The APH Kink Baltic States Index: Filled Lithuania Prompts Index
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*Last Updated: December 07, 2010
Please note: The Text version of the Baltic States Index is no longer updated. There is now an up-to-date index on Delicious
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Filled Lithuania Prompts
*Jul 26 08
How the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth came to be*Sep 08 08
Sex in a rye field*Sep 08 08
Poland/Genderswapped!Lithuania [Art fill(s)]
*Sep 14 08
First time meeting each other in a ballroom party, with sex afterward*Sep 30 08
Comfort sex; flashbacks to Russia/Lithuania non-con*Oct 17 08
Playing with food in the kitchen*Oct 20 08
Friendshippy kidfic during medieval period*Oct 23 08
Txt msg sex during a meeting*Oct 23 08
Deathfic*Oct 23 08
Bubble bath, silly fluff*Oct 25 08
Getting Lithuania to crossdress; blowjob*Oct 29 08
Poland drags Lithuania to a sex shop*Nov 12 08
Poland's independence day*Nov 24 08
Assassin/Mafia AU*Nov 30 08
Pollack jokes*Dec 02 08
Polish ultimatum; Poland makes Lithuania cry, then tops*Dec 12 08
Secret correspondence during Soviet oppression*Dec 25 08
Stalin World; Poland decides to take care of the 'problem'*Dec 27 08
Five times Poland realized he was in love with Lithuania*Dec 28 08
After Russia tells Poland some of the awful things he did to Lithuania, Poland resolves to give Lithuania some gentle comfort sex*Dec 30 08
Lithuania's different smiles*Dec 31 08
Poland/Lithuania; Liet in drag; vibrating panties*Dec 31 08
Fluff on a swing set [Incomplete]
*Jan 05 09
First time*Jan 06 09
Lithuania is a masochist; Poland tries to dominate him, but fails*Jan 08 09
Lithuania and Poland as the Ambiguously Gay Duo*Jan 09 09
After years with Russia, Lithuania adjusted to him; so, back with Poland, it isn't good enough*Jan 11 09
Pillow fight at a sleepover [1 fic fill, 1 art fill]
*Jan 13 09
In Russia's bed; Russia does NOT turn up*Jan 13 09
Dancing polonaise*Jan 15 09
Five times Lithuania realized he was in love with Poland*Jan 17 09
Sock puppets*Jan 21 09
First few days/weeks of the union*Jan 24 09
Poland drunk-dials Lithuania and initiates phone sex*Feb 02 09
Poland tops from the bottom [art fill]
*Feb 05 09
Lithuania in a maid dress [1 art fill, 1 fic fill]
*Feb 08 09
Vilnius conflict; Lithuania trying to defend his capital*Feb 08 09
Five fairy tales Lithuania and Poland found themselves in*Feb 17 09
Making up and getting back together*Feb 22 09
Hurt/Comfort*Mar 09 09
Lithuania/Fem!Poland; just plain smut*Mar 09 09
Karpinski and crack; response to poetry as seduction prompt*Mar 12 09
Lithuania discovers Poland's WWII scars [2 fills]
*Mar 16 09
The people of Poland find out the personification of their country is... well... Poland*Mar 16 09
Poland goes to rescue Liet, riding on Wojtek the Bear Soldier [ART FILL]
*Mar 19 09
Consensual hatesex*Mar 20 09
Genderswitch girlsex, voyeur*Mar 24 09
Five times Poland cheated on Lithuania*Mar 31 09
Waking up human [it's partway down the page]
*Mar 22 09
Lithuania likes Poland, but his body needs Russia*Mar 28 09
Grass, apples and fluff*Apr 15 09
Poland in a skirt topping the hell out of Lithuania*Apr 15 09
Realistic first time*Apr 23 09
Poland's crossdressing is his way of getting Lithuania's attention, so that Lithuania will love him back.*May 23 09
Lithuania and Poland send love letters*May 29 09
Poland/Lithuania, catholic guilt, sex in a church*Jun 11 09
Sickfic, Poland takes care of ill, bedridden Lithuania*Jun 17 09
Wishing on a star*Jun 24 09
Uber-girly Poland topping the hell outof Lithuania*Jun 24 09
Lithuania and Poland in the rain*Jun 26 09
Yandere!Lithuania returns from Russia, brainwashed into thinking one must break a person before they have the chance to leave.*Jul 14 09
"Just... take it easy, okay?" Poland is a bit too enthusiastic about certain ideas.*Jul 22 09
Poland in a skirt at a world meeting; everyone flirts with him, Lithuania gets protective.*Jul 27 09
First time; size kink. Lithuania worried it won't fit.*Aug 04 09
Mpreg; Poland can't fit into his clothes due to being nine months pregnant*Aug 08 09
Young Toris thought Feliks was a girl; when he is older, discovers the truth. (Human AU)*Aug 10 09
Five times they said "I love you"*Aug 17 09
Star-crossed lovers; Lithuania and Poland continue to see each other despite disagreements between their countries (down the page)
*Aug 31 09
Sex in a changing room*Sep 08 09
High school AU; Feliks plays matchmaker, while Toris is the voice of reason*Sep 17 09
Lithuania think Poland drinks too much; Poland apologizes... in his own way *Sep 26 09
Poland/Prussia/Lithuania, post-USSR. Poland and Lithuania take out old greviances on not-entirely consenting Prussia.*Sep 30 09
Lithuania/Poland and Sweden/Finland, wife swap*Oct 02 09
Lithuania has a late realization that he loves Poland*Oct 06 09
Part of slutty nations series; crossdressing kink, sexkitten Poland, PWP*Oct 14 09
Their first days when Lithuania returns to Poland after being with Russia.*Oct 27 09
FemLithuania/FemPoland; having sex with Russia's scarf, with Russia sleeping next to them*Nov 05 09
Poland, Lithuania's scars, and angst.*Nov 06 09
Lithuania taking care of Poland and being protective of him*Nov 23 09
Lithuania is ganged up on by Poland and his female counterpart; smut results*Nov 29 09
Poland's relationship with Hungary from Lithuania's perspective; references to past Poland/Lithuania*Dec 02 09
After punishment from Russia, Lithuania cracks and takes it out on Poland. Dubcon, Poland eventually enjoys it*Dec 30 09
Lithuania acting manly and dominant; set during the 15th century*Dec 30 09
Sixty-nine [art fill]
*Jan 03 10
Lithuania spanking Poland [Art fill]
*Jan 14 10
Lithuania/Poland, singing during sex. Crack.*Jan 18 10
Lithuania and Poland and their cities; Wilno as a separate entity from Vilnius*Jan 18 10
Poland finds his bedroom relationship with Lithuania a little boring, so he decides to spice it up a bit*Jan 24 10
What Lithuania and Poland would do if they were humans*Feb 01 10
While living with Russia, Lithuania masturbates while thinking about sex with Poland. Angst.*Feb 07 10
Lit/Pol; Poland is strong and courageous, not weak and girly.*Feb 10 10
Based on Lithuanian folklore; Lithuania comparing himself to Moon, with Poland as Sun*Feb 25 10
During his time with Russia, Lithuania developed a bondage kink; Poland finds out, and shows him it's okay.*Feb 28 10
Girl Poland/Lithuania, dealing with pregnancy*Mar 01 10
Princess Bride crossover with Lithuania as Wesley and Poland as Buttercup*Mar 01 10
Poland vents to his girlfriends that Liet doesn't notice him; they try to help him to get Lithuania to notice him.*Mar 07 10
Pagan!Lithuania and Catholic!Poland; religious differences on the first date*Mar 15 10
Poland gets a new best friend to make Lithuania jealous.*Mar 20 10
Lithuania reverts back to his kickass medieval self; confusion results.*Mar 26 10
Laughing after sex*Mar 28 10
Lithuania gets turned into a girl; Poland dresses her up*Mar 29 10
Lithuania/FemPoland, dealing with pregnancy (Second fill)
*Apr 02 10
Poland sees Lithuania in an apron and thinks it's hot; Lithuania tops, still wearing the apron.*Apr 04 10
Poland dresses like Belarus to seduce Lithuania*Apr 18 10
Poland wants Lithuania to call him the "Sexy Polish Prince of Promiscuous Rodeo". Humour.*May 08 10
Lit/Pol; everyone at their all-boys school think Poland is a girl*May 14 10
Lit/Pol, bathtub sex [Art fill]
*May 15 10
Lithuania and Poland get drunk and sing karaeoke together*May 26 10
LitPol, shota, fluff and rye*May 28 10
One day Lithuania and Poland wake up as women. Result: Confident/sexy FemLiet and shy FemPoland*Jun 05 10
Lit/Pol proposal fluff. Cuteness a must.*Jun 13 10
Lithuania and Poland's human mpreg child, who doesn't know them, enters into politics (continued
*Jun 29 10
LitPol; spicing up the bedroom*Jun 29 10
LitPol; inspired by the song "At My Most Beautiful".*Jul 10 10
PolLit; when a nation dies, one of their people replaces them.*Jul 21 10
LitPol; Poland finds one of England's old books; starts speaking in old-fashioned English. He recites a sonnet to Lithuania, and the accent turns Liet on.*Jul 24 10
Lithuania catches Poland dancing to "Eastern European Funk"*Aug 03 10
Lit/Pol, first time with toys*Aug 08 10
LitPol, parenting; raising Latvia and Estonia together*Aug 09 10
PolLit; in a broom closet. Secret dirty meetings during the time Lithuania lives with Russia.*Aug 12 10
LitPol; panic attacks. Poland panics over things that remind him too much of the past.*Aug 20 10
Lithuania/Poland, kissing lessons*Aug 23 10
Lit/Pol; laughing and fluff*Sep 14 10
LitPol; Lithuania loves Poland, but Poland also makes Lit frustrated - so Tony brainwashes Poland*Sep 17 10
Lithuania/Poland, descriptive cuddling*Oct 23 10
Pol/Lit; "You are my sunshine"*Oct 24 10
Pol/Lit; Zeligowski's mutiny. Serious Poland; cruel, arrogant, and cold.*Nov 01 09
After Tannenberg*Nov 16 10
Lit/Pol; flipping out during sex*Dec 01 10
Pol/Lit; relationship snapshots of their everyday life Lithuania/Russia/Lithuania
*Jul 25 08
Psychological abuse a la Marathon Man*Aug 08 08
Lithuania/Russia; Lithuania is willing*Oct 19 08
Mpreg*Sep 06 08
Lithuania masturbates to the memory of Russia's beating*Oct 05 08
Showersex*Oct 13 08
Hardcore abuse; emotional, physical and mental suffering*Oct 24 08
Massive angst*Nov 11 08
Russia masturbating to the thought of Lithuania's fear*Dec 01 08
Russia forces Lithuania to top him*Dec 02 08
1905 rebellion; Lithuania tries to leave, not realizing Russia has cracked [2 fills]
*Dec 03 08
"This will hurt me more than it hurts you"*Dec 13 08
Sane!Russia walks in on Lithuania gardening and notices sunflowers in the greenhouse*Dec 16 08
Lithuania wants to do something nice for Russia to celebrate May Day, but Russia wants Lithuania [Comic]
*Dec 26 08
Russia sends Lithuania to Siberia*Dec 28 08
Licking Russia's boots*Dec 30 08
Oral and humiliation*Dec 31 08
Submission and humiliation followed by casual rape*Jan 01 09
Orgasm denial*Jan 03 09
While talking with Russia, America brings up his relationship with Lithuania; Russia later takes it out on Lithuania*Jan 04 09
Learned helplessness*Jan 04 09
Starvation*Jan 05 09
Lithuania dealing with a particularly bad episode of Russia's madness; Russia tells Lithuania he thinks there is something wrong with himself*Jan 08 09
Military superior/subordinate relationship; Russia humiliating and bullying Liet in front of Russian officers*Jan 16 09
Lithuania's economy collapses; he has to come to Russia for help*Jan 25 09
Russia turning communist and eschewing religion; Lithuania (and other Baltics) make a fuss*Jan 25 09
Russia gets Vilnius back from Poland and gives it to Lithuania; Lithuania is thankful and delusional*Feb 12 09
Russia realizes he truly loves Lithuania, and tries to make up for the things he did to him in the past*Mar 07 09
Lithuania threatens suicide; Russia reacts*Mar 18 09
After taking Lithuania back from America, Russia notices kiss marks, gets jealous/violent*Mar 15 09
Lithuania visits Russia in the mental hospital*Mar 20 09
Tattoos; carrying one's history*Mar 26 09
Lithuania remembers "past events" and has a solo show; US voyeur*Mar 31 09
Stockholm syndrome, parts 1-5; and
parts 6,
part 7*Apr 08 09
Hardcore S&M*Apr 16 09
Aphrodisiacs and birthday sexing*Apr 18 09
Russia/Lithuania; vodka and chocolate*May 21 09
Russia/Lithuania, breath play, not using the scarf*Jun 05 09
Lithuania finally defeats Russia*Jun 06 09
Forced penetration on Lithuania with a vodka bottle*Jun 17 09
Based on Entropa; Lithuania pees on Russia*Jun 20 09
Russia subtly but obsessively in love with Lithuania; based on a song*Jul 14 09
Lithuania tries to run away, but gets caught; instead of beating him, Russia teaches him to be thankful for what he has*Jul 20 09
Russia/Lithuania - stuffing*Jul 25 09
Would-be noncon, but Russia can't get it up*Aug 05 09
Russia/Lithuania, inspired by Pink's "Don't Leave Me"*Sep 04 09
Lithuania comforts Russia after the death of Catherine the Great*Sep 06 09
Lithuania/Russia, forced rimming*Sep 23 09
Russia/Lithuania, fall of the Soviet Union*Oct 07 09
Lithuania unintentionally makes Russia cry*Oct 26 09
Sadistic Russia; forcing Lithuania to masturbate in front of him before raping him*Oct 28 09
Russia doesn't allow Lithuania to attend world meetings, but brings him along as a secretary, and humiliates him in front of everyone*Nov 08 09
Lithuania realizes that Russia gets depressed and lonely around the holidays, so he invites him to a Christmas party. The other guests react badly.*Nov 11 09
Russia is in love with Lithuania, but it's one-sided; a third party finds Russia crying after Lithuania and Poland's wedding, and comforts him.*Dec 04 09
First time between Russia and Lithuania, both consensual and non-consensual.*Jan 12 10
Russia breaking down after Lithuania's independence; Lithuania feels guilty about it.*Jan 15 10
Russia is afraid of the dark; Lithuania finds out.*Mar 05 10
Lithuania and Russia, watersports; based on Entropa*Mar 07 10
AU; Ivan is the coach for Toris' high school basketball team. Ivan trying to hit on Toris, etc etc*Apr 06 10
Forced intoxication; Russia makes Lithuania get drunk, then takes advantage of him.*Apr 18 10
Rus/Lit, noncon from Russia's point of view*May 04 10
Russia/Lithuania, washing*May 12 10
Lithuania offers Russia sunflower seeds; Russia takes offense [art fill]
*May 16 10
Russia/Lithuania, songfic. Russia is just slightly screwed in the head.*May 23 10
AU; Russia has DID. One side of him is violent toward Lithuania, the other side is not.*May 24 10
RusLit, licking kink*Jun 06 10
RusLit; hurt/comfort, Russia taking care of vulnerable Lithuania*Jun 13 10
Russia wants Lithuania to teach him how to kiss*Jun 25 10
Rus/Lit; consensual rape fantasy*Jun 27 10
Rus/Lit AU; Ivan attempts suicide, and Toris saves him.*Jul 01 10
Russia nurses a sick Lithuania back to health*Jul 20 10
RusLit; they both get stranded somewhere, and the isolation results in protective Russia and adoring Lithuania*Jul 24 10
RusLit, gore; the song "Bleeding Love", taken literally. Stockholm syndrome etc.*Jun 24 10
FemRussia/FemLithuania; maid dress, bondage, orgasm denial, dub-con.*Aug 16 10
RusLit; farewell sex at the time Lithuania gains independence from Russia*Oct 10 10
Russia and Lithuania in a consensual, loving, sadomasochistic relationship.*Oct 13 10
RusLit; misunderstanding. Russia demonstrates affection toward him, and Lithuania is too scared to reject him.*Nov 04 10
Russia and Lithuania in a consensual sadomasochistic relationship (sequel to Oct 10th fill)*Nov 20 10
Rus/Lit; Russia is sick of losing at basketball to Lithuania*Nov 27 10
RusLit; breaking a tea set and resulting punishment Lithuania/America/Lithuania
*Aug 26 08
Smoking kink*Nov 18 08
Breath play*Dec 16 08
Religion; set during outsourcing*Jan 05 09
America/Lithuania; laughing - Part of laughing drabbles series*Jan 16 09
Lithuania/America, blowjob in the kitchen*Jan 17 09
America/Lithuania; used to life with Russia, Lithuania has forgotten what decent standards of living are like*Jan 30 09
Lithuania/America; thunderstorms [2 fills]
*Apr 14 09
Hurt/comfort; Lithuania passes out, America carries him to bed*May 08 09
America/Lithuania; first time together*Jul 15 09
America is turned into a child, and Lithuania has to take care of him.*Jul 31 09
America/Lithuania; sweetness*Aug 03 09
Post financial gangbang America being nursed back to health by Lithuania*Aug 15 09
Lithuania in a maid costume, begging for punishment*Oct 25 09
America teaches Lithuania the joys of consensual sex*Oct 31 09
Sickfic*Nov 06 09
America believes in MPreg*Nov 07 09
America taking care of Lithuania. "Be more careful next time, okay?"*Nov 11 09
Lithuania acting as a nanny for America's states during outsourcing*Nov 19 09
Backrubs and fluff*Nov 27 09
During outsourcing, America molesting Lithuania while he's trying to do house chores*Jan 06 10
America rescuing and taking care of Lithuania following the end of the Soviet Union*Feb 05 10
America/Lithuania, fluffy fanart [3 Art fills]
*Mar 14 10
Assuming America won't be able to support him much longer, Lithuania teaches him to cook before he has to leave.*Mar 16 10
America/Lithuania noncon*Mar 30 10
Lithuania/America, riding hard*Apr 09 10
America and Lithuania get drunk, then decide to force Russia to watch them have sex*Jun 01 10
America asks Liet to top him; light BDSM*Jul 08 10
Lithuania contemplates suicide; America stops him and comforts him.*Aug 01 10
FemAmerica/FemLithuania; just plain smut*Aug 02 10
Lithuania and America; America reads The Jungle and feels super guilty.*Nov 20 10
Lithuania, America, and an epic road trip before dying.*Nov 23 10
Amer/Lit; having become used to life with Russia, Lithuania has forgotten what decent living standards are like.*Nov 26 10
America/Lithuania; Lithuania as Cinderella Lithuania/Belarus/Lithuania
*Dec 15 08
Lithuania/Belarus; she looks back at him*Jan 24 09
Belarus/Lithuania; punishing him after discovering his relationship with Russia*Feb 26 09
Belarus/Lithuania; tightlacing [Art fill + 2 fic fill]
*Mar 17 09
Lithuania stalking Belarus stalking Russia*Mar 22 09
Litbel; Lithuania's short-lasting marriage to Belarus*May 31 09
Belarus/Lithuania; rape turns into sex, Lithuania finally tops [Poetry fill]
*Oct 27 09
America makes a pass at Belarus; Lithuania feels betrayed and they fight, resulting in Belarus being attracted to Lithuania.*Nov 10 09
Belarus/Lithuania; bending his cock.*Jan 27 10
Belarus' hate for Lithuania is her way of teasing; behind closed doors, they're an established couple.*Jan 28 10
Lithuania/Belarus, smut, blindfolds/gagging/vibrators*Mar 20 10
Lit/Bel, high school AU. Natalia is rejected by Ivan; Toris comforts her, and she accepts it.*Apr 26 10
Sane Belarus, thinking about Lithuania*Jun 02 10
Lit/Bel, Can I have yo numbah*Jun 06 10
Lit/Bel, date rape*Aug 14 10
Belarus/Lithuania; establishing a relationship, opening up to him Lithuania/Other/Lithuania
*Oct 25 08
Lithuania/Switzerland; Lithuania begs him to make an appeal to the world on his behalf*Dec 01 08
Lithuania/Vilnius; insecurity and comfort*Dec 05 08
Canada/Lithuania; fluff inspired by the song "Baker Baker" by Tori Amos*Dec 12 08
Russia catches Lithuania and Poland together, then forces Poland to watch Russia with Lithuania*Jan 17 09
Prussia/Lithuania; Prussia getting back at Liet for the humiliation at Grunwald*Jan 20 09
Lithuania and Marko Ramius, based on Hunt For Red October*Feb 13 09
Russia and unwilling Lithuania gang up on America*Mar 09 09
Kegadoru/bandages [Art fill]
*Mar 20 09
China/Lithuania, martial arts*Apr 03 09
America and Poland comfort Lithuania*Apr 21 09
Lithuania tells America that Russia has been depressed; America solves the problem by taking them to Kansas*May 08 09
China/Lithuania; martial arts (second fill for
this prompt)
*May 21 09
Russia/Lithuania bondage and rape, first time, with Poland forced to watch it*May 23 09
Lithuania/Ukraine; Ukraine comforts Lithuania after he is turned down by Belarus*Jul 09 09
England/Lithuania/America; incestuous taboo prevents England and America from touching each other; Lithuania is included as so-between *Aug 06 09
Canada/Lithuania; fluff*Aug 10 09
Canada and Lithuania compete for America's love, while America is oblivious; they resort to dirty techniques and sabotage against one another*Aug 16 09
Lithuania - Nations heling their people*Oct 23 09
Lithuania sexface meme (art fill)*Nov 13 09
Denmark/Lithuania/Greece, making it work (Artfill)
*Nov 23 09
Russia breaks up with Lithuania, who is heartbroken - but England, an unlikely friend, helps him get over Russia.*Nov 29 09
Canada/Lithuania; Lithuania is sexually frustrated, and Canada helps him take care of it.*Dec 05 09
Lithuania and Poland humiliate Russia during the Time of Troubles*Feb 05 10
Ten people who were fucked by Lithuania*Feb 10 10
Letter to the fandom from Lithuania*Mar 03 10
Lithuania and China, martial arts, non-smut*Mar 12 10
Lithuania meeting Badfic!Lithuanias*Mar 24 10
Prussia/Poland/Lithuania; consensual roleplaying, capture-and-dominance play.*Mar 29 10
Lithuania running in the rain*Apr 12 10
Lithuania; tattoos*May 11 10
Germany brainwashes Lithuania; the Final Solution*May 15 10
America/Belarus/Lithuania; they both like Belarus, so they team up to woo her, and somehow succeed. Love quadrilateral.*Jul 21 10
Lithuania/Cuba; response to rare pair challenge*Aug 23 10
Lithuania, platonic sleeping with citizens. Cuddling his people until they fall asleep.*Sep 07 10
Lithuania to Russia, "I love Poland more than I fear you"*Sep 09 10
Canada/Lithuania; during the Soviet period, Russia puts Lithuania up for sale. Bonus for the buyer being someone unexpected.*Sep 15 10
Lithuania; AU. Terminally ill Toris goes on an epic quest to get laid before dying.*Nov 02 10
US/Can/Pru/Liet; "Europeans last longer during sex than Americans"*Nov 07 10
Lithuania; human AU. The "nations" are actually humans pretending to be nations as therapy. For Main Table of Contents, go