.
Lash meets Tony Stark and talks about pointless things while Tony thinks she is nuts. Somehow Lash used to be part of the crewship, it is probably best she isn't anymore.
Lash has a nightmare. Lash yells out and her and Dustin Talk Oh shiiiiiit Aang is nuts but Ben 10 is there to save the day
Lash hates medbays. But she does meet Matt!
Samus repairs her armor, Lash is there Holy crap, real food just like Matt said! Druken Dragon SUPER PARTY!!!
Goddamn Lash, why are you homesick.
Lash meets her match in Issac. Lash gives Rhiow back stratches and SHE TALKS Hey Luis do you want to give me a medical this is totally the best place to talk with you about this.
Lash finds an open campfire and everyone eats around it. MEET AND GREET #3
Lash fucking loves dragons HELLO CELENA Lash meets Bones Lash chases after alien cats and almost keeps one. First time meeting with Billy!
Lash learns what happened to her homeworld.
Lash wonders what the Ohm one during a briefing led by Brother Cargn Thane and Aang So who did build the ship? MYSTERY.
Lash meets someone green. First time she meets up with Beastboy!
Thrall you are like Hawke if Hawke looked like you. Tsuntsun for you forever. John Connor and Lash totally get along (no) Because he stole all the weapons. Vader you remind Lash of Von Bolt eargat Vader is scared of Lash at first. Oddly fitting.
Young Kirk, you certainly are special. Lash joins Rouge Squadron. [
2] [
Lash meets Arha, she's pretty cool! Lash thinks Vader is Sturm because I am a terrible person. Also refuses to join the dark side, pfft.
Lash tries to relax. And fails. Lash is part of the team that answers the call for help regarding technological people. The reactor First time Lash meets the Ohm. First time she activates her CO powers on others. First time she sees Billy in his Ranger Suit First time she sees 10th and the Sonic screwdriver
Rouge Squadron Training
100 Meter Dash with Kira |
Overhead Bars |
Balance Beams |
Low Crawl Lash tsuntsuns at Thrawn again Lash interrupts Beastboy's quiet thoughts about not!girlfriends MEET AND GREET #5
Lash thinks Riddick is hot shit. Hi Cowbunga!
Hello my name is Lash What the hell you guys swim in pools? Kawalsky is Shiva, oh shiiiii Arc
I am going to punch you asshole. Lash disarms a bomb Lash meets Alex for the first time! Lash bursts in on Outsiders Movie Night Lash meets Big Zero and they get along really we--okay no (CONTAINS UNSAFE LANGUAGE)
Lash meets Woody and proposes magical lassos Talking to Billy about her history and pre-prophetic ranger talk Lash is a Power Ranger, the world trembles. HALLOWEEN PARTY!!!
What the hell are you making me wear. Party on with the team. Lash what are you wearing. JAMIE what are you wearing.
Booping for apples you mean free food right. By our powers combined, we form the thunderzord! Alliance Plot
Lash is ready to kick some Node Ass Lash is totally not lonely and homesick you guys, shut up. First time meeting Hit Girl, talking with Renne, Billy, Jamie and Beastboy, Meeting Travos & Orphelia!
TEAM BUILDING LOGIC = Cook turkeys as a team. THANKS RON.
Is that a glorified outhouse? First time meeting 11th
Marriage Plot!
Yay this seems cool! Hello Ronnae I have never met you before Ps I NEED A MAN WHAT DO First time seeing Billy and Ronnae
Welp, here's the victim Now to drag him off. First Ritual! Look I am totally cool. Okay now let's get married or something No we aren't going to do it sorry Finally, a mission! First time meeting Zetta in passing
Free Ice Cream! Thanks Alex! Lash tries not to wake up Billy and Fails Lash and Kaylee talk! Sadly, not about dick city.
Outsider Training
Lash barges in Lash finally meets Zetta. Overall impression; Pfffft. Lash looks at dumb statues with Zetta. Lash trips near Kate Katara is repodded and Lash tries to make Beastboy feel better Lash meets Appa Lash talks with Hit Girl in zee hospital! ZETTA IS A REAL BOY!! the sensoriums. Lash talks with Ronnae and tries not to be jealous. You know, despite the fact that Ronnae is the bed sick and not Lash. MEET AND GREET #6
Katara was actually Kaya! WHAT A SCOOP Lash doesn't quite get it.. Lord Zedd arrives! First time meeting him. Lash impression: LOL
Then Billy attacks. OH OKAY.
More girl talk with Samus! Lash talks with Zedd and has a meaningful conversation with him. No. Really.
Lash is nearly naked with two guys in a bathhouse. Somehow this stays family friendly and is actually plot advancing! Lash talks with Zetta and Prinnys explode. Lash is stuck in a maze. First time meeting Midna
Yay shore leave! No, my memories are not for sale gdit. The most important part of this plot, Ranger Underwear Shopping Candy Shopping with Jamie Beastboy what is Monster and Mazes Zetta you're a real boy!...outside of the sensoriums. What. Lash brings coffee beans for Billy FUCK YEAH SPACE BATTLE
Fuck yeah forming the megazord Fuck yeah fighting action and saving dumb Lord Zedd Fuck yeah all sick after the battle...wait that's not fuck yeah. TIME DRAGONS
Lash deages and turns evil again Now featuring kicking Ron in the nuts, fightng Billy, apparently normal talk with Zetta, making Ronnae's life hell, throwing Beastboy into a dumpster and not able to attack Jamie
In which a more evil Lash wishes she could get Hawke out of the pods Zetta are you seriously trying to flirt with me? Lash talks with a Jamie who also is affected by the clock. How many Lashes does it take to restore lights to a stadium? Sleepover! Lash speaks with Azula and never once asks for her name Lash help trains future Overlords and sits on laps and has popcorn
Lash helps making a floating car it will for-real fly!
Guitar playing! She only does it because of the giant Tesla Coils okay?
Lash helps out with set design A very young Lash likes to trick people as if it was April Fools.
And then she watches some video games.
The return of time. Oh no what to do about all these feelings...
Talking with Zetta. That was easy!
In which the entire team is deployed In which Lash also makes her grand entrance as a brainwashed mad scientist! ...wait how is this different than normal?
And then later, at the LAIR A Dr. Lady Deathtruction NEUTRO™ is unpleased. Strapping young women to giant death rays. No really, how is this different than normal?
The ray of death! Lash talks to Leon and gets a post and a job.
Lash tries to comfort Kaya about her loss.
Lash organizes a huge party on the beach!
Helping out Alastirra. Lash what are you doing helping girls in love.
Clone plot briefing!
Visiting some fine monuments oooh fountains!